What makes a good video game villian?

What makes a good video game villian?

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Villains are a thing in stories, not games.


Leveling up a new class through ARR content is so fucking dull.

Nor Mr Sharingan himself, Zenos.

Writing from anyone other than a jap.

Understandable motives, being somewhat likable, and he has you or your character somewhat question their views on the situation

>implying americans are good writers

will facet crafting gear make a big difference in ishgardian restoration crafts



someone please make a webm of the last part

For just the normal ones, not really. For the expert ones being added tomorrow, they are apparently going to be aimed at people with top tier fully melded shit.

Why do you keep spamming this fat faggot?

When Hythlodaeus tells you how much of a heavy burden Emet-Selch keeps carrying and when the camera shows him, slouched, walking through the city I genuinely felt bad for him.
That's how you write a sympathetic villain.

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Because another fat faggot keeps deleting threads about a game he doesn't like. FOR FREE, I might add. He's not even getting paid for how big of a faggot he is being.




one with a just cause


Maybe you should take the hint, numpty.

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The same thing that makes a good character. They are interesting/memorable.

Being memorable

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It's still 27 hours away.

Good, please do everything for me and sell me the exclusive hair on the market for cheap pls

can all elezen mommies do me a favor and immediately buy and apply the new hair on your character
thank you

Can someone tell me where I can find a dark chocolate-like skin for Xaela Au Ra? Most of the skintones seem too close to the steppe Xaela and I'm looking for something more natural.

That is one type of good villain, but there is more than one way to write a good villain.

You're a bit shit outta luck there, most of the Xaela skins are supposed to look unnatural since they're literally the mutated slave race.

I saw your tantrum on /vg/ you fag

Yeah sure I'll do that for you.
j/k I play Hrothgar

Okay but that doesn't answer my fucking question? I'm just asking where I can find that specific skin color, not a fucking lore lecture.

What tantrum?

>Okay but that doesn't answer my fucking question?
But it does? You literally cannot get a naturally looking chocolate skin Xaela because it quite literally does not exist. You need to make a Raen if you want more human-like skin colors.


critically important

Look, I know it's likely that you're a stupid fucking american and you don't want to fucking bother looking but I'm sure there is one and you're just being lazy with some easy and stupid fucking response. If you're not going to help, then just don't fucking reply instead of acting like an ass, alright?

>epic meol time
fucking lmao

Lavos is clinically retarded, but give me four (4) good reasons why the other two are bad takes.

I guess Lavos theory since the other two are very likely to happen
I for one would think it would be cool as shit, but also think the final villain of the game should be an original character of XIV, not Lavos (and not Zenos either)

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Can I cheese the final phase of eureka like pyros reflect farming?

Hey Asshole, I'm just trying to tell you that it's not possible because the game doesn't fucking let you do it. So suck it up and either make a Raen or live with the fact that you can't get what you want on a Xaela and move on.

Why do you say that? Why THE FUCK does EVERYONE say that I neeed to make a fucking RAEN when I want a XAELA? You are acting like a stupid fucking american and trying to piss me off now. Fuck off you stupid faggot.

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There's no need to throw a temper tantrum,
>little user

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Give me a single sensible arguement against Ultimecia being E12 or E11 after the nostalgiafaggotry that was Stormblood and 70% of Shadowbringers being FFVIII pandering
It's the first thing you'd think as soon as you saw Gaia using time magic in E2

Calm down friend I'll tell you how to make a nice human looking xaela, just make a raen

You're probably the stupid fucking faggots that were at the general and here you are being fucking just as worthless as you were there. Fuck off you stupid redneck hicks, don't you have sisters to fuck?

ultimecia and halicarnassus are the same character

Reusing models already made from Dissidia

>Wanted to make Vidya villians thread
>Deleted because XIVniggers are using one already as their stealth general again
Fucking modern WoWfags

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Is BLM easy to pick up and play?

Cope, real /xivg/ is filled with trannies that would report anyone in the game itself for saying "hi" to them.
It's fun, but like always it requires intensive fight knowledge for max DEEPS and your rotation changes every 10 levels.

It's intensely satisfying when you succeed at a fight perfectly without ever dropping your rotation. It's intensely frustrating when you inevitably fuck all of that up and have to recover. In all honesty, recovering isn't as big as it is/was on some other jobs, but my god if it doesn't instantly tilt me for the rest of the encounter.

they have to be entertaining

its rotation is very intuitive but you will need to learn fights and plan your movement if you want to do big DPS in hard content

BLM is only good if you have a static willing to adjust for you, otherwise it's (kinda) shit.

>le anti-villain meme

>samefag from other mmo thread trying to force a buzzword

>uldah shit handwaved in two quests
>vanu shit immediately killing all tension regarding the vault
>Varis is there for literally zero reason and doesn't show up again until post stormblood quests
>by the way shtola basically crippled everyone and killed Minfilia hope you dont mind
HW's lows were absolutely dreadful and pretending that 3.3 makes up for all of it is fucking retarded. Stormblood was an unironically better expac all around

>Finally cleared E8S
>Grey parse


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yep, especially in this tier

He looks like the Meat King
not sure what based lad will get the reference but whatever


eat food
drink pots
keep uptime
dont fuck up ur rotation
boom now ur blue+

lol you suck

>tfw static can't get past past E6S because MT is retarded and good DPS members keep dropping and MT keeps finding new people who are shit

I want to prog Shiva already. I've already gotten my clear for E6S a week ago

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np bro I'll put it up for 6 mil

why cant pf do conflag bros....

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better than how a buddy of mine is doing it
>his static hates him
>despite this he's carrying them more than a japanese rice farmer carries their crop
>they ignore his input for mechanics then complain that he isn't helping
>i'm in his FC and linkshell so I can see parts of whats going on first-hand
it's fucking terrifying what can happen with a shit static

Tank life is hard bros

>repeatedly cause wipe and get judged by everyone until you understand the fight
>once you get it you watch the rest of the party fucking up without being able to do anything to help

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>raiding with toxic casuls

BLM are the Chads of every static where everyone has to bend over backwards to accommodate you

more like the special kid

Because this static has his cousin and a few friends in it and they needed a tank, so he agreed to help them. Now that he's part of these retards he wants to go back to his old static, which they already guaranteed he can come back when a tank gives up/when they re-prog for TEA.
I guess it's kinda like "Sunk-Cost" static raiding? with the insurance of a good static willing to help.