
>Years of experience fighting against Shinra with a giant customizable gun on his arm
>A martial artist with years of experience and training
>Was just a Shinra infantryman at 17 then after mako infusion and jenova cells gets put into a coma for 4 years
>A couple months after he wakes up he now has the dexterity and skill of a master swordsman with years of experience, knows how to shootout energy beams from his giant sword, and has even more flashy swords attacks
So how can he do it? I know he was mako infused which gives him the strength to, but how did he just instant know how to do all this stuff? Like he's fighting like he's had so much experience after getting mako infusion, but he's only been awake with it for a short time between the start of the game and when Tifa found him in Midgar.

Attached: Cloud.png (1016x1078, 780.63K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Operator Stance = Zack
Punisher Stance = Seph

Cloud just isn't a good character. Crisis Core was such a breath of fresh air since the world of FFVII is interesting and it was good to see it through the eyes of someone who isn't a dull marysue

He learnt it through the constant buttfucking Sephiroth gave him.

>not a dull mary sue
zack in og ffvii is more nuanced in his five minutes of screentime than the entirety of crisis core zack

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>master swordsman
>spends an entire game learning how to use his sword better so that he can go from taking down a shit tier soldier to being able to take down a monster capable of destroying a world
>can't even handle a snake that sephiroth can 1 shot
Uh... Where are you getting your information from user?

Would you crossdress to save your friend?

tifa and clout are the same age, if tifa has years of experience and train so does cloud

I love how everyone in this thread is completely skipping over the "jenova cells" part.
No shit he's deadly now, obviously after getting those implanted you can shoot lightning out of your goddamn ass.
What is wrong with all of you?

Attached: VIICC_Jenova.jpg (960x544, 74.26K)

i need a reason?

Eye nipple

It's more fun if you have to.

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Youre talking about a fucking final fantasy game where there guardian forces/summons and monsters and demons and shits

Dumb fuck OP is dumb fuck as hell.

>tifa has years of experience and train so does cloud
But for a giant sword and shooting out energy beams? Cloud couldn't pick up something that heavy before. Plus they don't do that kind of training for infantrymen.
>obviously after getting those implanted you can shoot lightning out of your goddamn ass. What is wrong with all of you?
Just because you could doesn't mean you'd be able to do it competently like some well seasoned veteran after you just felt you had that power after waking up from a 4 year coma not that long ago.
>Dumb fuck OP is dumb fuck as hell.
Get the fuck out of my thread

Why did cloud drown her again?

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Cloud would have been training independently of whatever bootcamp they give to normal shinra troops. He had ambitions to join SOLDIER

The mako made him absorb some of Zack's memories. Not his entire life but knowledge of his fighting style, SOLDIER tactics and things Zack experienced at Nibelheim that Cloud didn't (like the conversation in the mansion right before Sephiroth went on a rampage). Materia is described as the crystallized knowledge of the Ancients, meaning mako in its liquid form can also contain and transmit things like memories.

Now this nigga right here, actually knows FF7 lore.

That is a gay built for face sex

Clouds stats are weaker then a Soldier 3rd class at the start of the game

He gets stronger because of all the fighting he does

You finally fight SOLDIER 1ST class when you go back to Midgar at the end of disc 2

If you had played the original game then you would know that Mako is people.

>entire sephiroth plot is about how people with jenova cells have a weirdass mindlink
>golly gosh how did cloud just download sword skills into his brain

He made his choice of waifu and knew it would cause more drama to keep the loser alive

>The mako made him absorb some of Zack's memories
>meaning mako in its liquid form can also contain and transmit things like memories
But Zack was alive and obviously not in the lifestream when Cloud was mako infused
>If you had played the original game then you would know that Mako is people.
I did dumbass. So what if it is? Being infused with mako was never stated to give you fighting knowledge

Even if you just play the FF7R demo you can immediately deduce that living things are made of Mako because they turn into Mako-like energy when they die before your eyes.
Ain't rocket science.

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god damn the visuals are great but combat, music and this god damn cringy barret fucks it up. i guess they fucked up the story too.
also useless sidequest that don't fit ff7.

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is this shit made on the PS3 lmfao

He was bathed in it to the point that it suffused his blood.
So when Cloud held his dying friend he got a crash course in Zack, with less than stable results.

Well their clothes and equipment disappear into particles too, so you could be forgiven for assuming it was just a fancy de-spawn animation

how do those boots stay on?

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>but combat
The combat is basically the best part about the remake.
Then again i liked KH2FM back in the day and while not on the same level, it's a decent ARPG hybrid.
If i wanted turn based i'd just play the original.
or play the xeno series, they pull it off much better and always did

>Mary Sue
>Sucks cock half the game before Angeals death
>Dies to a bunch of no named faggots in the end

they made the mako music boring holy crap it was one of the best songs.

He's got Zack's muscle memory.

Form fitting leather on the top of the foot bridge.
Clamps down and prevents the shoe from slipping out while keeping that rim shape.
source: i sold a couple of shoes like that to girl customers in the past

>So when Cloud held his dying friend he got a crash course in Zack, with less than stable results.
That really sounds like headcanon

Zack dies because the roulette broke, retard.

>original FFVII
>Dirge of Cerberus
>Crisis Core
>Advent Children
is this all I need to know everything about FFVII?

>Dirge of Cerberus
>Crisis Core
>Advent Children
Disregard those.

