Games arent fun anymore unless I drink

>games arent fun anymore unless I drink
is this the beginning of the end?

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Games are a flat circle


Pretty much. Put the controller down. Go do something else and come back a year or years later. That either fixes it or doesn't but by that point you have new hobbies anyway.

This is a good thing. Many games that aren't fun become fun when you're high

stop playing the same game

Sober up soldier, no drinking during a plague!

>want to be like the cool anons and drink while gaming or watching anime
>buy a beer on the way home
>open it and take a sip
>tastes horrible but keep drinking it
>end up with a stomach ache halfway and leave it in my fridge for a week before pouring it down the drain

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beer is for fags and fat fucks drink vodka and mix in it a drink you like

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alcohol ruins your game sense so I don't see how that could be more fun

I just drink cheap bourbon straight.


no wonder you get a tummy ache

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what beer was it. maybe try a sweeter beer first. a belgian wit or any "white" beer. or an amber ale. fat tire for example if they sell it near you.

Nah that's just early thirties

listen to Turn On the Bright Lights.

It's time to change genres when that happens.

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how does he get out?

>tfw alcohol tastes super bad
>literally only drink 1-2 times a year to be chummy with bosses at work
>everybody gets wasted on less drinks

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>Tfw have worked in bars since 16
>Drink entire bottles of vodka to myself in a day
>Tempted to go buy to some beer rn after drinking whole bottle of Monopolowa to myself at 1:00 am
>Have to work at 8:00am
Seen worse desu. I've known niggers who have tripped on acid while working a shift. I do mean *tripped* btw

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There are good games, just not that many of them.


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Fucking bitch lol how old are you that you can't drink a beer but still try to because you think it's cool? Like 14? You'll learn to drink when the shittiness of your sober life tastes worse than the alcohol.

>not doing both until in a temporary coma
It's like you want to enjoy life or something.

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drinking is for weakwilled faggots anyways

It's legal, nimrod, you can buy it at the store now

At what point should I start worrying about potentially being an alcoholic?

I'm putting off playing Halo CE for the first time on Steam MCC until I get some edibles so I can experience it stoned as fuck. Hoping it'll be a really cool vibe.
Only games I enjoy drunk are multiplayer FPS games.

Beer is a meme
Buy gay fruity mixed drinks

>living in a third-world country that locks people in cages for opening a plant

I just take swigs out the bottle sometimes when I game, only a bitch needs to mix their vodka.

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Beer is better with a meal because it doesn't overpower the taste of the food

I love me some gay fruity bullshit mixed drinks but there's a time and a place

Only if you're a faggot who enjoys hangover and puking. daily reminder mixed drinks = fag


Fucking based

pic related

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Edibles are for fags and wont let you focus the way smoking weed does you wont enjoy it as much as if you just played sober

Edibles is just an overwhelming body high for normies with no balls to smoke
You really are a smooth brain

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Pfftt fuck off lightweight

>tfw stomach issues develop after years of routine drinking
Been thinking of taking up week but that feels like trading one bad habit for another

- Shrooms
- Amphetemines

- booze
- weed
- smack

>When your pleb taste palate can't in include bitter/earthy flavors
Beer = liquid bread. Fuck off if you think otherwise

Enjoy your aneurysm bro

Fuck you, Texas, and fuck your Lone Star beer.

I'm curious and I can't find what this is from.

Wholesome post

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I don't know why people meme about this series so much. I watched the whole first season. It had a few good moments, but almost all the supernatural or "weird" stuff had no payoff, there was the pointless "philosophy" shit like time is a flat circle nonsense. It was just a generic buddy crop thriller with some sex and action and my gritty so real corrupt government and church. whatever dude.

Weed is better for you than alcohol br far. Also , as long as your alcoholism doesn't mean insane liver failure, esophageal varices, or a complete degredation of of the intestinal lining then you're fine.

What's your poison, nigger?

Bread isn't bitter. And why the fuck would I want to eat plain bread

absolutely retarded pretentious faggot. I've smoked plenty and tripped acid too. I'm currently living where there's no good spots for me to smoke and edibles are way more subtle so better for my current situation. Mouth breathing troglodyte nigger

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Top fucking kek, lightweight. I've been drinking since I was 16.
stay away from it desu, worse than smoking except once you start the culture keep bringing you in

>Bread isn't bitter
Sourdough and rye would like a word with you. Also a lot of beer isn't really that bitter and a bitter taste palate only does you good if you want any worth as a cook

T. Professional cook who knows a lot of baker niggas

>games are not fun unless I'm tripping on like 4 tabs of acid

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>Games are fine as long as I'm sober
But it makes things so much more fun

Drinking booze distracts me too much to game, I usually fap multiple times to NTR and get a fat head rush. In fact I just relapsed now except I was sober god have mercy

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If you're a genuine alcoholic then you should keep away desu. This shit will literally kill you

>have to slam 12 of these niggers just to keep a buzz going for six hours

fuck this, i'm going back to vodka

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Very specific, and not at all possible, douchebag.

If you truly want to become an alcoholic, start with the basic mixed drinks:

>vodka + sprite
>rum + coke

The good news is that you can start with really cheap shit.

>You're not cool enough to drink like me, lightweight

Drinking is pathetic

>At what point should I start worrying about potentially being an alcoholic?

When you think to yourself "I NEED a drink right now" and start feeling anxious at the thought of not getting one.

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relapsed on fapping to NTR, I can handle my booze just fine