Atelier Thread

Do you prefer 13 year old prime Totori, 19 year old Totori, or 26 year old Christmas cake Totori?

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Is that even a question?

I want to molest little Totori!


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All Totoris are perfect as Totori is a goddess and best Atelier.

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13 is kinda old, but since she's flat she is ok.

But 13 is the Christmas cake, 19 is in the grave and 26 is a fossil

I want to grow up with Totori and love her at every age.

Nice post, Mimi

13+ is middle aged, over 18 is a granny, over 30 is a fossil.

I prefer a Sophie

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Isn't she weird, falling in love with a book?

Me too. I never will though.

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They are all great

Also great

Also great

Atelier girls are such good girls

>pointing phallic object toward her face with her mouth open
fucking hot SLUT

Hag lover.

19 is perfect

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i really should go to bed

>mimi gets to tap that daily
it's not fair

Can't be a cake if she has a wife.

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i like middletori

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Why are there so many pedos on Yas Forums?

Never stop breeding left Totori

you guys will never grow up with a real girl and love her at every age

Mimi has done exactly that for over half their lives now.

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They all look the same thanks to based Kishida, so it doesn't matter.

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Holy shit nigger what the fuck. Isn't Yas Forums supposed to prevent you from posting dupes?
Here's a different one then.

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Why do Totori and Meruru only have rough sketches as artwork for Lulua? Surely they must have detailed official art as well since they show up in the game's CGs. Someone should really scan the official artbook.

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True, I'd never seen that happen. It's even the same filename so it shouldn't have been able to go through.

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The 26 year old one for based christmas cake
There's nothing quite like a 4'9" woman with a chip on her shoulder regarding her height. Once you've had your collar pulled down assertively for a kiss, there's no going back.
She pretends to be angry or insulted when you tease her for being so small despite her age, but at the end of the day she loves it when you throw her tiny, frail body around like a ragdoll during sex.

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Should i buy her games on steam while theyre on sale? I think rorona is cuter. Is the PC port not complete ass?

Both Rorona and Totori are in all the Arland games, so you won't be left out of either. Start with Rorona.

The origin trilogy runs great on potato computers but has no PC specific options to speak of. But for 18 bucks a pop, the value is certainly there.

nice totori

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Imagine 30+ year old Totori in a future game.

child Alchemists should make a comeback

I prefer Firis

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Thanks lads. I'll pick up the Arland pack and start going through it in a few weeks.

Give me cake!

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Fuckin pedos.

>Mimi told Totori she looked dumb and plain when they first met
What went right?

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Totori asserted her dominance by being the better alchemist.

I've just played through the three Arland games (Lulua would be next) and Totori was the hottest in her own game, at prime jailbait age. How is this even debatable?

Fun but meme game.

I just noticed a shitton of Atelier games are on Steam, did they recently get ported?

Yes, the Arland and Dusk trilogies were ported in January 2019 and 2020 respectively. The Mysterious trilogy, Lulua and Ryza have come out on PC at the time they originally released on console.

I prefer Esty

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>Christmas cake

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Which trilogy has the best overarching story?
and by story, I don't mean interpersonal drama or slice of life bullshit.
I want goals like discovering the secret of the world and shit

For me it's her Dusk equivalent.

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I don't like any of them. She looks like a dime a dozen sickly fake bimbo anime girl.

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>I want goals like discovering the secret of the world and shit
Dusk. It's not perfect, but it's set in a dying world where an age-old phenomenon called Dusk has been weakening the land and led to the collapse of the previous civilization. You end up gradually finding out its causes through its effects and fighting to stop it and save the world and there's a more clear-cut plot continuity across the trilogy as opposed to just characters who keep growing up like in Arland.

ok what's the 2nd best trilogy after Dusk?

Which to start with for a complete newbie to the series? Ryza?
PS4 or Windows?

I can't speak for the pre-PS3 ones cause I haven't played them. My favorite trilogy overall is Arland (which is four games now) but mostly because of the gameplay and characters, definitely not the story. Mysterious is fine, but a bit weaker than the others.

any of the trilogy starters (Rorona, Ayesha, Sophie) or Ryza is fine. Note that Rorona and Ayesha have a time limit where you have a limited number of in game days to complete the game. The time limits aren't very constricting if you just want to beat the game, but they make going for 100% require some planning or playing on NG+.

yea I mean based on overarching story again, which is 2nd best after Dusk?

Rorona DX

I wouldn't say either Arland nor Mysterious really have one, each game there is mostly its own thing. Lulua (the fourth Arland game) does tie some elements from the previous games together and add explanations, but it's not as much an overarching story as it is it creating its story out of lore breadcrumbs that were already there.

Ryza, the most recent one, had a bigger emphasis on story so maybe they'll try carrying it on in future games of the upcoming trilogy. Though it could also be its own thing as well, there didn't really seem to be anything important left to resolve by the end of the game.