Tfw no Mega Man Zero musou

>tfw no Mega Man Zero musou

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And thank god for that.

So did that old man reploid see Eurasia fall or just the Elf Wars? He mentions a terrible incident in the past that was too painful to remember.Or was it just Copy X beginning his crackdown on reploids.
Also, is it possible he could have been part of the Repliforce?
So there's two options for this. According to Google translate, one says "with benefits" and the other says "without benefits." But they're both the same price.
Does anyone know what the difference is?

>Mega Man Zero musou

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As much as that sounds awesome, there is too few characters to make a musou out of it unless you include characters from other Megaman series

Thanks to all the anons that defended Zero 4
I just started playing it using the zero knuckle as much as possible and its a fucking BLAST

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I'm doing videos on some of the levels people call hard to help friends that I got to pick up the game and I figured I'd post the airship one instead of a webm due to how long the stage is.
Should I try and get it to fit to screen or does the view size look better this way being a GBA game?

it's really a good game. I've never understood why it gets hated so much. I get if it's not your favorite zero game but why do people actually hate the game?

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That sounds even better, crossover Mega Man musou.
Maybe even give classic Mega some Vanquish style gameplay with shootan and slidan

>no elemental chips
>crafting system
>worse music
>boring stages
>missable item
>ugly mugshots

>boring stages
I'd argue you just need to get better at the game if you think the stages are boring.
this is always my go to video for zero 4 but

also the music is great. I feel like I could grab any track but Esperanto just feels good

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I love zx the most of All games so far (havent played advent yet) then it goes like this : zero 4 , zero , zero 2 and zero 3

it really has the worst music in the series. there's no oomph to the music at all, like something had been stripped away from it and all we hear is some lite garbage. most of the tracks have this high pitch sound or some shit that server as a base. zero2 was peak ost of the 4

I liked tue music in the stage where you can choose 4 doors

ok, if you feel like zero 4s tracks are missing that oomph then how about queen of the hurt

>>no elemental chips
Never been a big deal to me honestly.
>>crafting system
I'll admit this is annoying
>>worse music
I like Zero 4's music a lot. To be fair though, music on the GBA isn't all that amazing to listen to in the first place.
>>boring stages
I heavily disagree. I enjoyed every stage in Zero 4, where as in Zero 1 or Zero 2, some stages were gay as fuck.
>>missable item
>implying this is somehow new to Zero 4
>>ugly mugshots
They aren't that bad. I'd take them Over Zero 1's concept art mugshots. Zero 3's were better for sure, but Zero 4's aren't outright terrible.

Talking about music:

>Finishing up Megaman Zero 2
>Guardians have upgrade forms
>Harpuia literally drops logs out of its asshole
Yeah Harpuia is canon for bottom and takes it up the ass. You can't defend Harpuia from this faggotry.

I didn't ask for your opinion about Z4.
You asked "why it gets hated" and I give you the reasons. Your opinion won't change anything.

Koei hates capcom so no musou ever

>I've never understood why it gets hated so much
It adds a new mechanic for the sake of adding it.
Don't just mean the whole knuckle, but the whole shit about handing on to shit for levels as well as crafting.
Crafting would've been tolerable if it wasn't this heavy grind shit on top of cyber elfs.
It's not that it's just it's that the overall approach was anything but fun. Tries to hard to be different from Zero 1-3

I don't think him being from repliforce is likely, and I can't recall his stories that much (other than talking about bread), but I'm wagering a guess that he's just talking about elf or post-elf wars things.

I'm not even him. Your "reasons" for why its hated are just as much opinions as mine for liking Zero 4.
Some of your "reasons" are also retarded, such as complaining about missable items when you can miss shit in literally EVERY other Zero game.

I don't think the issue with crafting is so much the grind or the crafting itself, but the lack of in-game hints on what to actually build. NPCs will give you hints for some stuff, but I can't for the life of me think I'd have figured out some of the combinations.

Again, your opinion won't change anything. You may like Z4, and other players hate it. It's just that simple.

So? That doesn't mean I can't call someone out for having an outright flawed opinion that makes no sense in the context of the series, such as disliking Zero 4 for missable items when Zero 1 and 2 had missable shit as well.

I swear to god that aside from hard mode, the bomber stage from Z2 was designed with shield boomerang in mind. It has its uses for speedkilling bosses in Z3 as well, but I can't recall ever using the boomerang anywhere else actively.

it would have also done well if I used it when jumping between aircrafts but I've never really liked using it much. I think some speedrun strategies use it but I'm not on that level I guess.

Yeah, that's another spot to use it on too, but the primary reason to never use the boomerang basically boils down to how it slows you down. If you could dash with the boomerang it would be so much better.

you can air dash with it if you time it right.

I watched a speedrun recently and that ship miniboss gets utterly destroyed by it and a saber slash, or maybe two slashes? Proto form may have been doing some of the lifting for that.

