Spend 5 minutes sorting out a loadout and waiting to load in

>Spend 5 minutes sorting out a loadout and waiting to load in
>Get head shot
Why on earth should anyone invest their time in this game?

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to be the guy headshotting people

git gud scrublord

Shut up shitters

that feel when you'll never experience 0.6 ever again. rip hunt.

What was good about 0.6?

>no coop single player


High risk high reward is alluring. Also no one is forcing you to confront other players or even participate in pvp. The bounties or contracts or whatever they called it seems like they were intended to be handled by the initiated as you can just go around farming xp and money by killing random mobs on the map so you can be way more prepared to fight the boss AND the players that will inevitably try to kill you after. But fuck what do I know I played for like maybe 50 hours

CoD scrub doesnt understand playing tactically, off yourself zoomer

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>be bad

>get shit on and make a thread whining about the game on Yas Forums
OP is a noob and a faggot

agreed op. but its a symptom of battle royales to have lots of build up for an untimely end

go ahead nigger,respawn

>spend 5 minutes sorting out a loudout
found your problem
>gets head clicked on
>doesn't click on heads
found your other problem

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The UI was garbage in .6 and gamers don't like change. 1.0 fixed everything.

are there any other game modes other than the default one?
like classic team deathmatch CoD style
or capture the flag?
or battle royale?
where there are no stupid AI bots and bosses to kill but every player is a human player?

yea quickplay now buy my game

quickplay is which one of those modes?
elaborate pls
yes Im asking this because I wanna buy it the next time it goes on sale

nah just look up a video or just buy my game right now desu. A video is easier to explain.

Im not buying your game at full price lmoa

more game for me
get out of my thread and never think about buying my game

>more game for me
are you gonna play a multiplayer only game alone?
l0l k

>minding my own business trying to farm xp so I could get perks and unlock shit, stay far away from the boss lairs
>duo who killed boss run all the way across the map just to kill me

Never played it again.

maybe you were on the way between them and the extraction point?
and they though to kill you before you kill them and take the bounty?

were you going loud lmao wat da fug

I believe there was an extraction point very close to the boss lair, and I know there wasn't one in my corner of the map.

To unlock gun variants you have to use that gun, so yes I was shooting.

thats just bad strategy. Play regular with randoms do unlock shit the way everyone else does it. You're just asking to get your shit slapped that way. The other option is to pick up silent weapons from random shuffles. Or just brute force it I guess and keep doing what your doing but you also can't get mad when you die.

I mean, I'm not going to do any of those things since I don't plan on playing the game anymore.
If they remove the gay progression system or add a single player mode so I can grind it out, I might come back, but until then, nah.

when is this game going on sale again?
I furgot to buy last time it went on sale dammit

Get brass knuckles, 3 heavy punches on an immolator and 1 bump with your rifle butt. 4 heavy punches on an armored and 1 bump with rifle butt. Or use a bayonet/talon variant.

shouldve just played the actual game to begin with instead of not playing the game like you were doing. Thanks for buying my game bro.

Quickplay is basically battle royale.

how does the progression system work?
you have to unlock different playable characters like in shitty f2p games?
does the loadout depend on what character you are playing as?
do you have to grind out new weapons too?

You're welcome. Saved a few bucks buying it from a key reseller, honestly spent more for games I played less, so it's kinda whatever honestly. Glad I tried it, Quickplay was actually pretty good, but not enough to keep it installed.

there are no playable characters lmao its all just skins this isn't overwatch. Literally just watch a youtube video or watch a stream of someone doing a round from start to finish. What the fuck my dudes lol.

In quickplay there's none. You just spawn with some shitty weapon and then find a better loot on the map.
There are no playable characters in a usual way. The game has a unique characters system. You level up your character, but if he dies, he dies, and you have to buy a new one from a pool of random ones (with random traits, weapons, health bars).
With weapons it's kinda weird, you have to shoot them or something, I don't bother.
Also if your battle royale character survives you can use him in the usual mode with his gained traits and looted weapons, it's cool.

