Guardian, what are you doing jacking off to an anime imageboard? The crucible needs more veterans NOW!

Guardian, what are you doing jacking off to an anime imageboard? The crucible needs more veterans NOW!

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Destiny PvP hasn't been good since the first game, Shaxx, now fuck off.

This game feels so isolated for an MMO. It's only fun when played casually with friends.

Guardian, you disappoint me with your lack of enthusiasm. How about I give you some... Motivation?

Attached: shaxx.png (206x550, 176.7K)

But Shaxx, I'm shitposting on Yas Forums while waiting for my next game to start

Sorry Shaxx, I took a break from cranking out godrolls and bright engrams at the obelisk to feed the pigeons. Gotta keep my energy up for the return of Trials this week. Say hi to Mara for me.

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Pre-Taken King specifically
After that update Crucible felt like hammering nails into your dick

Understood. Take good care of those pigeons, Guardian. They're counting on you.

>try pvp for the first time after playing this game for a month
>get fucking killed in less than 1.5 seconds 100m away with a hand cannon while having fucking 100 resil
>this happens at least 10 times in a row by different players
I don’t get it

im jacking off to armored men like you, honestly

Hey... hit me... hard as you can.

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>Be Bungie
>Invent the best console PVP ever seen
>move onto Destiny
>flaunt how you won't have traditional things like CTF because you want to reinvent the genre
>PVP so bad they have to bribe people to play by attaching important bounties and exotic weapons to it

If I was Bungie, I would create a new mode where everyone starts with the same pistol/AR and all weapons are found as respawnable weapon spawn locations just like Halo and just admit they fucked up. This won't 100% fix the mode at all but will make it bearable.

Game too big

I like Halo more but I think Crucible is great, really. A little unbalanced but I still spend plenty of hours on it almost nightly.

Momentum Control is the only game mode I like, honestly, regular cru cru feels weird.

The only reason you do is probably because you have some top tier weapons or a group that give you an advantage and that is one of many issues with this shit PVP.

I just use whatever I think looks cool.
Right now I mostly use a bow.

>gonna miss the artifact level triumph by 1 point
I would prefer to be literally any other level than +19

I don't believe you.

Trials is coming back but I don't think it'll be the same
D1's engine and way of handling things had a strange charm to it. Every weekend was pretty magical and that was reflected on its twitch views
Shaxx is fucking based though I can't believe he tapped mara sov

But why?

>growing up playing adventure games and jrpgs left me pretty bad at multiplayer fps
>usually suck in crucible
>start doing decent for a little bit
>spawn in to instant death 4-5 times in a row

Why isn't this cutie more relevant?
Shaxx is gonna take his helmet off one day and he's gonna be another brown man you all know it's true.

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I believe him, I've seen some crazy shit like a blueberry in Quickplay with a masterworked No Turning Back with like 20k kills on it, people are weird

He's voiced by a black man so it'll probably be like that
Though they haven't introduced new white people so they might go for him
If they ever reveal shaxx though it's because they'll kill him

Because I used to hang out in the general and the general could be as bad as reddit sometimes with you faggots lying and exaggerate about things in the games and the ones that try to hype the game up here in Yas Forums always come from that camp. So either you are lying or some crazy insane fanboy that plays nothing else and is blinded by this games problems which IMO is the biggest cancer this game series suffers from.

I don't. This community has a lot of batshit sociopaths that lie and bend over backwards for Bungie, everything but admit this game has serious issues.

I always thought Shaxx was black. It's all in the voice.

>top the scoreboards by a mile with a shitty purple gun
>only deaths are from gay anime mode instant kill super attacks

still frustrates me


Halo pvp was always lame outside of btb and party modes with friends. Destiny's is worse because it's missing those.

I've unironically jacked off to this dude and I never played pvp in Destiny 2.

I've been an avid Destiny fan since I first played it but it has some really down moments, it's not a great game but it's the best of its genre

I just like the game, user, bows are cool and satisfying to use. I don't browse the general, I don't use Reddit, I don't care if you play the game and I know absolute jack shit about the metas. I just like it.