You can have opinion. I'm just saying your opinion won't change anything. Missable item is one of many problems. Many problems in a single game.

>boot up my MMZ Collection in who knows how long
>play MMZ3
>check minigames
>no Fefnir nor Leviathan.
at least I'm already at the end game.

Sure, but it's quite cumbersome.

Proto form has increased attack power but lower defense, so there ya go. Charged boomerang is also your primary form of attack in hard mode against bosses (I think proto was new game+ or hard mode exclusive?), too, since it's the only weapon you can charge and get the elemental damage out of.

the shield probably hits the boss several times. Something else people will do to finish things off quickly is flip back and forth in the air with the saber out so you can hit something several times with the same slash
What missable items are we talking about anyways? Each of the games has some according to people so that's not a reasonable strike against 4 compared to the others.

>complete all missions with 100 points
oh god. I can get an S rank but there is no way I'm gonna survive the boss rush.

>Missable item is one of many problems. Many problems in a single game.
You keep dismissing my point as just an "opinion" but keep acting like your own opinions are irrefutable facts.
Nothing you said is somehow a flaw or problem, unless its your opinion, but its not a FACT that those are flaws or problems with the game.

Wtf even is a musou

hack and slash.
see dynasty warriors, or zelda, or fire emblem which was a disapointment.

Dynasty Warriors, Hyrule Warriors, Fire Emblem Warriors. Y'know, those kinda games that Koei puts out from a template.

you wouldn't download a cyberelf would you?

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I'd download one, feed it, and use it.

>I don't think the issue with crafting is so much the grind
Oh you'd be surprised at how grindy it gets. I mean E-crystal farming was absurd in Zero 1. Zero 2 wasn't so bad because of the crystal cave shit.
As for Zero 4
Drop rate chance bullshit on MINI BOSSES. At least it wont be a pain with save assist this time around but.
Serpent Gear - Chance to drop 1 per fight
Glass Cannon - Low enough that you might have to re-fight the mini-boss.
Gangagun/Beamwalker - Chance to drop but if it doesn't just move out of sight and respawn the enemy.
Ceratanium - Placed in selective parts in stages making it time consuming. Step 1 enter stage. Step 2 get item. Step 3 exit stage. Step 4 repeat as necessary.
Bombadeer - have to shit in front of an enemy that deploys them wait until it cycles, because it cycles 3 types, and hope it drops it. Time consuming.
Moloid - stage happens once per play through so if you didn't know, well fuck you. If you didn't farm enough? Also just gives you another fuck you.
Faitals - time consuming and obnoxious to farm
>oh but that's just for some stupid ass armor
I mean it that shit is annoying to farm and there's more to crafting that just that armor....yeah fuck crafting.

>Serpent gear
Can't you just grind that boss, or are there separate part drops for the thing in the middle and the gears coming out of it? Used the miniboss to get a whole bunch of e-crystals, at least.

>tfw no golden sun games
>not even a musou or a gacha

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Its literally the gears that drop it, so its a non-issue unless you don't know.
I got like 6 in my first time fighting that mini-boss without intending to grind for them.

Again, my opinion also won't change anything.
People hate Z4 and these are the reasons, no matter if these are actually legit or not. You think it's not legit to hate Z4, but other people don't think so.

Moloid is a missable part.
Does Z3 have anything missable?

Speaking of musou how the fuck do you unlock Ryu Hayabusa in Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate, or is it just story content and I'll get to it eventually?

>hurr your opinion won't change anything, my opinion won't change anything
then why ever share opinions, why ever talk to anyone outside of the most bare minimum, like saying hello or goodbye, why are you even on this site if you aren't going to share your opinion because it "won't change anything"?

>hacks to play as X in Zero 3
Neat so far, the game's substantially harder with what's basically a forced buster-only run. Saber is gimped down to saber techniques and X Form's one slash only, charged saber is changed into a second charged shot to ape Model X. Bosses get shredded easily with double-shots but normal stages are a lot harder since things are built for melee.

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>no elemental chips
They were basically rock-papers-scissors right? Why would you care if they're gone?

have to have ex skills to have boss weaknesses, just like the good ol' days. also a severe hamper to zero's dps because he can't spam charged shots/charged sabers (which are strong enough as it is) with type-advantage
anybody think the guy with the blue helmet in ZX is the same guy from Zero in green with the swirly glasses?

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Both of the things you mentioned are good though.

Because someone asked why, then i give the reasons.
>but that's wrong it's not a legit reason to hate Z4 reeeeee btw here's my opinion and it's a legit one

i agree though, it's actually one of my favorite parts about zero 4 that you can't cheese it quite so easily. it's still easy to cheese, but you have to fight the bosses at least a little

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Can't you just use the ultima foot chip? I don't remember if you can go back to get it before the boss rush.

why does it hurt?

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