Just beat this, did they just decide to run the gamut on shitty game design with this game?

Just beat this, did they just decide to run the gamut on shitty game design with this game?
>giant combo list but no need for more than a couple of them
>awful camera
>instant death QTEs
>areas where you have to run towards the camera
>escort missions
Still liked it, still deciding if I should just start up Hard mode or go back and try to platinum everything and finish the Alfheims

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Giant combo list but no need for more than a couple of them
t. stone combo awards for every verse

And yes, play the game on hard, it's literally supposed to be played on the hardest difficulties once you get all of the equipment. Learn dodge offset if you haven't already, it's necessary for beating the higher difficulties with any score other than stone, especially since the hardest difficulty removes witch time

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I liked Bayonetta a lot but I kind of hated it while playing it too

You can get as good as the guys doing combo videos on youtube, but the game will never stop having those glaring flaws.
There's some good stuff to be found, but the game is heavily bogged down by the typical Kamiya gimmicks wank.

2 tones those things down, but messes up the combat pretty bad.
Overall the franchise is flawed, and you're free to walk away from it without missing out on much.

Fucking kill yourself

that's just kamiya's autism seeping into his games

Nerve status: STRUCK

I'm kind of curious about what specifically Bayo2 fucks up if the core combat remains the same, it'll be one of the first games I get when I buy a Switch.

Not that I got Pure Platinums consistently but I did pretty well. You can't seriously tell me that Punch-Kick-Punch isn't OP as fuck

how can i make Bayonetta 1 on PC not look like ugly grey/brown trash???????????

Harder difficulties require combo variety to obtain higher trophies.

>You can't seriously tell me that Punch-Kick-Punch isn't OP as fuck
it isn't. it has shit damage compared to almost anything else and it gives fuckall score for the damage it deals

they don't since bayo only has a penalty if you don't do a special move (WW, panther, etc) within 11 hits or so. thus you could very well pure plat with a single combo

Many enemies just parry your attacks at random, and you are required to use witch time to attack them. And many of the most useful attacks are locked to the magic meter.
There are entire essays about it out there, if it tickles your interest.

>I'm kind of curious about what specifically Bayo2 fucks up if the core combat remains the same
the core combat isn't the same however, since the very core mechanics were tampered with.
prime example being Witch Time, the noob crutch in 1 that was reduced in hard and fully taken away in nsic, is now a required mechanic. it goes as far as that some bosses literally dodge all of your attacks outside of it.
as if that wasn't enough WT duration is super inconsistent in 2.
another massive fuckup is the inclusion of Umbran Climax the not-DT of bayo. a novel idea in of itself however it was handled by the absolute retards that was the b2 team so of course it's stupidly overpowered and thus the only magic ever worth using.
then there's other retarded shit like score being based solely on damage, items not having any penalty and enemies being utter cancer

Sounds annoying, might just wait for 3

it's a decent game on your first playthrough primary reason why normal only shitters prefer it since it removes all the gimmick shit from one. it only becomes more obvious as you move up the difficulties

anyone? i really like the colors of 2, wish 1 looked like it. it's putting me off playing it.

Sounds like you've never played a Platinum game before, OP.

Have you even tried google searching, pretty sure there are shaders/ENBs for Bayo 1

Might as well ask here rather than make a new thread, sorry OP.

Should I replay Ninja Gaiden 2 on hard or play Sekiro for the first time? Legitimately having trouble deciding.

i found a enb but it's in korean and i dont think you can even download it

i was wondering if anyone recommends a specific SweetFX, etc. since it's hard to judge an entire game off a few screenshots. or maybe someones created their own personal one that's willing to share.

Replay NG2, Sekiro is a literal one button game

What next?

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Platinum Normal to unlock Jeanne. Beat Angel Slayer to unlock Zero.

>Platinum Normal to unlock Jeanne
Normal only? Do I get anything cool platting hard and nsic?

I have, I just cleared Vanquish and the QTEs are easy to identify and give you enough time to prepare. Rising, Automata, and even fucking Korra have a better camera and I'm sure W101 does too but I won't be able to confirm that until next month.

NG2 easily

>no need for more than a couple of them
>awful camera
The others I can agree with, but those two? Really? The main problem of the game is the amount of retarded gimmicks it shoves down your throat, it's not a matter of JUST dealing with enemies, more often than not the environment itself is a bigger issue, which is retarded. Furthermore several of the most interesting weapons are locked behind perfecting the game in the hardest difficulties, which leaves you with a few interesting weapons and a bunch of variations of the basic handguns, which WOULD be cool in addition to the interesting choices. The main reason why I like the second game is precisely because it doesn't lock the cool gear behind any sort of game.

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Just Normal. Hard/NSIC are bragging rights. You could also grind 100 Chapters for Sai Fung, a pair of shotgun nunchucks


>Normal only?
technically any difficulty above easy works
>Do I get anything cool platting hard and nsic?

this too, the nunchucks are a really great score tool. really stupid to put them behind 100 chapters

Yeah I don't know why they went with one hundred, you can't even get near that amount if you play the game on all four difficulties. If they cut it down to 50 it would be much more reasonable. It makes no sense, by the time you actually want to get Sai Fung you're likely winding down on your Bayonetta fix. One of the most mind boggling decisions for me.

how do i make the camera not inverted on the x-axis!?!??!?!?!?!?!

