Not a single bad game

>not a single bad game
How do they do it?

Attached: Operasyon_Merkezi_From_Software.jpg (1068x713, 44.88K)

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all of their games are bad retard

King's Field is terrible

ok retard

Last good developers that actually put passion into their games

retards eat this shit up and you are one of them

Want to know how I know you were born after 9/11?

by copying and pasting the same game over and over

>dark souls
>literally des ripoff without any soul put into it
>you could feel that developers didn't even wanted to make it in the first place

based blindfag

It’s a successor to des you absolute jaded retard

By making one (1) good game and releasing it under a different name every year for 10 years

Armored Core as a whole panned out better than Dark Souls ever did, fuck you, fight me.


>hit 1/1000 dmg
>hit 1/1000 dmg

Born in '95 try again.

>find successful formula
>reuse that formula and resell the same game 5 more times
damn theyre good

>they only made dark souls lately
>nobody cares about armored code besides mechafags

>Armored Core V
>Armored Core Verdict Day
Bad games with great potential. what were they thinking?

You must think Demons Souls was their first game.

What about Eternal Ring?

the best part of the games is the atmosphere. the music, the worldbuilding, the unique designs, the exploration, etc. the fights are fun cause it feels satisfying to beat them, but they're not the best part

VD is great though.

Zoomer is a state of mind, it doesn't have anything to do with numerical age
If it looks like a zoomer, talks like a zoomer, has shit opinions like a zoomer, it's probably a zoomer

Just release armored core to the PC already you gigantic faggots

>9/11 is the "day everything changed" and he now uses it for his baseline for the perception of time
Spotted the Amerilard

Your guess is as good as mine but it's honestly impressive IMO. They make Dark Souls as their first game and they've been knocking it out of the park ever since.

I bet he also thinks feminism started 10 years ago and before that the media wasn't that bad

No, bloodborne and das2 could be called "successors"
Das, was literally straight up ripoff even with same npc, but worse

sounds like you got filtered pretty hard dude

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Feminism may not have started 10 years ago but SJWs did. 2012 was the first time they got the spotlight and they've been desperate to keep it ever since.

ITT Retard which only know their souls games

How to describe literally every single action game ever
>Attack when possible
>Evade when about to get hit

Does this count?

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>koto hoshino

i get hooked on his songs constantly

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i've beaten DS1, 3 and Bloodborne
they're all dogshit

Hey I liked that game. You can even look up a little girls skirt.

>Not a single ba-

Oh no no no...

Attached: Dark_souls_3_cover_art.jpg (289x345, 47.73K)

>he thinks I care about the mossad falseflag itself instead of the actual date being a very good cutoff to consider people born after it too mentally young to be on this site or have their shit opinions taken seriously
Spotted the OBSESSED yuropoors too, by the way
You literally can't go 5 seconds without shitting on America, I swear it has to be some sort of collective neurological tic
rent fucking free, my friends.

Fuck off brainlet

KF is bad, stop being a retarded hipster and play the countless better first person dungeon explorers on pc.

>hurr durr muh zoomers
Shut the fuck up you dumbass bitch

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>lost izalith
>crystal cafe
>new Londo
What a crock of shit levels. 90% of the game is a slog

It was actually Occupy Wall Street where they started gaining social and political clout. Them worming their way into the movement and implementing the social stack (basically, if you're not black, trans, or some other speshul snowflake your opinions didn't matter) was the end of the entire movement. They pretty much killed OWS completely. Which lends even more credence to the idea that SJWism isn't organic at all and being perpetuated and propped up by certain parties with a sociopolitical agenda.

I completely forgot about that. Guess last 10 years is more accurate then.

Wtf are you dykes on about? Thought this was a ds thread

t. shitters who walked right into the ocean with a few seconds of starting the game

Was that before or after they co-opted the skeptic movement?

>Look mom I posted it again

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ok shill

I completed the first western KF, the hardest part is necron and that's because of the shitty combat an 7fps with more than one thing on screen.

Pretty sure the skeptic stuff came after that and Feminist Frequency so maybe 2013. But the past 10 years have gone by in a blur so I might be misremembering.

that is what people wanted and you can see how they improved on a lot of mechanics

I'd say they consistently make good games, but entries may be weaker than the other.

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you dont need to blame the game if you are bad

At least you're brave enough to admit your brain is grey and shriveled, unable to admire Hoshino's musical prowess.

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Looks like Elevatorgate was a few month before OWS started in 2011 so skeptic movement was first.

No one wanted das
People wanted more des styles maps and interesting bosses, instead they got garbage copy paste and literally who bosses without any mechanics

You are so underage and uneducated it hurts
This movement has been infiltrating everything since the very least the mid 19th century

VD is good though faggot
Honestly even V is worth a playthrough if you can get it for ten dollars. It's just that it's too short and there isn't enough parts variety.

you're terrible

Who said it was bad, user?

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lol you live in a unipolar age, get over it
america may be an ass but the rest of you are the turds that fell out of it

Shut up old man. I don't give a shit what happens to anything but the internet. Your pathetic tea party or whatever fag shit you dinosaurs get up to is irrelevant to me.

dark souls 2

Looks like you're right, curse my shitty memory sometimes
Yes, I'm aware, but we were specifcally talking about the lastest modern incarnation of social marxism