Who /hyped/ here?

Who /hyped/ here?

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Can't wait, I'm watching it in the cinema.

it'll be garbage fire

I'm selling my pro tomorrow for $250 before the ps5 is announced and devales my pro.
i'm using the money to buy an rtx 2070

the absolute assblast

I'm not excited to play as a lesbian, but I am excited about the incredibly high-production-value murder simulation this game will have-- excused from scrutiny by your playing as said lesbian on her rape-revenge quest, along with Naughty Dog's good reputation among SJWs who would normally complain about this kind of violence

Perfect game for trannies and faggots

They already went through all the zombie cliches in the first game. What is this one even going to be about?

As an person who can say they honestly enjoyed the first game the direction they look with the writing with the emphasis on her suddenly being a lesbian. It just makes me worried the people who worked on this are political hacks in the spirit of everything on TV and film that's burning in a woke fire. She's also uglier ngl. It's a game about "the last of us" and the irony is not apparently lost that two lesbians cannot produce a human being

meant to say
>emphasis on her suddenly being a lesbian is offputting
so in short no I won't buy the game, maybe after reviews, there's a lot of good games coming out this year so I can live without playing this

both games are written by the same guy

>Neil Druckmann (Hebrew: ניל דרוקמן)
makes sense now

i don't get it

hyped for the ultra detailed feet

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>tfw just lost a graphic design commission job because the client was a fucking dyke and I refuse to work with or for homosexuals
God damn I really needed those $10 to eat this week.

Also fuck this game and fuck modern Naughty Dog. Bunch of libtard pieces of shit. Fuck you.

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The first game was genuinely well written. Even the DLC where they made her a lesbian I thought was going to be really cringy (like TLOU2's trailer was), but it was actually executed pretty naturally.
I worry about TLOU2 being cringy in the same way I that I did that DLC before I played it, so I am still going to give it a chance and try to play it with an open mind.
Also the combat / stealth looks good

he's anti-semitic


Uncharted 2 > U4 > Jak 1 > U3 > Jak 3 > Jak 2 > UGA > U1 > TLOU

TLOU sucks it’s just like uncharted but with a “good” story that’s actually a crutch for the terrible enemy AI, embarrassing combat arenas and uninspired setting.

Lesbian cuck simulator 2020, no fun, no thanks.

Thanks for your input, Neil

fuck no

it's barely like Uncharted except being third person with shooting. They don't even control the same at all, TLOU is more like Gears of War controls with Tomb Raider nonsticky cover, and a way bigger focus on close quarters combat + stealth with no focus on climbing

Yas Forums doesn't play games. or get excited for games. it's overrun with kids who are too self conscious to have a personality

>suddenly being a lesbian

It was strongly implied, look at her character design in the first game even. She was always heading that direction lol I don't get how dense people are or why it has to be to pandering to the big bad woke culture

I'm 27 and this "game" looks like dogshit. You sonyboys sure do love your 3rd person cinematic experiences.

You sound like a parody.

Replace the dyke with the khazarian tiddy monster and i'll consider buying your game.

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This game is gonna get cringefully good reviews by just being the same as the first one with better graphics and more gay agenda.

The fact you have to tell everyone your age means your opinion is shit.

Ironic considering the people that are hyped about TLOU2 probably love getting blasted in the ass

U2 > ULL > U4 > U3 > U1=UGA > TLOU

I guess you’re right looking at it that way, it was thinking of it more like cutscene/walk/talk section, climb section, shoot section, repeat with TLOU being the same except replace climbing with stealthing. I only got halfway through it anyway and that was years ago so I’m mostly talking out of my ass. I just dislike how much praise TLOU gets just because it has a more emotionally charged story. Uncharted is much better

Have a cry. Your movie game will NOT be getting discussed on this forum thanks to the shitposting by us big dicked Yas Forums users. Take your tranny shit to resetera with the other pinko freaks. Fag.

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Oh fuck I forgot lost legacy. I agree with you mostly but golden abyss is def better than U1

You are

I am a huge fan of Uncharted and TLOU combat is way way better than Uncharted 1. Uncharted 1 was just whack a mole

It gets discussed everyday.

I was thinking of replaying the first one but maybe I'll save it until just before it comes out

With everyone shitting up your fag thread? The way it ought to be.

The first one was a boring ladder dragging simulator.

>Tlou 2 comes out

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Gonna buy it used and play it to fuel my hatred

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The whole part of "killing a lot of dogs" when reading demo reviews is turning me off hard on the game.
Hopefully they tone
this shit down.

>killing dogs and white men good
>killing minorities and women bad
What did they mean by this?

Imagine turning one of ps4’s flagship titles into a fucking rape revenge

Today i played
Il2 great battles
Left 4 dead
Cs go
Black mesa
Project cars 2
Doom 1
And im probably about to fuck up some fallout 3 right after i shit on this shitty game that i find antithetical and offensive towards everything i love about VIDEO GAEM

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>he was refutating the claim that Yas Forums is full of kiddies

nobody is forcing you to be a nazi.


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the first one was great because of multiplayer
the campaign was ~15 hours, but the multiplayer was great
lou2 doesn't have multiplayer, maybe I'll get it when it's announced, but it will be p2w like the last one

Cant wait. To think theres Nioh 2, ff7r, AC, Doom, RE 3R, TLOU and Tsushima in next 4 months makes me hyped.PC/PS4/Switch best combo

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Kill yourself

God that cover is so ugly
Why did they think it was a good idea

>screams nazi at everything he dislikes

I'll wait for the Netflix version and then not watch that because the script is b movie shlock anyway

Im getting ready for work, but yesterday I played Black Mesa, Doom, SH2, Forza Horizon 4

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I'll be hyped when they add the multiplayer back in the inevitable remake they're gonna do for PS5.

7 years of seething. Here's to 7 more!

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>need 10$ to eat

How is africa now user?