I complimented a zoomer girl and she replied with "oof". What does it means?

I complimented a zoomer girl and she replied with "oof". What does it means?

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it means you made her feel uncomfortable.
either what you said was weird / cringe, or you're just ugly and she wants you to leave her alone.
sorry, bud.


That means that it felt uncomfortable and didn't have the proper words to convey that.

I have no idea what "oof " means

the noise steve makes when he takes damage in minecraft

ThisLeave zoomer cunny alone, millennial incel.

It's also the sound the character in Roblox character makes when they die.

go back to Yas Forums

oof, yikes

Zoomers were a mistake.

post the compliment.

it means you don't look attractive

It's a filler word when they don't know what to say. I was trying to talk to a zoomer and they would say "oof" as if I knew what the shit they were trying to come across.

oh nevermind probably didn't want to talk to you

What did you even say to her lol

It basically means you were ugly. Because girls will take compliments no matter how derogatory or unwanted they are as long as you're attractive.

hurry OP before the mods find this thread

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I bet you said she's cute and funny

It means you arent 6'2, white and jacked.

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you're a random older guy approaching a teen to socialize with. I would say the same.

I see this on instagram every now and then and at least the comments are people shitting on this dumb bitch.

what's going on here?

oom out of mana
oof out of fucks

She likely meant to send it to a third party. Maybe to laugh at? Not sure.

I dont get it

>Maybe to laugh at? Not sure

>oof a pedo

i dont talk to zoomers anywhere but here

she's using him to stroke her ego through a 3rd party

Ah. I see. I assumed the LMAO was in the context that "LOL I FUCKED UP".
But, that makes more sense.


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a simple no would have sufficed

it means you respond with a yikes so strong it makes her question herself for the next two years.

bitch, but beta had it coming

You're legit idiots. She screenshot it in order to send it to her friend to laugh at because he seriously thought he was gonna get a second date, she accidentally sent it to him and immediately apologized.

I hate that the roblox death sound is now something zoomers say 24/7

this is why you dont interact with women anymore


>be boomer
>all lil zoomer girls want my daddy dick with no shame

what has become of the youth though? naughty lil zoomerinas gonna' get daddy in trouble

Attached: so then his mom told me she wanted it in his bed while he was at school.jpg (404x295, 42.46K)

Lotta socially-deranged zoomer girls on Yas Forums these days. You probably read their posts everyday. Watch yourselves.


the screenshot she took and the LMAO are one message
the omg im so sorry followed the pic+lmao

Why are they so mean like this?

Some people still haven't learned how garbage women truly are and I can't blame them. Undoing decades of programming is difficult.

>I just lost a graphic design commission job because the client was a fucking dyke and I refuse to work with or for homosexuals and I needed those $10 to eat this week
The internet and women were a fucking mistake

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shut the fuck up, Spielberg

They don't see you as human

fuck you, nigger. I was spot on.

That's your own fault retard. I make fucking bank drawing a bunch of degenerates their furry shit even though I hate furries. Money matters more than morals.

what the FUCK is that image name, go to your room RIGHT NOW

this, look at this poor guy at the bottom

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>the expression 'oof' is now from Minecraft
Fucking zoomers.

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what the fuck
you guys told me bitches love smileys!

What programming?
Humanity is bad by default.
You think that because back in the 50s people pretended to be civilized that undoes the millions of years of savagery?

what the fuck? is this like one big inside joke or something?

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I was at Home Depot getting some shit for my manly wageslave job and some thirteen year old with her parents couldn’t stop staring and flipping her hair.
Feels good to be attractive and in your twenties

that's a big yikes

The sad part is that there are legit women who are decent human beings, but they're a vastly huge minority that its insane.

>What programming?
Being told women are innocent little angels that need to be protected. Normalfags actually believe that shit.

Zoomers are not for you, dumb millennial.

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Emojis, not ASCII.

Coward. Your ancestors lived and died by their morals, now look at you. What will your descendants say?

They used to love smilies, now they love getting told their cunts and to shut the fuck up, they'll pretend they hate it, but end up calling you that night to shit on their tits while you stab them in the ass and cum in their hair.

Because that is how we evolved.
Women stayed in the cave taking care of the babies while men went out hunting and defended the tribe from others.
Now of course, none of that is necessary, and yet millennials still find ways to force the idea that living is hard.

I think a second Wild West would do good for humanity.

>Yas Forumsirgins don't understand what turns women on.
Not sure why I'm surprised.

Its not surprising but still makes me sick.

They'll have money, they wont give a fuck what I did. My ancestors were poor, starving, and trash. I'm a King, I've done what they never could.

would you look at that.

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I know bro, it’s hard to resist but it’s worth it

my niece told me her bf got punched in the nose and i said "oof". what are you 60?

roblox was the shit when i was a kid. it doesn't deserve this heretical memage

>the absolute state of the 20 something incel at home depo thinking he's attractive because he believes a child though he was handsome
reevaluate your life, pedo.

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All these women are ugly and look like they belong in a feminist museum. Good riddance to trash.

>your Snapchat filter reinforces the patriarchy

what did you actually say to her?

Look up what you said to her on twitter, and you'll probably find pages worth of tweets of her complaining about it.

No more frontiers on earth except the ocean, space travel is coming but we’ll never see it

>this angers the virgin

Absolutely adorable.

You guys are retarded for not understanding this. It's because the first 3 panels are from men they don't want. The last panel is from a guy she wants.

