You're so beautiful, Jill Valentine

You're so beautiful, Jill Valentine.

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Why does she look like a guy now?

is this a meme you've all run into the ground, or do you virgins really think like this?

She looks like a potato faced Slav with makeup and long hair.

Don't forget about Claire Redfield

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She literally looks like a man with a wig in that picture.

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Should I buy that shit? I wanted too but I feel is going to be really short, online might not be that greate. Dunno now, I'm thinking nioh 2 but also lost interest more like meh. Money not a issue I just don't get in to new games I always play the same shit battlefield 4 yes still, and soulcalibur 5.

Carlita Redfield is cute but she's no Claire

have you played the previous games? if not, you should atleast play Resident Evil HD Remake. You will appreciate playing as Jill more and understand the overall story.

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Jill is the first female video game character I ever played and loved her ever since. REmake 3 will be kino.

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I have play all the games all my life love them. Dunno man Jill looks good but is nothing compared to gamecube Jill and more like I'm thingkn since is just a remake it will be the same game as before sure with new looks new things but I'll feel I already play it I know how everything will be and they fuck nemesis so I don't know.

No other incarnation of her character has spilt so much seed so quickly

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>Milla Jokavich finally got the ultimate Jill upstage by becoming Jill herself.

That's because Hispanic girls are pure coomer fuel

She looks like a fucking caveman

I'm about to marathon through the other games in the "Raccoon City Arc" as a sort of recap before REmake 3 hits.

>REmake HD with HD background mod, along with mod that replaces background music with the superior OG RE1 tracks
>REmake 2 with Classic UI mod, a mod that combines the best tracks from the classic and modern soundtracks, the Darkside Chronicles classic Claire outfit mod, Stunning Claire, and reshade to enhance contrast and colors

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I bet you think Ana de Armas is mestizo too

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Because Capcom is on the SJW train. At least since mid 2014.

Do you actually genuinely not see how this face looks completely retarded (and no, it doesn't look exactly like the model, who is much better looking)?

No? What's supposed to be "retarded" about it, autismo?

play outbreak dude


That's because the model they chose looks like one, which is why the western faggots they outsourced that task to picked her in the first place.

>playing the classic games will make you want to play this nuRE shit

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I want to give her my cummies :3

actual unironic question, what do you think she smells like?

seriously, she looks so dirty

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Her model only somewhat looks like the in-game model

Look how they massacred my girl

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Here's your jill bro

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Here is the real Jill Sandwich

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you spelled handsome wrong

So? They look like they could be sisters

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girl on the left could pass for hispanic user

again I will bring up Ana de Armas
Morons see her and her Spanish name, knowing she is from Cuba, and will assume that she must be mestizo and that must be how a mestizo person looks (even though she's got pure white European DNA), thinking people who resemble must be mestizo too.
It's the same thing with girls who look like Jordan. She's white alpine-atlantid and you're just being retarded

aka not an anglo white girl like claire originally was


also she doesn't look pure white european. in-game model looks less so.
not sure why it bothers you that people point out that she looks hispanic

Survival and desperation.

because she doesn't
You say she looks Hispanic because she vaguely reminds you of people from Hispanic countries who are actually ethnically white

I'm not even getting this meme anymore. Sure, a lot of women look hideous in modern video games but both Jill and Claire are very attractive. How the fuck does an attractive woman look like in your eyes?

white is a set of many subsets, claire was anglo white, not hispanic white, all i'm saying

hispanic is not even a race, she is just white


there is no "just white" white also has cultural strands and some of which are geographically quite removed from one another and therefore whites come in subsets with some physical differences between them

she is a different kind of white than old Claire, with much more neotenic features, but she is in no way mestizo (which is the implication when someone says hispanic, since most hispanics are mestizos)

I love that she has actual jill valentine tits

cute, but she's no ada.

Asian with a flat texture face and large eyes

Oh yeah user because this absolutely wasn't a video game 20 years ago, such "progress" it's a new thing, sure.

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>her muscles

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Jesus christ shut the fuck up no she fucking couldn't.

Fucking hell how is she NOT white user??? Get a fucking grip.

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You are too obsessed

Fag, she looks good

She looks like a guy, but I'm such a sweatfag and tanktopfag that I'm cooming pretty good here

For me, it's Ada.

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I'm sorry bros, I think they made it for me

projecting, you can't accept that a character with short hair, barely any chest, a fucking man jaw, is fucking ripped, and is covered in filth, is a man

Demo announcement fucking wen?

>barely any chest

No need. It's going to be another forgettable AAA ots shooter.

march 20th was the predicted date
go take a bath already michael

>barely any chest

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Cant wait for a mod that removes the undershirt.

they're like, B cups at MOST, men can get that

Get some glasses. Jill is fucking stacked. Can't wait for the SFM porn.

maybe you can, lardass

keep seething roastie