Its a good game, unfortunately it has a huge cheating problem. Usually I play it for a few weeks until I lose my level 40 hunter to an invisible player or a jumping 360 no scope from across a field, then I quit for a few months.

Has anyone here prestiged? I'm wondering if that prestige bonus 10% more exp only applies to my bloodline experience or do my hunters also get it?

I just started playing this as well. I have few friends who have been playing it for a while and they taught me some stuff.
Just stay reasonably sneaky (i.e. don't sprint like a dumb faggot around compounds scaring crows and aggroing enemies), try to go for the boss, since that is your main objective.
If you want to play safe just fuck off the map as soon as you got all clues.
If you want to fight boss, then be prepared to ward off any entrances to the boss room with traps and keep an eye on possible breach points. Also keep in mind that you can get shot through windows/small spaces between boards, so stay away from those or use them to your advantage.
Knife is one of the best weapons for close encounters in interiors. I've seen it a thousand times, when a guy with a single knife puts down 1-2 whole squads like it's fucking nothing. Did kill few enemies that way myself, so yeah, it does work.
All in all, just play it like any game, try to have fun, but stick to the rules. Just don't become autistic camping faggot. I've played with a guy like that and all we did was sitting 20 minutes in one spot without moving at all because WTF THEY WILL HEAR YOU.

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Prestige 6, but I always pick the random legendary.
If it says specifically bloodline xp it shouldn't apply to hunter xp.

it applies to hunters because you never get bloodline exp directly unless level 50, retire, or die but all of that starts with hunter exp. If it applied to hunter and then bloodline it would be double dipping.

I've been quite enjoying hunt. I like the aestethics and preffer the focus on strategic thought rather than running and gunning.

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Based game for filtering zoomer. It's updated by a six man team or something since crytek doesn't have a single dime. I like how they managed to make a multiplayer game where sound design is pivotal. Also the guns feel good to shoot

Stressful game even when you’re winning.

But the relief when you've won

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I found that Keeping cool helps winning. You are prone to do shit things if nervous. I like how 70 percent of melee attacks against players work because of them panicking and not knowing what to do in such a scenario

>Why on earth should anyone invest their time in this game?

Because not everyone is as blind/deaf/bad as you. But in typical fashion children like you blame the game and not the player. Maybe one day when your balls drop and you gain some life experience you'll see the light.

>have specter bayonet
>player with sledge gets me after wading side to side and avoiding three shots

I went from smug to panicked real fast. I should hve just bayonetted him.

>Playing high stakes: Crown&King and Nagant Obrez
>First time with the king
>Me and friend find the boss, hide for a bit to ambush the inevitable hunters on their way
>2 fools arrive
>Dome the first one with the king, fall in love
>Friend dies to the other one
>Engage the second player, miss all king shots in a closed environment somehow, he pulls out a knife
>Next solid minute is spent panic-kniving eachothers' general direction
>Obrez appears outa nowhere
>Accidentaly point-blank gutshot the guy
If you're reading this, I'm sorry it had to go down like this

0.2 hours played, kek

Yesterday i did a three team match. one minute from the start we got sandwiched at davant ranch by two other teams. First time in Trio i had such a shitty spawn. Also i really like how trio's mode makes the game scenarios a bit different: While in duo there's more chances to stumble into another team it seems like that in trio matches there's always a big showdown in boss location. I can't wait to see what the future will bring to the game,ranging from new maps to mechanics

I don't really get what this is saying.

the 10% exp bonus only applies to the new prestige bloodline, dont do this unless you have all the random legendary unlocks

Then you either haven't played the game, or are depicted by it.

Best fight i had was at port reeker in duos. Both my team and the enemy ended up without ammunition and the standoff devolved into a bar brawl with rifle stocks and bayonets. Twenty minutes of shooting with a unbearable tension and it all ended up in fistfight was really a good feeling

people that sprint through the map making lots of noise, dont use headphones, shoot every zombie, listen to spotify while playing, dont prepare their loadouts will not recommend this game because they play like idiots

This game makes me fucking sweat like no other game

*laughs in Tarkov*