Why is it so good

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because it's trending (You)s on Yas Forums

> SquareSoft
That's why, they had FF9, FF12 (Vagrant Story) & FF10 development at the same time all were supposed to released back to back to back. Spirits Within caused it to be delayed and scrapped. The creator of the series left due to FF12 development and they went downhill ever since



Shit's comfy, yo.

true. the game has a beautiful soundtrack

The sound track is honestly what I remember the most about FFX

In terms of aesthetic, soundtrack & overall tone of the characters are written in. FFX is the most soulful game ever made by a longshot



it was pretty disturbing desu
that one guy with a jamaican accent was a total Yas Forumstard

We're in a FFX appreciation post bois!


I remember playing this game in the 4th grade and eating up this edgy shit

Chrono Cross would like to have a word with you as far as aesthetics and soundtrack go, but you’re a based lad.

Wakka's accent is hawaiian

Actually had a really fleshed out world. You don't get as much of a sense of culture, religion, and history in most other entries.

>That remaster soundtrack
The worst part is reading the notes that came with the soundtrack glorifying how they butchered the songs.
"it is a more muted arrangement, eliminating the use of harmonica and adding a steel string guitar. "
1 minute and 7 seconds you can hear the butchering
Original: youtube.com/watch?v=pZIVJmSDU5M
Remaster: youtube.com/watch?v=G4ukzxb165g

XII is better fight me

You're not wrong, the original is way better. Because it's how I fucking remember it.

Absolute peak of classic FF combat, uematsu was still around so the music is kino, cool cgi cutscenes, cute romance plot (unless you are totally bitter and cynical, or never experienced young love), sphere grid was interesting, summons were actually controllable instead of just doing their attack then disappearing, which was a great improvement, first FF to have voice acting, etc. it was extremely hyped when it came out for all these reasons and it has big nostalgia for a lot of people

Also a good array of characters that has something for everyone, with big tit onee-san, edgy uncle samurai, racist but based dudebro, furrybait, and barely legal scantily clad thot.

as someone who played both versions, i love both of these

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Does the remaster have less soul?

You tell me

Attached: 1Ps2OnTheLeft.webm (1024x510, 2.8M)

Original is better for this track I think.

i'm.... i'm pretty sure that's not ps2 on the left

It's an upscaled emulator but you can tell its ps2 by the subtitles.


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Sakaguchi left because he spearheaded the Spirits Within and cost the company face and a shitload of money. It had nothing to do with XII, he was put in a corner and not allowed to do anything except be trotted out to promote and give his blessing to upcoming projects which explicitly would not include him, until he was degraded enough to leave the company like the higher ups wanted. It's a common tactic in Japanese businesses.

I'd say XII came close, but Ivalice also has a shitload more games than X to develop it.

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XII is shit simply because they degraded it by making Vaan the main character for marketing purposes

Spirals in the eyes, then they gotta die brudda

You probably shouldn't laugh anymore..

Speak another language to me and a sending will be the last thing you see.

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I bought the X/X2 remaster for the PS3 AGES ago but never got around to opening it. I'd really rather play it on my Vita on the go though. Does it support crossplay or am I stuck with the PS3 version?

Some songs did actually get an improvement though. Biggest one I think is:

Original: youtube.com/watch?v=cMy52lw89IE
Remaster: youtube.com/watch?v=vwY8vl0GFYI

I hate them both to be honest. Murder for headphone users

gameplay wise it's pretty eeeh, but goddamn it has the best atmosphere.
also i remember being blown away with this scene as a kid youtube.com/watch?v=mQskogtH678

I'm still salty about the "remaster". Meanwhile mediocrity that is FFXII got a stunning PC port.

back to discord al bhed subhuman

FFX was the first FF to utilize PS2's graphical capabilities as well as feature voice acting. Although the voice acting wasn't particularly great, it was still a breath of fresh air compared to the older FFs that had to solely rely on dialogue. Voice acting is a game changing artistic medium that can change the way the viewer perceives cutscenes that build up the story.

FFX's story and level of immersion is quite possibly one of the best of its franchise. Regardless of your opinion on Tidus, his journey towards finding out the truth about Zanarkand is wonderfully built up as he learns more and more about the world of Spira. The way the game slowly presents the characteristics behind the lore and worldbuilding is paced really well because each conflict only gives you a limited amount of information for you to theorize about how the rest of the story will go. I could go on and on about the specifics of each arc but it's already been analyzed to death on the internet,

this scene almost makes me tear up
ffx has such a tragic but perfect ending

Look at this Yuna

Attached: 63.png (1920x1080, 2.2M)

i don't care what people say but honestly i can't forgive them for making FFX-2 and ruining the ending. also i almost got a stroke reading the summary of FFX-2.5


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i have x-2 cause of the remaster but i never touched it. it just seems to undermine the impact of the original, plus the main characters are k-pop idols or something now?

Do you think basch or balthier should have been the main character?
I kinda think the whole sky sky pirate crew was largely irrelevant to the plot and any of the four could have been the mc, except fran i guess.
I'm sure you were going to say balthier because he was gonna be at first, but i kinda like that they made him like han solo instead, especially since they clearly were going for some kind of star wars thing with that game.
Its not like he ever left your party once they joined and you didn't really have to use vaan in battle, he was just the stand-in clueless teenager for cities so they had an excuse to explain shit to you.

Its fine if you don't like the game but I feel like this is a shitty excuse


cringe samefagging shit eater

yeah something like that, it's fucking autistic.
muh graceful yuna becomes a slutty idol.

That's what you get with Toriyama at the helm. He's one of the directors of FF7R btw.

Calm down bro. That ain't me. I've never actually played X before. I just really love XII

I unironically feel bad for you guys who can't appreciate the better remaster music due to nostalgia. I didn't play FF10 until way later at 24 so I only experienced the PC version and I thought the soundtrack was great.

this reminds me of the jedi rocks scene in the remastered star wars movies

zero trannies

to be fair you're also just saying the music of the one you played first is better
i legitimately like both. i feel closer to the remaster cause i played more of it, but they're both great

FFX wasn't tragic unless Yuna died

>, but they're both great
Except 90% of remastered tracks being inferior to the original, some abhorrently so.

And don't get me started on the fucking graphics.

Get your eyes and ears checked bro

based retard

The battle system is okay, but It's mediocre to other games of the time.

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Likewise, bottom feeder.

warning breast video

why must we fight

cause people have the wrong opinion

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Imagine being that much of a disingenuous piece of shit you still have to defend remaster after seeing only because you were unfortunate enough to experience it first. Lol.


X-2 is better in nearly every way.

>who is rikku?

you can always switch back to the original BGM

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You're showing the pictures of the upscaled emulated PC version to the regular remaster on not ultra settings.
You can watch the cutscene here and compare it to your screenshots, the remaster clearly doesn't look like that

the yuna pics look marginally different. the other one is comparing the remaster to an emulator. as someone who plays on a console, i do not use emulators, so i do not pay attention to them

and this dude is talking about disingenuous

this post was made to appreciate the game. if you're sperging out about whether the remaster has 10% worse graphics than the ffx you played, or whether the original's soundtrack has instruments you don't like quite as much, then there is something wrong with you. not everything needs to be an argument