#1 - Super Mario Bros [NES, 1985]

>#1 - Super Mario Bros [NES, 1985]

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That fish is an asshole now that I think about it.

bing bing wahoo

I mean, he DID steal spongebob’s teeth

No game before the 16 bit era deserves to be on any “greatest of all time” lists. Games from that era were just too primitive and have aged poorly, while things like SNES and Genesis games still hold up.

Shut the fuck up

For me it's Super Smash Bros. Melee [Gamecube, 2001]

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This, those games are there because of nostalgia, nothing else.

Go back to your Atari grandpa

>#1 - The Legend of Zelda: The Orcarina of Time [N64, 1998]

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Name 5 good NES games

no you millennial faggot, your blinded nostalgia growing up on SNES and genesis is what gives you that viewpoint.

>”Yaaaa I know!”

Hard mode: no Mario, had to be released on NES first

based and tamerspilled

For me, it's the true GOAT.

Super Mario Bros 3
Life Force
Castlevania III
Ninja Gaiden

Mega Man 1-4 and 6

Mega Man 4
Mega Man 6
Mega Man 2
Mega Man 3
Dragon Quest 3

I grew up with the Game Gear as my only system until I got a GameCube many years later.

>#1 - The Legend of Zelda: The Orcarina of Time [N64, 1998]

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>#24 - Spongebob Squarepants - Battle for Bikini Bottom

Every generation beyond them aged like shit, you cannot innovate sprites any further but 3D will never be truly satisfying

there are 6 Mega Man games on NES so there you go.

Castlevania, Ninja Gaiden, River City Rampage, Double Dragon, Megaman

>#1 some movie from the 1940's


>3D will never be truly satisfying
Only if your focus is realism of complex objects. There is solid 3d with simple object realism or cartoon graphics as early as 6th gen.

Games do not age

This but unironically

No you fucking retard, YOU grew up with NES games so your nostalgia is blinding you. NES games feel like clunky garbage.

Adventure (nes) was at one point compared favourably to Adventure (PC) because of the more realistic graphics.

Akumajō Densetsu (Japanese Castlevania 3)
Mega Man 4
Super Mario Bros. 3

The only games that have no right being in a top 50 are
> The Witcher Series
> Uncharted Series
> Halo Series
> RDR2
> GTA Series
> God of War Series
> Mario Odyssey
> KH Series
> Pokemon Series
> COD Series
> Battlefield Series
> MineCraft
> TES Series
> Doom Series
> MGS4 & MGS5
> Horizon Zero Dawn
> Overwatch
> Life is Strange
> Walking Dead Series
> Bioshock Infinite
> Destiny Series
> Mass Effect Series
> Dragon Age Inquisition
> Shadow of Mordor
> Skyward Sword
> Twilight Princess
> Persona 5

Nah nah nah, don't put down Casablanca like that, it's a fantastic watch

>excluding Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess but not Wind Waker or any of the other horrible Zelda games

This is completely correct. Saying that something like super mario bros, donkey kong, pong, etc. are great video games just because they came first is like saying "arrival of a train at la ciotat" is one of the greatest movies of all time.

PS2 GTA’s absolutely do. As does COD4. Minecraft and doom 1 are arguable but if the list is for the beat games not considering influence then I can see you leaving them off

>P5 but no other SMT
Sony pony detected

I actually agree with this list

Hard agree. 16 bit gave us some of the best games of all time to boot

Learn to read next time

>#25 The sneedsons hit and run

zelda 1 is still unironically the best

San Andreas, COD4 are fine, Doom is acceptable only if you specify (With Mods)

I was gonna bitch, but nah, this is actually a good list.

Oh, my bad. Contrarian faggot detected instead.

Said no one ever. Link to the past is the best

>#1 - Kid Icarus Uprising [3DS, 2012]

Attached: unnamed.jpg (184x184, 5.18K)

Based and redpilled
As someone who actually grown up on shitty nes games you are absolutly correct only zoomers love retro games

>No game before the [era I got into videogames] deserves to be on any “greatest of all time” lists. Games from that era were just too primitive and have aged poorly, while things like [games from the era I got into videogames] still hold up.

Attached: sarcastic ash ketchum inhabits the body of scrappy doo.jpg (184x184, 10.84K)

Based department speaking. I can see from your user data that your post is indeed based and additionally redpilled

Kirbys adventure is pretty great though, practically an SNES game though

Gotta admit, I agree with most of it, but saying "not on a top 50" makes it really hard to say since things really get hazy after like 25-30.
Take it as a challenge, if you like, to honestly put together a list of 50 games that doesn't break at least one of these.

>> Mario Odyssey
That's a weird way to spell Galaxy.

>we'll never have an HD version of this

>Top best RPGs
>#1 - The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim [PC, PS3, X360, 2011]

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Every single Mario after this was objectively better.

Boomers and millennials are both blinded by nostalgia, game were never good in the first place

>game were never good in the first place
This. Cyberpunk 2077 will be the first real video game.

>mario 3 isn't one of the greatest platforms of all time

this is literally fucking retarded as ducktales is among the greatest games of a time and if you say otherwise than you just havent played it

Holy based