>stop playing for half a year
>come back and get absolutely overwhelmed with a shitload of quests with ten thousand steps that can take hours to complete for a reward that's practically required for endgame content
>lose the will to play
White characters have been voiced by black guys before, although I think they should never reveal what Shaxx looks like. Ever. The helmet stayed on.
>"Did you see that grenade toss? That Guardian is only a danger to himself!"

Whats its genre competitors? Anthem and The Division? That's not competition. The best low hanging fruit of a dying tree is still shit fruit.

Whats your user name and platform so I can verify?

Destiny is 100% a game you have to pick up years down the road when everything is fixed and tons of content has been added
Destiny 1 is easily a 9/10 game in its state, and could've been higher during the taken king days
The same shit will happen to this. Find a full fireteam to start with you in a year or two and you'll have hundreds of hours of fresh content

What's the problem?
Black men can be cool.
It's rowdy niggers everyone dislikes. Those come in all shapes, colors and genders.



Why would I do that?

It's not that he's not cool. We all know he is
It's that almost every single major character in this game is black and bald, or one of the two

Wanna watch me jack off?
I mean... jack off?
Watch me jack off?

I can check how much you play PVP and the weapons you use. There is no way this dox you and no problem for you to share other than you are lying and this proves it. But you won't though for obvious reasons.

Settle down, Mara Sov.

user I'm a sperg and don't like giving my usernames, you can believe whatever you want I'm not here to prove anything, I just wanted to talk about the game. I'll back out now.

The only thing that can kill Destiny is Destiny, Anthem and the Division tried and failed to snag some of the playerbase, Destiny may seem like shit to people that don't understand it but it filled a need for a good looter shooter/MMOFPS before the need for them even existed

Spare Rations is a busted piece of shit, but don't get close either! They will surely ram a Mindbender's up your ass.

>be bungie
>really want people to take your pvp serious
>have primary weapons be hot garbage
>start everyone off with 2 special weapon ammo because of this
>make every map a flat square with little to no verticality
>SBMM even for casual play

fucking clowns. not to mention they fucking LOVE herding players into a specific meta by breaking whatever people seem to be having the most fun with, even if it’s considered balanced by the community itself. god i hate those fucking faggots with a burning passion. im done supporting them.

I know part of it is due to the nature of the game but the way Bungie has been using characters makes me think they actually don't know how to create character driven narrative and their writers only know how to write lore tabs now. Maybe we'll get more SRL at some point but I don't hold my breath.
As for Shaxx the Lennie James is black but Shaxx is clearly white&orange. I can imagine Bungie being stupid enough to unmask him. They should be adding more helmets to the game not less. Saladin just looks depressing without the helmet and I'm still mad Sloane is on Titan without one.

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Destiny is shit because theme park MMOs are shit. Theme park MMOs were around for like a decade prior to Destiny and Destiny didn't fix the problems they had. It made them worse in some ways by turning much of the game into about browsing apps instead.

user, this is just. People like you who go into threads and lie about what they do to avoid criticism of the game. You need to start understanding that criticism is a good thing and makes the game better. Thank you for backing out user and please consider backing out from life.

>Destiny may seem like shit to people that don't understand it

Destiny was a good idea in theory but they fucked up in practice. A good example is tomorrow we will see a new season. What is "new"? Maybe one small PVE mode you have to grind for 3 months. Otherwise you have to hamster wheel the same shit you have been doing over and over to get a number (power level) to 110 that ultimately means very little other than letting you do harder content to continue growing that number. There is nothing revolutionary about this, this game is designed by psychologists and is wrapped around a pay store that this retarded community called anyone toxic and entitled when you warned them about this in D1.

2nd part meant for

>an entire fucking season solely dedicated to pvp
Is Bungo having a fucking giggle? Or did the season of the drifter taught them nothing?

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I never said that Destiny was perfect and I never said your criticism was bad. I just said I like it. I'm not lying about using bows, I know nothing about how the community thinks since I only started last Summer and don't interact with anyone. I play fairly well and I play crucible and gambit nightly, I wasn't trying to defend or convert people into Destiny lovers, I was just curious about a game I enjoy.

>i'm backing out
>posts again

See the Bungie fanboys really are lying sociopaths

I'm gonna be honest. You confuse me, user.

user, why did you say you were backing out and you posted again?

