"user, bend over, let me use you as a chair"

How do you respond?

Attached: CELESTIA.png (705x560, 379.58K)

I bend over and let her use me as a chair, before asking "wait why"

I love Ibooky!

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She wouldn't respond to you, chairs shouldn't speak

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mating press

Taeko Yasuhiro.

"No, what the fuck?"

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How about I bend over and let you use me as a fleshlight? Haha.

Taeko, bend over, I'm going to dickslap your buttcheeks raw.

Hey screw you bub

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I went to PAX East recently and some girl had cosplay hair drills and it was some of the grossest shit I've ever seen in a cosplay

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dangans art style is already perfect the way it is. why would anyone do this

Bend over and let her use me as a chair, obviously. Be as good and sturdy as I can.

the correct response

You're being too needy user, do you only care about yourself?
Are you sure you'd be able to hold her weight? or are you a weakling?

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How big is her penis? I'm gonna use HER as a chair!

That frail bitch would keel over after a single pimp slap.
You fuckers wanna get dommed by this weakling? What a joke.

imagine being feminized and living as a maid (male) in her castle haha

I'm sure you wouldn't be acting so tough after she kicks you in the balls and makes you apologize like a little bitch, pussy
Haha, that would be pretty funny, I'd do it, haha

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Of course, I'm sure. I've worked warehouse and other labor jobs. My back and posture is sturdy, perfect for the job of being a chair.

i can't im drawing

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Get in a seat, unzip my pants, unsheathe my boner and put her on top of it.

Take a seat

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Good thing anime girls and their drill hair are perfection.

ITT:Gay Euros ERPing in the morning

>I'm sure you wouldn't be acting so tough after she kicks you in the balls and makes you apologize like a little bitch, pussy

Every dude knows how to defend his sack, of course a pathetic avatarfag like you wouldn't know that.

"You can sit on my face if you want."

>mental illness thread

>Tries to kick you in the nuts
>Step away and grab her foot
>Poke her in the panties
hoho how the turntables

If you're so god at it I bet she'd use you quite a lot
Avatarfag? do you even know what that word means, newfag?
She'd crack your neck, on purpose

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draw her beating me up

>Attaches pictures of the same character to his posts
>Sure ain't avatarfagging here
>S-stop calling out my sissy dom roleplay newfag!

Being abused by an older woman is fine too!

That isn't avatarfagging, spam? maybe, but this thread started with a celeste picture so I wouldn't call it spam

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>Enters taeko thread
>what the fuck why is someone posting taeko

Attached: 1568602556503.jpg (348x443, 58.31K)

>Goes into [Insert character] thread
>Gets mad at others for posting [Insert character]
for what purpose

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I mean that just sounds uncomfortable for everybody involved.

>You're being too needy user, do you only care about yourself?
A Fleshlight doesn't like being used. It just gets used.

Behave bitch before I get Jamal and Mohammed to rape you and steal your purse.

>How many FUCKING times do i have to tell you to STAY OUT OF MY ROOM WHILE IM GAMING

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Are you saying that you'd wear a chastity cage to make sure you wouldn't cum?
You need to spend more time with your mom

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fuck off skraxx

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>Implying a cage can contain my virgin penile power

>user, bend over,
Yes, please. Eagerly.
>let me use you as a chair
Oh... I thought you meant something else.

She'll make it really tight
Needy boys will get spanked on sight

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I've actually had a cage before. They don't stop you from getting hard - not hung does except association training. Cages just kind of... Sit there. The flesh still distends, and the cage is like a comically tight cap on your dick.

Rather than making anal pleasurable, it's actually quite distracting.

you had a shitty cage then


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Okay master

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It's 4 am, time for your clit torture!

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>it's an user keeps replying to multiple posts at once at the same time he avatarfags episode
What is this, vg?

2D Drawings can't speak when I take my nuplazid so suck it whore

Bending over made me think it was something more fun, can't blame me for that.

Having naughty thoughts about your mistress, how disgraceful...

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If they're so disgraceful, why don't you show me my place, then?

You're telling me. My dick was too big for it. Not something I'd expect to be disappointed about...

is she the one that gets beaten to death by bats I forget

I'm sure she'd show you your place, how do you feel about candle wax? well, your opinion doesn't matter anyways, she'll make sure you regret ever saying such lewd things to her

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I doubt she'd even need to bother asking, in that case then.


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