You don't really need to play or watch any of that.
Remake is designed to explain the entire story from scratch.
If you're interested just play FVII as it is and that's it.

any chance they fix the mako reactor music? the original was perfect.

Don't. FF7 sucks balls.

FFVII is the third best FF after FFIV and FFIX, in that order.

Play the original. All the compilation shit is completely optional and does very little to make the FFVII world better Crisis Core has moments, and Advent Children have some well choreographed scenes, but Dirge is complete trash. Hell maybe you should play it just to see what a low point this series hit.

>disregarding all the good parts
Reddit tier opinion

The game is literally inserting those characters in the Remake though.

>Compilation faggotry
Kill yourself

Dirge is fun if you just treat it as a childish fanfiction written by Nomura when he was bored working in between KH projects.
The gameplay also isn't the worst thing ever, there's way worse third person shooters on PS2, all things considered.
Dirge hits the "it's so campy and stupid it's kinda enjoyable" area for me.

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No its not. At most you will have easter egg type references to compilation stuff

>a childish fanfiction written by Nomura when he was bored
That's literally everything the faggot does at this point.

>The gameplay also isn't the worst thing ever, there's way worse third person shooters on PS2, all things considered.
Remember: they refocused and played UP those elements, after the game got trashed domestically.

I'm sure now that I'm older I can enjoy it as so bad it's good, as a teenager hyped for more FFVII shit though I was so disappointed and mad.

...except exposure to Materia, which is crystallized Mako, and repeat use explicitly teaches/engrains it’s abilities into your very body. Materia is literally just training wheels/study guide medium to the Lifestream to teach people how to do shit they could innately.

If he can't have her, no one can

>Remember: they refocused and played UP those elements, after the game got trashed domestically.
What do you mean?
The international release had fixes to the gameplay?

It's literally confirmed that those terks form 'the kids are alright' are showing up already. And some other character from CC also showed up too

He was literally thinking that he lived Zachs life the entire game user, did you not play it ?

Where are you getting that from? If anything its the materia that grows and learns, not the user

You're wrong. It's already started

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What, you'd prefer him to suck ass? He's still not very good at the start, but the back story is good enough. Fuck you OP you'd complain about free money if it fell from the sky

Not his whole life, just the bits that cloud was jealous of/admired. Cloud still had his pre-shinra memories

>What, you'd prefer him to suck ass?

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>did you not play it ?
Did you? Where did it say he got Zacks fighting style when held Zack as he died?

What's that a reference to?

I wouldn't describe them as "fixes", but yes. Extensive. To make it closer to Western action games. The original Japanese release is probably one of the worst games in the Final Fantasy series on gameplay alone.

Some bitch from CC

we get it you watched advent children before playing the first game

That's interesting.

I thought she was from that light novel that exists for some reason

From the files, Deepground soldiers from DoC also appear as enemies somehow.

>went through standard infantry training to have sufficient amount of strength, and even then he isn't as strong as a 1st class until way later on
>has zack's SOLDIER memories to at least guarantee he has an ample amount of combat experience forced into his brain
>materia lets him shoot lightning, isn't a strength thing
>limit breaks are just flashy moves that have no correlation to the story, and even then he doesn't even get blade beam until a decent amount of actual combat experience
>is also infused with mako to give any sort of extra justification

>tfw we're gonna have another decade of retards not understanding FF7

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Some people are in denial about the Compilation being canon to the Remake, even though Kitase confirmed it.

Attached: kitase-comp.png (724x408, 52.29K)

Implying the knowledge wasn't all given to Cloud as part of Sephiroth's keikakku.

She's Kyrie from the Turks: The Kids Are Alright gaiden novel

Noted: OP is in fact, gay

Oh that might be true.
They do, those are references for NOW but Nomura has already said he wants them in the 'squeals.' I don't know if he's talking about the other parts of the Remake or if he's already shilling a squeal before the whole story hast even been completed.

Are you fucking serious

>>limit breaks are just flashy moves that have no correlation to the story, and even then he doesn't even get blade beam until a decent amount of actual combat experience
Even the little girl in the tutorial house can use limit breaks.

I mean Nomura does in fact squeal every time he's thinking about gackt and touching himself.

Attached: Nomura.jpg (1667x2000, 321.2K)

Cloud loves Aeris

Kys. crisis core was fucking trash.

Oh, I wouldn't mind Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus being direct sequels to this.

That would mean actually playing those stories with full context and gameplay from VII, instead of the crapshoot we got with the spinoff shit that barely made sense at times.

He was augmented

Also he rewrote his mind to think he lived Zack's life and experience
>Tetsuya Nomura: “No characters from it appear in this game, but certain elements from it are touched upon in a certain way. Moreover, it’s not part of Compilation of Final Fantasy VII, but there are character(s) from Nojima’s sidestory novel Final Fantasy VII The Kids Are Alright who appear in the game.”

>It’s also important to note Tetsuya Nomura mentioned characters from these works don’t appear “in this game” meaning it’s not impossible they might show up in Final Fantasy VII Remake’s sequel. As a reminder, the game will have either one or two sequels. I’m personally expecting the Final Fantasy VII Remake sequel to be full of references or links to the Compilation.

So either more compilation characters are going to show up in later parts or Nomura is already planning squeal bait after the Remake. It feels like KH3 all over again.