Never thought i would experience resident evil in real life that soon

never thought i would experience resident evil in real life that soon

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I'm glad my extended family decided to go to Cuba for vacation instead of Italy.

No zombies though.

i don't see people coming back as zombies, my dude

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How do they do it?

>allow china to become first world
>they develop a plague and accidentally kill off 35% of the planet

I hope humankind learns from this and treats them like the apes they are.

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The italian death toll is fucking nuts, even if it's 95% 60+ year olds.

meanwhile, america is trying to downplay the infection rates and avoid taking drastic containment measures to avoid spooking the markets lmao
i hope all the boomers drown in phlegm

>he worked 8 hours a day all his adult life to die some chink virus

you wish, you wouldn't team up with a cute to fight zombies anyways but you'd be one of them actually

The first world deserves to die for having been given months extra to prep, a complete DNA sequence of the virus provided by China, and plenty of info on what steps China took to control it and still just totally and completely failing to do anything.

Who fucking cares if some pastas died? Look at the market, my FUCKING FUTURES ARE DOWN

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and all of my puts are up.


Just invest in some Biotech. Oops too late.

It's only beginning.

it's pretty shitty shooting dying old people.

but i'll take it.

>Living in a third world country

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Italy has the oldest population in Europe. Italy is also Italy

This virus is actually good
Its fixing the pension problem all by itself

its not americans fault their country is like that
actually wait is haha

There's already been multiple cases of community spread where I live and nothings changed.

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it's already over, the small eyed people already invented a kit that can detect the virus in 30min. it's rolling out to the whole world as we speak

>CDC is so useless that they literally stopped testing people because "it's just the flu bro, everyone is gonna get it eventually and it only has a 0.000002% death rate"
>They actually believed the chink's
>Now there's probably multiple pandemics spreading across the US and no one knows about it
>Everyone is downplaying the virus to keep the dollar up, and it's crashing anyways
>People who are severely sick don't want to go the hospital because they'll get a 40,000 dollar bill for an exam that costs 5 dollars and don't want to self quarantine and will infect others because of it
It's all going to come crashing down soon. Boomers deserve everything they're going to get since they'll be hit the hardest.

Here is the real question: buy the dip now, or wait for it to drop further?

Just meant that place has so many old people.

More like first world being retards.

Poor Mario...

>third world

Sorry murica, but that you dont have a mcdonalds in every square doesnt make italy third world.

>bomb japan to shit
>they emerge one of the most developed countries on the planet
>occupy the fuck out of africa, sharing medicine and law
>the entire continent aside from where the only white people are resembles mad max to this day

yeah surely its just us

the austerity we're about to enact because of the economic crash is going to kill more americans than the coronavirus, by the way

So what is Italy's excuse for the spread? At least for South Korea they got death cults spreading the shit.

Why is Italy's body count so high? Why there?

>implying it's not mutts doing biological warfare and it hitting them back like a boomerang

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What is point in testing? There's nothing you can do to stop it spreading.
America's response may end up the best, just ignore and take it on the chin.
Some old people die, some people miss work for a bit and companies keep on chugging.

you want to know why they aren't releasing demographics of who is dying outside the extreme outliers?

Because it's just a bunch of people already on death's door that are dying.

We'll see in two months once this shakes out and fucking nothing happens in America.

retard alert i'm not evne going to waste time telling you why you're wrong and not even understanding how you took what i said out of context

You haven't seen anything yet, just wait a couple of weeks. Italy did almost 60k test (more than all the rest of the world combined) that's why there's a high number of positive results. Many countries (france and us above all) simply don't want to hurt their markets

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Third world shithole.

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>Trump calls it a hoax
>then says it's totally fine to not quarantine yourself and go to work
>pee'd himself at a golf game
>may have come in contact with the virus due to one of his rallies.

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Southern Italy is pretty third world.

thanks for playing
*does litte baby hand wave gesture*
ta ta

the infection is in northern italy you maroon. i hope it kills all the lega nord retards who wish they were germans

source: am southern italian..........-AMERICAN

>tfw a healthy young White male living in a first world country
Why should I care again? What do I have to lose by dead boomers, Chinks, Muslims, and eventually negroids?

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That worked out real well for Italy and Korea. Meanwhile the chinks are actually beating it because they're burning people infected alive and locking them in their apartments by force, which is the actual correct way to beat it. USA is doomed.

Not gonna lie I think it's possible that we sprung a booby trap on the Chinese with this disease.

A few months ago we just busted a bunch of Chinese professors actually working as spies for Chinese in universities across the U.S. Then next thing you know there's a disease that's appeared and it's killing people. Like a "fuck off and stop spying on us or this is what will happen to you." Unfortunately China went on a scorched-earth path with it after and decided to bring down everyone with us.

