Has there ever been a more hilarious failure of a gameplay channel?

Has there ever been a more hilarious failure of a gameplay channel?

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game grumps exists.
TBF's problems all came from matt, then later liam being an uber sjw autist. now that they have been excised, it's way way better.


is pat reading donations and playing with his cat for two hours and woolie's ESL crew really an improvement

well yeah, just skip past past reading donations, and ignore woolie's ESL crew. EZPZ

It's funny that they never reached a million subs.

The creatures? Cow chop?

they were one of the better examples of a gaming channel i think, and i think they sucked

is there seriously no channel where people are consistently competent at games and nobody is a retard?

Do you think maybe you’ve been listening to these guys for so long that you stopped caring they don’t produce good content and require the audience to ignore and edit half their content for them?

The appeal of SBFP was that they were retards who pushed a word where nobody has to work and you don’t have to be an adult

there's plenty
people aren't watching them for that though

i like civvie11 but that's about it


Chip and ironicus was on a smaller scale, but it hurt more for me since they were pretty entertaining. They went to shit right in like 2014 when chip started fucking voidburger and they just neutered all the funny out so no one would be offended.

remember the downcoming? the sadness quadrilogy? those were good times.

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the appeal to me was that generally they picked games that covered for their lack of comedic talent, but they were also halfway funny most of the time

whenever anyone starts talking about them being "hilarious" or "good" at anything they ever played, that's where the breakdown happens
if they'd consistently stuck to survival horror and PS2-era shit that everyone forgot was actually terrible, I think they could've stayed mid-size and they'd still be around

but trying to change shit up, doing theme months, randomly deciding they want to chase trends and play a big AAA topical game when it's new, never fully committing to selling out, and spinning too many plates led to the breakup

they couldn't even pull off the detroit LP
that was literally a home run set up for them and they couldn't commit to that, David Cage games were half the reason people liked their content and they fucked that up so bad they had to do a fucking second play through

It’s gotta be the creatures

The thing is being good at video games usually invokes sour grapes and it's much more amusing to watch people be shit at a game. You can go practice being good, but you can't really be as bad as "I can't pass the Cuphead tutorial despite onscreen to the letter instructions," the kind of person who literally couldn't pour water out of a boot with instructions on the heel.

And while a boot pouring speedrun would be neat once or twice, watching a retard constantly trying to figure out how he's gonna manage to get the water out of the boot while reading the instructions at the same time... that's views, baby.

i had been on a streak of not watching any of their shit for ages, but when detroit was coming out, i knew for a fucking fact i'd be watching them go through it. and then like two or three episodes in i dropped it. it just wasn't the same. i knew the magic was over if they couldn't even make a david cage game work.

>liam being an uber sjw autist
Back in 2BFP/SBFP days, I wonder if it was pure contrarianism, because listening to wollie and fuckface now I can't believe the cringe that is CSB.

except it wasn't ever "views"
They never escaped mid-tier despite being around for almost 10 years
their farewell video is the highest-viewed thing on their channel, and the only thing they ever accomplished was amassing a small subreddit's worth of people who'd defend them no matter how bad they fucked something up

They should've stopped at Omikron. Everything peaked right there.
>going in circles for about an episode looking for one guy's room
>Pat keeps asking to see the guide
>Woolie continuing to be cryptic in the name of spoilers
>the screaming match that takes place
>meanwhile Matt plays the part of the child of the arguing couple with statements like, "Guys look! I jumped!"

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When's Matt gonna do "Wha Happun? - Best Friends Play."

He won't. He should, but he never will do it.

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pat being totally in the right about that fucking screaming match in the cave is something I wish got brought up more often by them, because holy fuck they were about to throw fists.

I never understood why Woolie just didn't make his own Wha Happun show. Just call it something else.

I'm still confused why Woolie was being coy about the info. Did he want to recapture the Indigo Prophecy moment of sudden matrix moves?

>woolie talks about movies
>pretends he's this deep movie guy
>thinks refn has only made 3 films
>thinks drive is his best one

every time.

You don't understand. Woolie is a massive fan even though he only ever consumes something once and never goes back to it.

>game grumps exists.
Egoraptor floundering because he's a 30+ year old highschool dropout with no job skills or contingency plan is hilarious.

I hate Minh(or as i like to call him, billy) so goddamn much. That sperg midgets ruins everything.

Well Giant Bomb's have been much longer and not hilarious at all. Just sad.

Woolie likes the IDEA of things more so than the things themselves.
He's a massive narcissist, his idea of something is more important than the thing itself.

only good lp channel

>but trying to change shit up, doing theme months, randomly deciding they want to chase trends and play a big AAA topical game when it's new, never fully committing to selling out, and spinning too many plates led to the breakup
Thank for your armchair analysis.
You're completely wrong.
Their conflicting personalities and attitudes led to the breakup. What you are describing would cause a loss in popularity, and while they weren't soaring their trend was positive. What happened is that they didn't want to work with each other anymore. It wasn't lack of success that tore them apart.

>both sing praises of DMC5 on release as GOTY
>Pat sells it up the river immediately for Outer Wilds
I don't even remember what Woolie threw DMC5 out in favor of being GOTY but holy shit.

How is he floundering? He bought a new studio recently and employs like 30+ people.