I can't do it anymore Shaxx, too many huntards running around with OHKO special weapons, leaping sky high into the air with their boots that boost their already ridiculous movement options

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Picked up the game recently. The shootan is still as fun as it was in the first one but the structure is ass. Like I thought they just outright removed the original base game content during my first few hours because you have to talk to Amanda of all people to start stuff like The Red War. They also need to port over the first game's content or something, because there is quite the bulk of callbacks and returning cast that many players won't remember or outright not know because:
A) It's been 5 years since the original Destiny season with House of Wolves
B) A lot of people didn't buy The Taken King even though it was pretty beloved
C) It seems that a good chunk of PC players for Destiny 2 had Destiny on 7th Gen consoles, so dead player counts, the requirement of Gold for Xbros, and Rise of Iron being 8th Gen only makes it so playing the first game to catch up really isn't an option for them anyways

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But why even play the game if you don't like the core game? I've been playing the game on and off for a long time and I really don't understand what people want out of Destiny.


They're coming back with rasputin and warmind shit, right?

Because I thought it'd be appropriate to give one more quick thought. I didn't think it would be that big a deal since we're just talking about a video game on an imageboard.

I don't play the game anymore since the last major expansion but I do just keep up with whats going on out of curiosity. I have friends still in it so they tell me about the state of the game.

>play freelance competitive at Mythic 1
>literally impossible to win more than one game in a row as your team has no game sense while the enemy team all know exactly when and where to push at the right times
I'm so tired of this, I'll never get Not Forgotten

shit game for moron

Backing out means you are done user. You haven't backed out, you lied. You realize that right user? I mean if it wasn't a big deal, especially this video game chat you would have already backed out like you said you would but I guess it is a big deal then to you?

Dude I just wanted to have a conversation, what did I do to you?

>I'm still mad Sloane is on Titan without one
lol terraforming magic nigga I ain't gotta explain shit

user, if you wanted to have a conversation about a video game why claim you are "backing out"? Why say that at all? That usually ends a conversation.

>inb4 this user admits to not watching the trailer or reading anything about season of the worthy as he scrambles to clarify his stupid post

Attached: spooti.jpg (1280x720, 61.61K)

looks to be some new kind of escalation protocol on the moon and probably a couple other planets
not sure what else

To be fair this is the first season where we know very little outside that vague road map. They didn't even do a preview video for it

>turning much of the game into about browsing apps instead
Why don't they fucking revamp the vault system so people don't have to use something like Ishtar Commander? Shit's a huge fucking pain in the ass.

I want a co-op ARPG or a good MMO, not some hybrid that does neither very well. The linear campaign doesn't even complement the setting and the story doesn't even take your fireteam into account.

Because I didn't want to give my username.
I was just backing out of giving you my username.

user i think you dropped your hat

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Yeah there's something like that
I'm really against this drip feeding kind of content. 3 months for some padded activities worth 15 bucks? I'm not really a fan of this seasonal stuff but whatever; they're in poor mode now that they don't have activision money
What I miss most about destiny 1 is that now almost nothing is RNG dependant because people cried so much. Now everything is a giant checklist of endless chores to get a weapon that everyone else will also have. Getting dead orbit shaders from packages was more exciting than anything D2 has to offer. That or the scarab, the nanophoenix and some other stuff

No the context of "I'll back out now" was you were done talking you lying sociopath assuming this is you and not a faggot pretending.

Are you ESL or something?

Asher Mir has that excuse. Titan wasn't Traveler'd and even if it was it has a methane ocean which puts the surface temperature between −182 and −161 °C which is cold as shit. It's a shame they gave up on trying to make space magic make some semblance of sense in the name of drama. And Titan and Sloane are my favorite location and NPC too.

>and Rise of Iron being 8th Gen only
Don't worry, Bungie completely forgot Rise of Iron happened for the most part.

Gonna be me first Trials and the news that came with it seriously disappointed me. Frankly, I lost all desire to play around Crimson Gays (which were sweaty as fuck) and I don't think I'll stick around for much longer. Even higher steaks than surv for once again retardedly generated gear (which in 99% will be worse than

Titan is a cool play wish a mission made you go out into the methane sea