GTA IV is better than GTA V

GTA IV is better than GTA V

Attached: GTA IV vs V Cops.webm (994x560, 2.85M)

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gta 4 atmospheric gta v gameplay?? but story better ragdoll car drive physics?!/!! aAEEYYAAAAA


Attached: cat.png (430x317, 87.98K)

GTA IV and RDR1 were peak rockstar

Soulless vs soul

because the police autistically ram you in that game?

I swear the dumbing down they did was to make the game more friendly to normies.
They did the same thing with the driving, GTA V driving is trash compared to IV in general, look how the cars behave there...

Okay zoomer

Attached: 1573381689766.webm (512x320, 2.93M)

The webm has V on the right, and IV on the left.

Okay zoomer trying to disguise himself as a boomer

Attached: GTA VC Bodyroll.webm (800x600, 2.48M)

The annoying thing about that shit is GTA V has great driving mechanics built into it see

Took him a good number of times to wobble before flipping over. GTA IV's problem was cars kept flipping over a lot easier.

SHIT I meant IV on the right, and V on the left.

yeah no police hitting each other and citizens is fucking retarded

so why did they ruin slidey cars?
why is the slidey cars cheat not the default driving physics?

It was waaay easier to flip over in III, VC, and SA though?

I skipped IV entirely and only came back to it after I played the fuck out of V. I remember bitching to myself about how boaty all of the vehicles handle especially the motorcycles and then I hit a swing set and was launched into the stratosphere. Fuck this game, its online, and the shitty cop circle mechanic.

Oh so let's just make them ram the fuck out of your ass and cheat the game so your wheels instantly turn, rather than the cops actually trying to pit maneuver like in EVERY SINGLE OTHER GAME IN THE SERIES

Attached: GTA V instant wheel turn.webm (640x360, 1.26M)

This just seems like lazy game design at this point.
>200 million dollar game

It's supposed to simulate your character reacting to getting rear-ended.

That's the fun of it though, faggot

This isn't a racing game with no pedestrians

By taking away player control?
What was wrong with them actually pit-maneuvering, and having the PLAYER actually CONTROL the game?

It's to compensate for the arcade car controls not allowing for reasonable pit maneuvers.

This, there is no excuse for it if they could manage to program the police to do it in IV then why not on the next gen game?

The game was built with realistic driving machanics already there though, why didn't they just have the slidey cars physics as standard and the mario cart physics as a cheat for people who suck at driving?


Gtaiv fags always complain about the steering lock when you get rammed in V but think the complete lack of anti sway bars in v is fine. Look at that video, the dude nearly rolls from taking a corner at 5kph.

Fuck your gay thread, nigga

Better than being glued to the fucking ground as if it were Mario Kart or some other arcade shit.

Neither one of them is particularly good and I really wish RockstarofDavid didn't buy the rights to the Euphoria engine.

Because IV's driving mechanics suck ass and are not realistic just because they "drift." Arcade controls are much better suited towards a mass appeal action game like gta, if you want driving you should go play forza or install a mod or some shit

no its not

Yeah nah fuck rockstar for fucking everything on purpose.

>Arcade controls are much better suited towards a mass appeal action game like gta
Maybe for brainlets.
Also even the 3d era GTAs had better, less arcadey driving than V

Attached: GTA SA driving.webm (480x360, 1.11M)

>57 results
MASSIVE insecurity detected

agree to disagree

The best option is just to abandon GTA altogether and play this timeless classic instead.

Attached: Saint Rows 2.jpg (1920x1080, 488.3K)


Your disdain only makes me grow stronger

Then why not use slidey cars physics?
there is no reason for why they couldn't use them they are even built into the game and rockstar went as far as making each car handle uniquely while it is active, Then they go and make every car handle the same with the same speed limit like fuck knuckles.

Then just to rub salt in the wound they ruin the cheat in a later update for what reason?
No one knows.


You have absolutely no idea what you're even talking about

Attached: big brain.jpg (683x817, 137.64K)

Pure autism and insecurity: the post

samefag, very embarrassing

>pc remaster still not out

Attached: not mad.gif (500x233, 909.21K)

thinking about reinstalling GTA V and play through the campaign a bit, but with mods to actually enhance the world a bit. anyone got some suggestions? i guess i'm going for "variety packs" (like, police patrols, more cars/peds on the streets, etc)

so far, i've got euphoria ragdoll physics and world of variety on my list, any others i should check out?

Attached: lapd-copcar.png (400x267, 276.37K)

what does wanting a series he likes to be better have to do with insecurity? weirdo

Pure seethe and butthurt: the post

Literally 1 is the only good game. The series tried to make an art of being unplayable garb you find in the $10 bargain bin. The first one was mad decent though

Yeah, uninstall.exe

Oh, good counter-argument.
You've totally convinced me

ok op

>was mad decent

Attached: Zoomzoom.gif (652x562, 625.71K)

Every car already has its own handling stats with or without the cheat and the speed limit thing came later when they introduced hyper cars that could outpace the map loading on online. Again, it's a design decision and whether you like it or not gtav outsold IV by a metric fuck tonne so they must've done something right.

Coping and schizophrenia, very embarrassing

Seeking validation 57 times over is insecure as fuck

Pure projection: the post

Attached: 1569432722006.jpg (366x100, 20.98K)

>car flipping at 5kph
>better than
>car sticking to the ground while way too aggressively at least you don't have to flip your car every 2 seconds

Yeah, nah. Cars don't handle and never handled like they do in IV. I drive like a fucking lunatic and my car hasn't flipped, I'll take GTA V's super gravity to IV's car's have -1.5 gravity

Attached: donno.jpg (518x750, 68.7K)

V is the superior game and IV is still the black sheep and a disappointment after San Andreas. Cope more contrarian bitch nigga

Grab this and an enb

>less arcadey

That person is doing like 200 and hits that turn so fucking fast he'd be dead. That is literally arcadey driving. Go test drive a Ferrari and hit a turn at 200, you wont be posting again

>ha ha poop jokes guys amirite

Of course it sold better, more people have a ps4 or xbox1 than people that had a ps3 or 360

Attached: Obvious Shop.jpg (366x100, 13.35K)

>oh many the police cars in gtaIV are so clever, you can tell when I drive really really slowly I swear

I didn't say it was entirely realistic, but it's far better than the shit in V.
At least in that webm there is some proper drifting, V has none of that, every car just instantly turns no matter the speed like in Mario Kart.

Not OP but why would you still be posting if you truly aren't seething/butthurt?

Okay so you're admitting to getting filtered then, gotcha.

I dunno what version of GTA V you're playing but none of my cars make perfect turns at maximum speed.

Before it even launched on the ps4/one the game had sold 35 million copies after only a year, to put it in perspective IV has only sold 25 million as of 2019 across all platforms.

>Seeking validation 57 times over is insecure as fuck
More like seeking out faggots like you who will get butthurt 57 times over is rad as fuck

GTA IV is fucking shit I am so sick of you zoomer fucks. VC is the last good GTA.

Oh so that's your real cause
at least you admit it

It's a little of both, gotta spread the good word while simultaneously upsetting a bunch of flaming faggots