Imagine if some disgusting fat Jabba the hutt of a woman said "hello there sexy". You'd be instantly repulsed. But a cute girl saying it would be hot.

>What does it means?
Depends on tone, body language, facial expression. Words don't mean shit on their own.

this does things to my soul

They do, they are just laughing at them finally catching on to their own retarded cognitive dissonance
>objectifying bad!!

where have you people been? this is how women want to be fucked now. like a piece of meat

I love playing with lg's cute noses.

Sad thing is that people today will try to convince these two girls that they're lesbians instead of just good friends and be okay with it

this tbqfh

Hopefully Coronavirus mutates into a super STD and kills them all off

You're an idiot that don't understand that women will accept the first 3 panels as long as the guy is attractive. Also there are literal comments there that says that they are all 4 panels, meaning, they'll listen to it, not like it, but as long as that dick is in their ass, they'll love it.

Women are garbage.

Doesn’t make it anymore acceptable.
I’m not gonna complain about hobos then role play as a hobo in bed

>It's because the first 3 panels are from men they don't want
no shit you fucking mass replyer.
Still doesn't change the nature of the post I made.

>this is what zoomers call dancing

Attached: zoomer dance.webm (1560x1080, 2.83M)

Unironically tho
You’re just sleeping with garbage in disguise as female

No shit retard.

It means she's too immature to express herself like a grown homo sapien and instead has to spout internet memes to bridge the huge gap between herself and communicating with others. She dumb.

and this is more offensive than the stanky leg or bicycle pump dance how?

Don't act as if others were professional dancers, user.

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Awww look at those little girls, right at that age when they've still got feelings, and empathy, and aren't fucking sociopaths that wouldn't hesitate to kill you just because you're a man.

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If you want to see how zoomers dance, just get on tiktok and watch all the same basic white bitches all do the exact same shit. Its honestly amazing how they can all dance the same and its not even a relevant dance at all and it just looks retarded. It's like an autistic fat kid at a cupcake rally trying to get to the cupcakes behind the glass.

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>space travel is coming but we’ll never see it
Nah, we'll burn all the fuel on Earth with ridiculous projects until there isn't even enough left to operate a space program
Earth will be our grave, this is the "Great Filter" that devours civilizations before they become truly spaceborne

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>Imagine if some disgusting fat Jabba the hutt of a woman said "hello there sexy". You'd be instantly repulsed. But a cute girl saying it would be hot.
I wouldn't employ a double standard and label the fat girl sexist and the cute girl not

That dress is way too short.

>You're an idiot that don't understand that women will accept the first 3 panels as long as the guy is attractive.
That's literally what I said. If the guys are attractive, they are repulsed like in the first 3 panels. That's exactly how any man reacts, too.

Your analogy doesn't make sense. Try again.

What's your point?

Isnt that gen alpha?

>basic white bitches
I don't understand this.
Do Americans only like "complicated non-white maidens" or something?

I blame cooties. Its a national disease that isn't taken seriously and all girls have them.

I wouldn't build a political ideology out of hating the fat girl though.

yikes OP is cringe

>complain about misogyny
>get turned on by misogyny
My analogy makes perfect sense
Get dunked on

>burn all fuel
No current fuel will ever take us to the stars.
If we ever get there, it'll be with a travelling method we don't currently have.

My heart. I miss having friends.

He means people want complexity and not everyone to essentially be some carbon copy clone of each other right down to personality. Basic bitches are like the most brain dead group of women you can find. Also a basic white bitch is not the same as a basic asian bitch or a basic black bitch.

Im not sleeping with anyone and have no way of determining whether these claims are true.

Wtf is mysogony? Is that a word you just made up?

haha my penis feels funny

>that wouldn't hesitate to kill you just because you're a man.
Where the fuck do you live in.

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>Where the fuck do you live in
Planet Earth. Females are scum.

The people criticizing it are the same people who think women with rape fantasies want to be raped, which is oxymoronic.

Humans are social animals, that's how they behave.
What you want is an autistic outcast.
Good luck if you ever go down that road, because it's going to be bumpy.

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I remember being with a really vanilla girl whose last partner slapped her during sex and she cried and never slept with him again.
Not all girls are degenerates who have had their mind poisoned is my only pour

We wouldn't hop straight from Earth to intergalactic travel, establishing colonies and mining operations within our own solar system would be the goal. Reaching escape velocity is too much to deal with constantly.

in the age of the internet, people still can't use google to search definitions of words...SAD!

Is this why we love cunny?

>fucking a non virgin
fucking gross man

Even to go to other planets we will need something else.
It's not feasible if you spend 3 months just to go to Mars or Venus.

This is why you don't participate in "dating" culture. You find a woman looking for a relationship in the house of god, or close to it. There's nothing to be had from shallow people that have no strength or soul.
No, men only want sensible women of their own race. That's a standard and healthy desire. Whatever the fuck a woman that's willingly to pass herself around to several sexual partners would be worth isn't much in the short or long term.

Tbf they do dream of being raped

>mommy told me I'm transgendered

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No, because it already exists.

My sister was/is this way. It's infuriating, acting and looking like the rest of her little clique of unremarkable, untalented blonde haired (bleached that way or natural) little fuck stains.
Now she works retail and is trying to get herself a man to take care of her and all her problems, just like my mom.

Those girls in 10 years.

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The only time I was with a virgin I was also a virgin. You only get what you give