Half life alyx


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From 1% to 30% adoption rate nice!

so they spent 13 years building a VR game that no one is even going to play LMAO

oculus because i'm not a poorfag


trannyfags on suicide watch!

Shit game, no one cares.

how does this btfo vr users at all? nobody has ever said that the majority of vr users can afford vr. it's hardly a secret that most people don't have it.

>twitter screencap threads are OK when it's on MY side.
Uhhhhh... Valvekeks?

I wish all the poor people and their worthless "opinions" would just vanish :^)

>People without VR can't play the game
VR owners BTFO

>13 years
Try 13 weeks, game looks like they just slapped a new texture over Pavlov

ep 2 came out 13 years ago

Show the other side.

lmao, best gate keeping. Finally, I can play a game no Pajeet can afford. Fuck these. They can't be stopped by 500gb bloated install files.

VR sets that requires at least 10 sqm of free space should be required to further kick out poor people off gaming. They hold everyone back.

i would have vr if not for corona

Your crippling alcoholism is no excuse.

we dont victim blame here

Index comes on the store again at like 10am tomorrow PDT. Will be sold out in 5 mins so be prepared!

>""people"" who cant afford vr cant play vr

read his reply again ESL

>most people don't have an expensive thing
Sounds like you're the cuck here.

oh nooooooooooo wtf guys nobody told me that HLA was going to be so disproportionately non-inclusive towards people of color
How can I enjoy spending the 23rd in my Index marathoning the game knowing that so many people are excluded from this experience? literally crying rn

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>Most people don't have a thing that most people don't have
How could we be so cocky, valvebros???

>VRfags desperately trying to justify their wasted money ITT

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i don't get this picture. how is vr just two wiimotes and a monitor? that's like saying pc gaming is just 10 calculators and a tv

imagine buying a toy and spending the following years in a desperate state of cope trying to justify your sore purchase to everyone

A Portal VR game would have been the way to go.
Imagine how fucked you could get

>poorfag desperately coping by hoping that VR owners will be upset that they spent their money

vr is never gonna take off unless companies take risks like valve is

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umm hellloo? based department?

Do you not know what board you're on? Every other post here is either insulting other people's toys or coping with other people insulting toys.

>not having a VR headset
>being too poor to buy a Samsung Odyssey for $230

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That line of reasoning doesn't hold up very well in a thread about VR owners being able to play a game that nobody else can play.

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Computers are basically a TV calculator

If youre that poor then a vr headset isnt gonna be the only thing you'll need to buy. You'll also need to buy/build a pc good enough for Alyx.

>no psvr port

Literally not powerful enough

why would you be whining about needing vr to play it if you didn't already have a pc good enough to play games released in 2020?

>actually saving this on your computer

console shitters need not apply

>playing anything via PSVR
Good lord user. PSVR is bottom of the barrel trash. Index>Vive>Oculus Rift>Oculus Quest>Mixed Reality>>>>>>>>>shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>PSVR

wait for ps5 and psvr2
the current gen is babbyshit

How is it my problem if all those people can't play the game and are forced to watch it online like the cuckolds they are.

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how is the odyssey?

Odyssey+ is a perfectly adequate HMD and a steal at that price point

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VR is probably the one thing I am positive is actually shilled here.

>31% of people have a $300+ optional peripheral mostly to play one game

That seems better than valve ever could have hoped for during their planning and projections desu

It's still pretty same as buying a console for one game and bunch of indie tech demos. Maybe when there's some more actual games for VR I will buy into it.

>nobody else can play
nobody else wants to play*

>the one thing
That's how I know you're a tard

I'm not sure how I feel about screen door effect vs. Vaseline smear but I'm sure people can deal with and appreciate both

>none of the niggers look happy

Meanwhile everybody is desperately screaming and thrashing at Valve to get their lazyasses to make more Indexes.

I don't think Valve is retarded enough to believe twitter polls are real data, only Yas Forums is

It's cute you mistake your mental illness for intelligence.

Half the threads on VR are usually recommending 3-5 games and people warn them to not get it if that's not enough.

Getting it for lewds is worth it tho

If i was in that position then i would be disgusted aswell.

And also a lot of people don't have VR.

Feels good being in the 30%

Are anti-VR poorfags the sourest of sour grapers on Yas Forums?

Holy kek

I mean I don't think those numbers are accurate either but I'm just operating on the same assumption OP is


A ps4 costs more than a VR set. Arcade1up's cost more than a VR set. And a monster PC isn't needed now for a lot of VR shit because it's not 2015 now. It's not "poorness" that causes a low adoption rate.