That vidya you played while your babysitter had her boyfriend over

what's her name, lads?

Attached: 1520047454278.jpg (1041x1600, 373.26K) Doug took a really edgy turn.

Her name is Video Games

I never had a babysitter

final fantasy ix

her bf stole it and left while i was in the bathroom

I don't get it

Little boy molestation

The moral of the story is to always run background checks on people you hire.


My older Cousin hung out with me, never needed a sitter. She has humongous breasts.

same. my parents knew I would stay in my room with my games.

My older sister used to babysit me, she beat the shit out of me because she was jealous that she wasn't the only child anymore and I had the nerve to get attention from our parents that she felt she deserved.

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Times like this I feel lucky that all I got was emotional abuse and severe wedgies from my siblings. Also I was a little shit as a kid my sister had to bribe me not to say anything about her boyfriend's. It's how I got most of my PlayStation games

What the fuck is it with you fucking normalfags? You ALWAYS find something new on the internet, and you come HERE and fucking share it. You don't go to reddit, you don't go to a relevant board, NO, you fucking come HERE because FOR SOME REASON you fucking think this place is worksafe Yas Forums and fuck I am so fucking tired of this bullshit FUCK OFF AND KILL YOURSELF

Is he gay or something? Who doesn't want to see a naked woman?

Is this one of those SJW comics?


>he didn't have a sexy babysitter who played Mario Party 2 with him

sucks to be you

Why does she look exactly like Doug Funnie
This hurts me as a Doug

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>Boyfriend has drunk bubbles
>Girlfriend doesn't, implying she's completely sober

Its the little things

It's a bad impersonation of Calvin and Hobbes.

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edit to make her tits bigger when

I can't imagine a worse first name than Doug.

You'll always be a Doug - never a Kevin, a Chad, or even Brett - just a Doug. Barely a step above a Melvin.

I don't know what the fuck his problem was, but I had a male baby sitter when I was maybe 9 or so and he fucking insisted I watch veggie tales. I fucking hated veggie tales because of how boring it was, but when I said I didn't want to he was almost fucking aggressive in telling me
>you're going to watch it!
Told my mom he was a fucking dick and we didn't have him baby sit ever again

>Let's hope it's a divorce

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Is this literally ripping off Calvin and Hobbes?

They can't even draw the beer properly what the heck

I never had a babysitter.
Looks like I dodged a lot of bullets

my baby sitter would let me play kingdom hearts when she had her friends over

Its a joke, you ever seen a joke before?
I bet you call the DC Flintstones comics ripoffs

Some C&H parodies are fucking amazing, this one is just cheap.

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well the actual comic is a parody of calvin & hobbes, so yes
its not /ss/ in case you were wondering

that comic perfectly captures the experience of reading american comics

I know that feel.
Except it was because she didn't like not having her own room anymore, so it was basically constant bullshit.

so is there more or what

There's more of the comic, yes.
It is not /ss/, it's a regular action detective comic with a Calvin & Hobbes background gimmick.
Also he runs into her later because of course he does and pic related happens.

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Fuck I love /ss/ so much

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kys pedo scum

Hey fuck you
Cape comics =/= American comics

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Losing weight is easy. You literally have to do nothing to accomplish it. Stop eating.

boner achieved

So what happened ?
It isn't really clear.

>lol stop eating lmao


you have to eat something

It is very clearly and heavily implied that she fucked him when he was a kid, user.

You have to be mentally ill to want to fuck kids. What the actual fuck does a 12 year old boy or girl have to offer you? Nothing at all, theyre fucking planks with retarded spaz tendencies, you have to be a fucking defecit to get off to that


whats the name?

so what happens next?

It's about power you stupid mongoloid, they do it because they want to have power over someone.
This is basic shit, user.

Literally in the first panel of the OP, m8.

He's right tho

goddamn i want to be that 12-year-old boy

That can be achieved with people that are actually sexually attractive and mentally competent

wow a blatant rip off of calvin and hobbes about fucking child rape of all things. someone kill the faggot retard who made this asap please.

Why does this fucker have a stand?

Not for a legitimate pedo, no.
Considering the history of that Jap chick, she clearly has a thing for younger, feminine-looking boys and the power she has over them.
It's actually a detective comic, but okay.

Maybe you do, fatty.

I was a fat fuck.
Then I met the hardest constipation in my entire life. I wasn't shitting for 2 weeks, it literally hurt to walk. I was hospitalized.
Now it drilled into my head that overeating causes discomfort, borderline pain. So I started eating less and less. Now I only have a meal 3 times a day within the same time of day, no snacks or junk food in between. No hot pocket microwave faggotry, I cook for myself. Even if you are an extremely busy wagecuck, you can cook something cheap, healthy and easy to make in advance.

it's a blatant rip off of calvin and hobbes

Good stuff

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It's called a parody you moron, and the rest of the comic is very clearly not related to Calvin & Hobbes.
The reality is it was probably just made by someone who wanted to combine Calvin & Hobbes with a weird noir-esque detective comic.
And it's serviceable for what it is.

God I want to be that mommy

well ill be damned it is a crime drama

No, the moral of the story is that the mother should stay in the house instead of being the slave of another man and mingling with strange dicks.

well thanks for the new read boys

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Haha im so quirky Im so sad I wasnt molested as a child and had my entire life destroyed by constant sexual abuse haaaaa it'd be so amazing to never be able to interact with people properly due to never being able to trust them, itd be great if I couldn't jerk off properly without looking at sick shit all the time to emulate my first sexual experiences gaaaaaaahahhahah

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