>watching pat play RE without matt shitting it up

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you never picked up on how stubborn he is when he thinks he knows something?
how often he's like
>isn't that [something totally incorrect?
and the others are like
>uh ... no dude
but he still insists upon it?
like I just rewatched their heavy rain stream and woolie maintains for a solid three minutes about what sigourney weaver's panties look like in Alien, even saying "no I've seen that like a billion times, I know" but in that instance there's the stream chat there to correct him en masse, rather than the others being idiots

billy's fucking hilarious. What with his whole thing of kamikazi attacks, and slaughtering civilians. the issue is that it's almost impossible to understand him, meaning it can be really fucking tough to actually realize that he's being hilarious.

that garbage indie rhythm game, hearts something

I guess I blocked out all those times in favor of the ones that make him look hilariously in the wrong, like his claims of DMC3 and two shirtless brothers fighting in the rain.

I'm really puzzled about that one. What makes that game so astonishing? Is it just another way for people to support the artists of the songs without re-buying albums or some shit?

>Watching Pat replay more of his comfort games so he never has to think or try something new.
Motherfucker had the gall to play New Vegas with the exact same build he always plays with. Motherfucker plays VII with the exact same party he used in 97. Motherfucker just replays Resident Evil 2, 6 times a year. Motherfucker streams his daily e-chores in XIV.

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>Woolie is 5'11
>matt is 5'8
>Pat is 5'2
>minh is 4'8(legally a dwarf in 33 states and 2 canadian provinces)

Why do woolies friends keep getting smaller?

Woolie is desperate to come off as a hipster. That's his whole personality.

>armchair analysis
thanks, you too
it was the diminishing returns of never becoming huge and youtube's trash monetization shit in like 2017 making it unsustainable to stay the way they were
on top of them being retarded enough to think 150 hour unvoiced JRPGs were good LP material
you can only fail upwards for so long
the only one who clearly wanted to "quit" was matt so he could do his mushmouth wikipedia readings

Never forget that Pat LITERALLY almost died from having too much shit in his bowels. This is a real thing that almost happened to him.

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His other black otaku friends are taller and more successful than him.

Was that before or after the Gamer Cube? Seems like he quit on that revolution in his life pretty quick.

Manlet cope increases with age

I still miss matt and pat, they are terrible when they are solo but they are fucking great when they are with each other and in long plays.

At least Matt is making a decent (?) living but Pat is utterly unsalvageable now.

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One of Woolie's all time favourite games is Rez, Sayonara Wild Hearts is a similar game. Ipso facto.

I enjoyed all of the content. Even the bad times. Pretty much grew up on youtube alongside them. Sure, they have their flaws, but it was a fun experience. All the Silent Hill games, RE LPs, if only it could have lasted a little longer to get KotoR 2 and the REmakes.

if we're comparing "making a living" pat is doing better purely because you make more being a mid-size streamer than a mid-size youtuber
but matt married into money so it's irrelevant


>Used to enjoy the podcast
>Usually there was a funny conversation that made it worth listening to
>Now it's just tired old men trying to stay hip and with it while slowly falling asleep over the course of 4 hours
>Stop listening after the initial optimism for CSB dies

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>then later liam being an uber sjw autist

Isn't that Pat with is "Naoto is trans" bullshit, god how fucking far can you sink

Woolie has a tendency to stop dead his his tracks whenever he thinks he got the right answer to something. His brain just stops. That's why every time any social issue or idiosyncracy whatsoever is brought up it's just a countdown to him bringing up the "lizard brain", because that's the be-all end-all answer to everything ever.
If the walkthrough says you need to find Whatshisname's room and then use the screwdriver on it that means all progress must stop until we ascertained where Whatshisname's room is, and the fact that we need to use a screwdriver on it can't possibly give any hint about which room that might be.

Stream/play what you enjoy. Why move out of comfort zone for people like you? lol

It's funny how he never actually said he stopped going to the gym but we all know he did.
He is still in denial about his energy drink addiction.
Still self diagnoses himself with various mental illnesses.
Despite trying to get a major in Psychology he still doesn't go get psychiatric help he so desperately needs, probably because of his enabling conformist crazy girlfriend.

>tfw watching the 3 of them (no liam) playing the MGR dlc and they start singing collective consciousness together

this makes me real sad since it reminds me both of them breaking up and old-Yas Forums

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Did he marry into money? is her family or her actually worth anything? I always just thought he had a bit more money than the other 3 on account of it being HIS channel and he sorta seems the type.

it's a mixture of him being black and growing up on an island
also sprinkle some canuck passive-aggressiveness on there
he constantly misreads things like he's got dyslexia or some shit, he misremembers things like he's never paying attention even if it's something he loves, and he's surrounded by people who also have these similar problems so instead of having the one or two friends who aren't stupid, and will correct him, he only has people who disagree aimlessly to no effect

Yeah, Matt’s wife is from a rich family, so he can basically do what he wants without a lot of fear.

The creature hub I suppose but I always thought they were good until the cowchop thing started. Tbfp was on a decline for a while.

I haven't kept up with this shit for months.

Is GON WITH THE WIND still dead?

imagine completely killing your business venture because of an argument over smash brothers


I know she definitely has the attitude of being one with a bunch money for whatever reason. Just never knew what it was, if anything. Honestly never cared for her, but, that's none of my business really. I'll take the mustard queen any day, she games, she eats that Mcdonalds and Pat hits the back.

it was his channel but if Pat had been getting a bum deal from whatever the revenue split, he wouldn't have been able to quit a day job and he wouldn't have stuck around for 8ish years
and there's a reason they didn't bring woolie and liam in as actual members until years after they'd been "introduced", because they became large enough that they could sustain more members

but yes, matt's ugly wife is rich, or at least her parents are

The shit was building up over time, that was just the straw that broke the mooses back

Over smash brothers? You got proof of that being the cause?