You forgot
>rail shooting/turret shooting/vehicle sections

wtf Yas Forumsros, I thought dodge-offset was the true power.

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I only dislike the Space Harrier segment because of its length, it's still really easy to Pure Platinum. Plus is has one of the best tracks in the game.


I don't even mind the Afterburner segment at all, it's very very easy and very very easy to Pure Platinum, it's also not very long at all.

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DO doesn't go away on NSIC.

I don't see Dodge Offset in the techniques menu, is it an item or something?

I honestly disliked Bayo 2's OST compared to the first game. Don't know if it's the same singer but the vocalist for Bayonetta 2's OST sounds so trashy compared to the vocalist for Bayo 1. A lot of Bayo 1 songs are made better with the strong and subtle vocal work too like Red & Black.

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it's a core mechanic, ie you don't have to buy it.
check the techniques book

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It's in the files not in Rodin's store.

Respectfully disagree, I find the more intense rhythm of the second game's soundtrack to be one of the most divine experiences I've ever had. A single one of several of the tracks would be enough to make an entire album memorable to me. There isn't a month that goes by without me listening to a few of the tracks.

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I'm glad you enjoy it user, perhaps the stylistic change just was not for me. I don't remember many Bayo 2 tracks other than Moon River/Tomorrow is Mine but I can list a bunch of Bayo 1 songs I adore.

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Am I the only one who doesn't like Bayo's face in 2? I think her face looked better in 1.

Part of my problem with it is I remember nothing about 2 other than moon river, while I remember a ton of other bayo 1 tracks like Sapientia's theme, all 3 jeanne themes, the fire stage, ithavoll tower, and others.
But this is more likely because I barely played bayonetta 2 after clearing hard and play 1 a whole lot more.

You probably just don't like the way the pixie cut frames her face. There's no reason to believe they changed her face model, at least I think.

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>did they just decide to run the gamut on shitty game design with this game?

Yes, by far the most overrated action game i ever played. I don't count Shit Hand because n one gives a fuck about that game besides this place.

he's right

I remember watching someone else play the game because I didn't had a wiiu and the second I saw the Glamour fight I instantly searched for the track. It's still my favorite one despite some other tracks like Land Battle growing up on me over the years. I have to admit that there's a weird thing with the sound in the second game, where the tracks don't sound as clear compared to the sound effects that play, compared to the first game. So sometimes you really have to go out of your way and listen to the tracks on youtube to actually hear them well. Seriously, give those two tracks a try.
She had a "mommy" look in the first game.

You should do both eventually

>Resi 2
>Viewtiful Joe
>Wonderful 101

love this man i do. havent even played DMC1 or Okami ...

Okami is probably the most different of all his games not including RE2, it's more like a Zelda game than it is an action game.

Why not? You can get both of them for cheap now. But the DMC1 in the current HD Collection is rather shoddy so fair warning. Game has a bunch of fucked up and objectively inferior visual affects compared to the PS2 release.

the fuckups are barely noticeable for a regular player. you only notice that shit when comparing them side by side like some kind of autist

the only zelda game ive played is botw which is why ive put off playing it, since i have no reference point for a 'real' zelda game. plus isnt it absurdly long?

havent played dmc1 for that reason, i saw a vid way back describing how messed up it was. maybe one day ill get all the original hardware, just a bit of a faff and takes up space init.

You have a point but on the other hand there's no excuse for this level of shit. DMC1 HD is the perfect example of "fucking up 50 very small things" to make it noticeable. Like how the fuck did someone sit there and see Mundus shoot his death beam back into his own forehead and give it the thumbs up.

DMC1 is very short, you can beat it in like 3-5 hours depending on how good and fast you are. As for Okami, it's like the classic 3D Zeldas, so it's more based around linear exploration and puzzles. And yes, it's extremely long.

Just emulate it senpai. Also you might like Okami you might now. Just be warned the game is staggeringly easy compared to virtually everything else he's ever directed. It's still a nice game though, worth paying.

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You wouldn't really be doing justice to DMC1 by just playing it once, actually any game in this genre. DMC1 has a wonderfully balanced difficulty curve that's still the gold standard for action games. Playing it on DMD is a must in my opinion.

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I'm glad people are finally starting to play the games they're complaining about now. People never used to complain about the escort level in Bayonetta.

>still not a single fucking trailer for B3
Bros, I'm getting withdraw symptoms again, I must have played both games about 7 or 8 times now. Why the fuck is the crazyness of Bayonetta so addicting? What do I do to be able to wait for Bayo 3?

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>Why the fuck is the crazyness of Bayonetta so addicting?

It's not, I did everything that was to do just to say i did and i never want to play that game again.

just do yet another pure platinum run like the rest of us

I usually don't judge someone based off of something subjective, but...
I have to admit I'm lowkey mad at how the combo points work on Bayo 2, which I prefer over the first one. It heavily favors the slow weapons why I find usually less exciting than the fast ones like Alraune.

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i hated the escort mission and always thought it was weird nobody ever seemed to bring it up