Never mind

Never mind.

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what did he mean by this

So you're playing as this nigga next game right? He even dies like a protagonist

Kingdom Hearts has split into two games now. Verum Rex will follow the bad end, Kingdom Hearts will continue from the good end

Yes, it's about yozora discovering he's a nobody.
And then reuniting with noctis

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what a trash character just like mighty no 9

>Yozora is Noctis's nobody

Do we have any other evidence to support this theory beside the earring symbol?

I don't think that can prove anything since it could be just Nomura lazy artstyle he use it all the time

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>defending kh fujoshit
>not a gay retard
if no gay retards are allowed then why are you here?

>Not liking Nomura kino
It's time to go back.

no versusspergs are retarded
yozora t-shirt has all the kh symbols on it
it doesn't mean anything

>Yozora's eyes are blue and red, noctis's eyes are blue and go red when he powers u
>The whole connections with XV, versus and verum rex
>Yozora fights like noctis
>yozora has a team like noctis
>yozora talks about how he's not where he's supposed to be
there's probably much more

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Not that guy but KH is not Nomura Kino anymore. It hasn't been for years. It's more like Nomura butthurt now.

May as well take the chance to ask, but is it just me or are Kingdom Hearts threads dead on Yas Forums?

They don't last and don't reach max posts. Also it feels like general interest in the franchise overall seems to be sort of low. Yeah Kingdom Hearts 3 sold well, but it doesn't feel like customers are in the mood for more Kingdom Hearts. I mean FF16 is nowhere near out and people would be happy to discuss what they want out of that.

>faggot ass nomura cringe trash
unironically kys

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yozora fights nothing like noct, he only has 2 weapons and can absorb the keyboade into his sword
Noct has hundreds of weapons he summons and a ton more abilities, and his bros have power stemming from him
noct doesn't have heterochromia
yozora only has 2 fags with him that rep Donald and goofy as mage and shield guy, Noct has 3 based bros with him
other than superficial visual similarities they have nothing in common
yozora is a commander while Noct is a prince then king.

is it him?

>DLC review

KH thread never last long anyway unless we discuss about waifus

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I think what hurts Kingdom Hearts these days is that it's difficult to care about most of the characters. I honestly don't like most KH OCs. And with Sora out of commission extra characters like Lea, Roxas, Aqua, Ventus are going to inevitably get the spotlight. Problem is I don't care about them. In fact Kairi is closer to Sora than any of those characters and I don't give a shit about that garbage character so I would never buy a game about her. In fact that's a big reason I'm disinterested in Kingdom Hearts. I don't care about all these other characters, except maybe Riku. Sora himself has been ruined as a character, he's just cemented as being too stupid.

And I think that's the biggest turn off for people, the characters are not appealing.

>reviewer couldn't even beat all the data org fights let alone Yozora

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It really says a lot because if you're at a low enough difficulty and high enough level then even without putting effort into learning fights you can just spam links

Threads on Yas Forums that aren't coomer or hype threads don't tend to last that long hell there's literally FF7 threads dead at 100 (it's also cause there's too many of them)

KH3 was dogshit and killed any discussion of the series on top of the XV schizo who's shitting up FF7R threads now, also nothing to talk about except how they can unfuck the series but that won't matter one bit

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No, but Nomura clearly is playing with FF based on their names, the crystal thing, Yozora's chocobo zipper and their similar boots.
Proto-Noctis from Versus had red eyes when using his powers or some shit though.

Attached: boots.png (228x201, 76.2K)

Nah nomura won't make something that simple again. Also that looks more like Roxas' zipper than the nobody symbol

Yozora says that the form Sora sees isn't his real one.
That line actually cemented to me that he might actually be Noctis or related to him.
This might actually connect him to the MoM who is shares Noct's VO at least in English. The MoM definitely has some link to Yozora as well since he seems to be watching all of them in the secret ending.


Nomura hasn't been kino in over a decade. At this point, he's a salty hack.

MoM voice actor is not Noctis guy in japanese version through. I don't think Noctis got anything to do with all this, Nomura only use Versus13 reference to keep people interest while he trying to present something entirely different

Isnt that similar to the number 4 in Scala's language? Except it's a "x" instead of a "+". The number 4 is associated with death in Japanese. And isn't Noctis closely associated with death too?

