Bungie Offices Shut Down Due to Coronavirus Fears


>While health and safety are our top priority, we also recognize the importance of maintaining the continuity of our regular Bungie business operations and have rapidly built a remote work infrastructure to best support this. This includes delivering on our current content plans, the maintenance and upkeep of Destiny 2, as well as continuing development of the game.

>Today, we have activated this fully remote work infrastructure and policy for all Bungie employees across the globe, with the goals of prioritizing the safety of our employees and continuing to develop and deliver on a game we love for our community.

But it's just a nothingburger, right?

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forever winnings brehs

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People were losing there shit over H1n1 11 years ago because we didn't have anything to combat it and killed a few people. That was strain of Influenza.
Corona is a strain of Small Pox. we eradicated that shit back in the 70s in the states. 10 years ago Japan had a problem and they curbed that rather quickly.
The only reason people are losing thier shit is because China are a bunch of dipshits and let the virus spread by just doing media blackouts instead of proper medical procedure. That and the world is far more open to travel since the 70s and we got morons that travel during fucking epidemics.
Once a Vaccine is made all of this will immediate die down to nothing. Until then The smart devs, publishers, and people aren't cross country traveling.

if their offices remained closed i don't think anyone would notice.

Someone in Spain was cured using drugs for HIV, they'll figure out a vaccine soon. 100% a nothingburger.

Bat soup eating retards. Move all manufacturing out of that shit hole

Can't. Literally everyone is in debt to those incompetent retards in one way or another.

Men have a higher rate of infection than women. Also, 31% of men wash their hands when they go to the bathroom, vs 68% of women. But totally unrelated, right?

They already stated they have everything set up to have them work from home so not much will change.

Yes, because having some miniscule bacteria from your own penis on your hands plays a big part in contracting an airborne virus.

So when do you wash your hands for the other 99% of things you touch throughout the day?


Also, it's not airborne. And even if it was, washing your hands reduces your chances of catching airborne diseases.

Men wash their hands before they take a piss. Fags and women wash their hands after.

If you're gonna get it from someone who sneezed near you or on something you had intimate contact with, you're getting it regardless if you wash your hands at every trip to the bathroom.

Boomers are shaking scared but this shit is harmless to everyone else

Who wants to get flu aids though?

Wrong. The primary transfer is from touching something with the virus then wiping your face, or by kissing someone with it.

Your mental gymnastics of arguing that never washing your hands having no effect on your chances of getting infected, when statistics and even basic logic and common sense prove otherwise, is quite sad. Are you just upset that your dirty habit of letting the last 24 hours of crap build up on your hands is actually going to fuck you over? Maybe you should just accept reality and start washing your hands instead of being a little child.

But hey, it's your funeral.

My dick doesn't have the virus. Whatever you're on about, it's retarded.

So when do you wash your hands for the other 99% of things you touch throughout the day?

When I get home from work and take a shower.

>washing your hands once a day
Fucking disgusting. Your hands air dirtier half way through the day than someone who just wiped their ass.

Yeah bro, scrub it all away, 24/7, give your immune system nothing to ever practice on. Real smart.

>getting sick makes me healthier
Mental gymnastics at its finest. All to avoid the 20 seconds of handwashing.

Rarely ever coming in contact with germs means your immune system won't be prepared for when it does and the germs are on steroids.

>Family member got back from a business trip
>Turns out the hotel they stayed at ended up having multiple confirmed cases of corona virus, to the point to where the most of the staff is working from home
>Already interacted with family member, so if they have it I have it
Is it over for me bros?

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So you wanna get pozzed? You're more disgusting than I thought.


>tfw never leave the house anyways

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>if we ignore it, it will go away
don't worry we have pence praying away the virus while trump insinuates flu shots cause autism while at the same time asking if they cure corona

Hey xing, can we have your metals and minerals? Yeah, yeah, we'll pay you back. Uhh, later, though. Call it an IOU, okay?

What the fuck are you talking about? I rarely get sick and it's because I've already been many times when I was younger. This is what having an immune system is all about. You shouldn't be looking to compromise yourself, but neurotically avoiding all germs at all times will do you no favors in the long run.

>But it's just a nothingburger, right?
In all honesty, the panic'll kill more people than the actual virus (most deaths have been very old, very young, very sick, or a combination), but it makes for a damn good excuse to take a holiday. For what it's worth? If this becomes endemic (it probably will), this will be the fifth Coronavirus circulating in humans. It sucks, but it's not the actual apocalypse like it's being hyped up to be.

I hope they all fucking die
Faggot as shit destiny gay as fuck


Yeah bro, I believe you. Your pozzing and pozzed fantasies have nothing to do with the fact that you insert every germ and virus you come into contact with directly into the orifices on your face. That's just coincidence.

>letting a foreign virus become endemic because the government didn't want to stop international flights
Wow thanks

There's no "letting" it at this point, unfortunately. Most recent update has confirmed cases in 100 countries. It's simply far too widespread to stop at this point.

They did let it happen though. The borders should have been closed immediately upon news that the virus was spreading. But instead governments downplayed it and now we have to deal with the consequences.
What exactly is everyone paying taxes for?

Resistence reinforces. Literally everything in life works this way including the immune system, but keep your head buried in the sand I guess.

nobody was cured. nobody has recovered and never will. this virus stays with you forever similar to HIV even after you've "recovered"
every "recovered" person has either died or landed back in the hospital days later. it stays dormant in your nervous system away from immune system detection.

The problem is that Chinese officials literally kept news of the outbreak under wraps until it was too late. By the time we all heard about it, it had already gotten out of China for weeks

>pozz me daddy


Are you retarded? How does a respiratory disease stay in your nervous system?

Look up how your region is doing tests. Hopefully you’re not in a shithole where you pay 4 grand to learn you’re not sick.

That doesn't excuse the fact that the borders should have been closed after it was known so that the spread could have been contained. They're still allowing flights from China into the US right now.

It will probably mutate into a benign form like sars did

You're already pozzed to fucking hell, dude. That's why you overwash and squeal when you see anything "dirty" like a woman.

well retard this new corona virus is much worse than h1n1 and sars or other shit that showed up over the last decade


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It's the end of the fucking world, bros!

China, South Korea, Italy, and more are reporting that "recovered" patients are getting reinfected!
You never become immune!

And there are published studies reporting the virus is similar to HIV, just like said!


He served under two different presidential administrations! Bush and Obama!

We're all fucked!

We are all fucked!


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Go back to Yas Forums

Yeah, sure Mr "catch every disease to build up immunity". I'm clearly the one who's getting pozzed with me washing my hands 5+ times a day.

No, Yas Forums is retarded! All they want to do is blame Jews and liberals and minorities!

>I'm clearly the one who's getting pozzed with me acting like a woman.

I'm in commiefornia. Looks like they're working on making insurance cover the whole cost here. I might suggest to my relative that they get tested, but they seem convinced that they don't have it saying "I'd be experience symptoms by now". They left the hotel just a few days ago

>getting pozzed is manly
You're not convincing anyone that washing your hands once a day is helpful. Enjoy your pozzing.

>that yt video

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I wish my work would shut itself down over this

When people aren't worried, you should start worrying.

how are you going to pay your wow subscription fees without a job nerd?

what is it, more brutes?
worse, arbiter.... chinese people..
