Lets talk about Animal Crossing and why its a comfy digital stress ball. What will you do on the 20th?

Lets talk about Animal Crossing and why its a comfy digital stress ball. What will you do on the 20th?

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>Many YouTubers and "influencers" got to try a terraforming demo
>No one tried to see if beaches/river mouths can be changed.

Useless, all of them

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Why the fuck is wearing socks and shoes with a bath towel so hot

dial eight

What what!

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I can't wait to see my animal friends!

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what is this

looks like amiibo NFC files

What's the deal with this slut.

she's my wife

I bet half the villagers wont even communicate with the other villagers in your town. Hell! They didn't even showcase whats new with the villagers in ACNH.

I'll get this hat, dress as Fuckerman and become the ultimate Animal Crossing coomer

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>What will you do on the 20th?
Jury Duty

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Sorry you're married to a whore.

So fucking cute! I loved watching Lindsey's gameplay.

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purchase the game of course

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Why are chibis so sexy

Preloaded the game yesterday so now I just wait until midnight on the 20th to hopefully start playing


Protip: You have a number assigned to you. You can call the phone number in your summons the day before you have to go. They will tell you up to what number has to go. So if your number is, say, 103 and they say only up to 78 is needed, you don't even need to show up.

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body mass distribution is
>50% face
>30% hips/ass
>20% the rest

i've had jury duty three times. each time my number has been sub 20. this last time, last year, i was number 2

I will have sex with gf and play animal crossing with gf nonstop my semester ends on the 19th so it will be good times for a week

Sucks for you, you dumb fucking faggot bitch.

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do it, Villager. do it for both of us.

How about a cat or a rabbit too

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I have to, otherwise I might have to bump into big Bubba in the shower again.
Thanks for the tip.

Gonna have to design an appropriate shirt so I can be the Amazing Bag Man.

I wanna fug this piggy

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There's a long list of shit they can and can not do and or show. Anyone who wants to keep in good with Nintendo followed their agreements to a tee.
The Mexican "journalist" that did the one video that showed a ton of crap
that no one else did for instance broke her agreement and will probably never see a Nintendo preview again.

wtf Im a coomer now

now do the real version of this, where they're all wearing the wrong one, and one has the duckie shirt


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Autism simulator


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Ooh nice! For reference, I'm gonna be pic related for laffs.
It was always inside you, user. And so was your coom.

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Gonna ask me mum to preorder the game for me today. Hopefully it'll be here before 22nd.

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>got a new phone last summer
>it doesn't have any NFC capability
Thank you Motorola, very cool.

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>The Mexican "journalist" that did the one video that showed a ton of crap
that no one else did for instance broke her agreement and will probably never see a Nintendo preview again
Do you know his name? I'm curious now.



You know Big Bubba? God I wanted to go to jail again just to be his personal shower slut again.

Suck my dick

Play the game and I guess download Doom for 2 days straight.

where to find coomer tier qr code patterns?

remember when animal crossing was a soulful exploration of loneliness being overcome by community instead of a soulless customization sandbox that panders to the current social media fueled zeitgeist of narcissism and materialism?

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Why would you post that without a link?

Animal Crossing was always about making money and getting cool shit to put in your house, go shove that fruity soul talk up your ass with Treebeard's twiggy dick, Pippin.

I remember when I made my AC town theme Funky Town.

except now it is not about buying what is offered but you can just order anything without any hassle it is soulless consumerism

>little game that lets you decorate your house and collect things

no because games mean different things to different people.
your opinion is not fact.

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This but unironically. Originally it was about learning to compromise as a member of society, but now its I CONTROL ALL THE THINGS.
Still buying it though.

Remember when animal crossing was about signs in the street telling you to watch out for animals crossing the road? The nerve of you guys today.

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Ill admit i'm kinda disappointed with the new crafting system, but as long as other people enjoy it i dont mind.

Do these work with Amiiqo? I might need to dust mine off

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>NFC cards I bought on AliExpress on Feb 23 still not delivered.
Still lots of time for them to arrive but I'm getting nervous for launch day.

So this is what Chester's dad has been up to. Huh.

where's the damn link

>falling back into that lonely state
>Life looking bleak
>just 11 more days till I can forget about it all and become friends with cute animals while building my dream island.
It can't come soon enough

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Is this shit virus free or whatever? I usually download them form a trusty site but who knows...

Any demo that is accompanied by an employee guide is about as fun as guided tour through an art museum. They likely couldn't do much beyond what Nintendo had decided they would do.

>buying anything from china right now
>not just getting some from amazon and receiving them a few days later

Which ones is the best, Animal Crossing, Harvest Moon or Rune Factory? I never played any of them (besides Stardew Valley lol).

Just install it dude I'm playing right now ;)

It's literally a ransomware .zip file but go ahead download it and fuck up your pc and ruin your life in your pathetic attempt at piracy instead of buying some inexpensive and abundantly available Amiibo cards from various online retailers

>What will you do on the 20th?
with a little luck ill be playing the game for free as i entered a fanart contest, I was doing a piece with all my new leaf villagers and stumbled upon that, I think the game really has me motivated as im fairly surprised how comfy was to draw all the scenes.

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Fucking autists, I swear to fucking God. Every Animal Crossing has been the same. You sell fruit and bugs to the raccoon to pay off your loan. It doesn't matter how many customization options they add, that's what it always was, and that's what it still is. I don't fucking care about your autistic childhood experiences, we all have them, but the fact that you are unable to replicate them in your adulthood is not the fault of the game.
Go outside, faggot.

I have hope since the seller shipped it the day after I purchased it. It's just the tracking that's not updating but I've had times where it never updates until its delivered.
As for Amazon, what I paid for 50 cards on Ali would only get me 25 on Amazon.

I saw the screenshot for that one but i aint spoiling myself with it. I believe title was "aun mas secretos revelados animal crossing, and it was pubished this sunday"

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