MoM is Sugita in moon. I can't take him seriously.

yet Hashimoto retweeted it

If Luxord and Yozora's driver have the same VAs in both languages, there's no way MoM being voiced by Ray Chase means anything when his jpn VA is Sugita.

Noctis has red eyes in XV when he summons
in 2013 nomura said he wasn't even sure if he's gonna keep the red eyes

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So they can only do literal 2005 emo boys as characters?

And adult people want to pay money for this cringy shit?

Yea probably means nothing, but fun to think about.

Have you never seen combat boots?

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Here's a better pic of the red eyes.

Attached: 1581231576409.jpg (1920x540, 420.93K)

This would have been interesting. I may have even accepted Xion if this had happened, since she would have needed a fucking character to make it work.

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Nomura completely trashed KH3, made mostly empty worlds, forced it to be a tie in with phone trash, brought back characters no one gave a shit about, made Kairi shit 'AGAIN', didn't give her and Sora the closure they rightly deserved, and replaced him as main character with notNoct out of maximum butthurt toward SE.

Trust the plan

You forgot to mention that he let Osaka make their shitty combat, didn't include FF characters or original worlds, and put in a bunch of shitty minigames instead of something like a coliseum.

>Also that looks more like Roxas' zipper than the nobody symbol
Uhhh, anyone wanna tell him?

>made mostly empty worlds
KH3 worlds have more NPCs, chests, enemy spawns, and destructible setpieces than KH1, KH2, BBS & DDD combined.
>forced it to be a tie in with phone trash
If you watched Back Cover in 2.8 you'd have everything you needed for KH3
>brought back characters no one gave a shit about
They made Luxord, Larxene, and Marluxia more entertaining and interesting than they ever were before.
>made Kairi shit 'AGAIN'
She was shit in KH2 and I'd wager she was slightly better in KH3, but yeah, you've got a point there.
>didn't give her and Sora the closure they rightly deserved
ReMind ending scene
>and replaced him as the main character with notNoct
Pretty sure the True Ending is Sora kicking Yozora's ass and ascending to the Final World again.

>ReMind ending scene
This is the part of your coping over KH3 being shit that I found the most entertaining. The fact that anyone could even pretend to be satisfied with how Sora and Kairi's relationship was handled is so absurd that it's well into comedy territory.

>Implying the FF15 Nomura made wouldn't have been trash

Just look at this nonsensical shit that is this entire franchise

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>nonsensical shit
>He doesnt know

And yet it still turned out to be more fun and soulful than FFXV.

Seethe some more, Faggot.

>And yet it still turned out to be more fun and soulful than FFXV.
They're both complete trash you shit taste faggot. Keep crying about your bogyman berry

Did they make a new version of the KH franchise?

>the game filled with Disney worlds that have nothing to do with the plot, gachashit tie ins, and a boss rush where all the plot is crammed into the last 2 hours

This. Roxas, Namine, Xion, and those kids from Twilight town weren't needed and I didn't need them to ever come back.

At least FF15 had a good ending

It annoyed my childhood when I could tell instantly tell they all had different voices it also ruins any the games they first appeared in.

Miss me yet?

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They all died. How is that good?

there is no plan
there never was a plan

It's worse in every fucking way compared to XV and doesn't even have a fucking ounce of soul unlike XV which is pure soul.

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I wouldn't have minded Roxas and Namine only because they were the only interesting characters outside the main trio. Well, at lest Roxas WAS interesting in 2FM. He didn't really do much in Days because Xion was going on his journey for him.

Berry shut the fuck up already. !5 is just as much trash as KH3.

Hell at least FFXV had its ending in the game at launch.

>noct died onscreen in an emotionally impactful scene
>ardyn died onscreen in an emotionally impactful scene
>anyone else that died did so earlier in the game that actually affected the game world and story
>the bros all lived, ara, cindy, cid, iris, umbra, etc all lived

>kh3 kairi dies in an anticlimactic way and nothing changes and they start laughing IN THE VERY SAME SCENE
>kh3 sora dies offscreen please buy the $30 DLC to see the ending of KH3 which is still unfinished
>old Xehanort dies in anticlimactic way that retconned his motive from BBS