>go outside
>get shot
>die because can't affort afford hospitalization
Glad to be a "thirdworlder"

>pee'd himself at a golf game

didn't it spread from north people fleeing to south italy? pretty sure thats what happened.

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>virus spreads to America
>overlords can't compromise the market so they keep it under blankets and downplay the situation
>Americans can't afford the test because lul healthcare
>no measure to contain the virus at all
Sure wish you voted those free healthcare commies into power now, huh

>Wastes trillions of dollars building a shitty half-baked wall that blows over with a gust of wind, and that isn't even as long and as tall as he wanted it to be after cutting off funding for multiple health related things
>Will (hopefully) now die of Corona Virus because of it, but not before pissing his pants and freaking the fuck out and shoving 8 billion dollars back into medicine shit

this is the most retarded speculation i have ever seen, holy shit. i don't want to tell you to kill yourself but man, if you actually think this is plausible you probably think tom clancy books are real

>35% of the planet
Thanks god sending chinks to hell.

>What do I have to lose by dead boomers
You know how much of society is driven by old tradesmen and their arcane knowledge no one gives a shit about learning?

Can we all stop for a moment to appreciate all the effort China put into helping the world ?
Remember to be extremely grateful !

they've been tracked and now they are in forced quarantine (with their families, at home)

Is that your photo? You look strangely familiar...

By this logic everything would fall apart when those boomers die of natural causes anyway

This, I'm from an euroshithole and people here are just pure retarded. Just close the fucking borders and cancel mass events you dumb niggers!!!

hmmmmmmmmmmmm I wonder why them?

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Look for the trending hashtag DiaperDon

>resident evil
This is a The Stand situation dude

Still no zombies

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Our society is run by wizards?

China Response:
>mass testing
>builds hospital in 10 days

America Response:
>muh stocks!
>no test kits
Has it ever been more obvious that politicians don't give a single shit about Americans or that the market is rigged as fuck?

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Just need the mutated animals and Tyrants and we are set
The best anti zombie weapon

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>hurr durr its jus liek dur vidgaem

Fuck off doomer.

>thanks to china
I will when china collapses in its own shit.

Why do americans see something as basic as free healthcare access for everyone as a communist menace?

The difference is gradually falling off vs. all at once in a mass death.

unless your country is prepared to ban americans from entering, nothing can be done to stop its spread. and in order to stop the markets from collapsing further theyre gonna keep downplaying it. spreading the virus is at most a few weeks away from being official government policy because trying to stop it in any way would hurt the economy.

If they had just banned immigration and deported 100% of "migrants" and their children then this never would have happened in the first place.

The only reason why the coronavirus is an epidemic is because of immigration / globalism / open-borders. Stop that shit = stop the coronavirus.

median age in italy is about 40

Corporate brainwashing from infancy
They're now paying the price

Maybe China shouldn't have tried to cover it up badly for a month and a half

because they're boomer scum who will inshallah soon be choking on their own bile in an overcrowded emergency room that costs $50,000 a seat

tons of chinks

anyone else hoping society collapses? I mean, I'm not a hopeless neet, I have a very well paying job and live in relative security and am well off financially, but a part of me wants the world to go to shit, see some change in the monotonous culmination of civilized society.

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There's no way it has bottomed out yet. Relatively speaking this shit is just beginning.

>what is the Internet
Most boomers can't even work a television.

Why are people praising the Chinese government when their idea of containment is killing civilians and burning the bodies? No shit no other government is trying that.

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Based alt-right middle-schooler

Fucking RETARD. Imagine how much the stocks will plummet if you do that. You have to crack a few eggs to make an omelette, kid, those dying from the disease right now don't matter.

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Society is not going to collapse, but the economy is.

That's kind of based user so no don't worry

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>mfw all my personal stocks are doing alright

what should I do with my money now,buy flails or short swords?

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Because healthcare is horribly inadequate thanks to government subsidy and lobbying, and if you socialized that the American nigger population would bankrupt the entire country in a year.

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Because it works
You know what doesn't stop a virus from spreading? Pretending it doesn't exist

It's not immigration, it's air travel. We have to ban all the airline travel and cargo transportation.

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>Can barely manage to find bottled water, hand soap, and hand sanitizer at stores right now
Gotta love the media freaking the absolute shit out of everyone and sending people into a frenzy where they need to suddenly go out and buy a billion things

meh, boring, I was hoping for some sort of catastrophic melt down of corporations and government infrastructure.

you mean like china did for two months

This disease is the best news I've had in years. I'm going to be fucking rich, guaranteed MASSIVE GAINS after things start leveling out. If you don't have plenty of money ready to be thrown at the market after this is all over, then I truly pity you.