Just like that, we're all missing an hour of sleep

Attached: ESMxPDGU4AAU9tb.jpg (1300x1213, 199.91K)

Other urls found in this thread:

mmcafe.com/tiermaker/uniclr/index_customize.html?tc=ya0-trfcdlim2u5kd5nt9dbr6ie9gco2iv5q2u6g8dlfiufuixbqfa918c5pgcm83kbs8fkh5lny2t5oix70fgcjci-bkf-tiTier Chart for Undernight Inbirth Exe:Late[cl r]-ct999999-c1FFFFFF-c2EEEEEE-tvFF7101-thDD3C3C-d1Cute-x110-d2Sexy-x210-d3Serious-x310-d4Funny-x410

Pass is vee
Got a couple of tricks I want to try out

Attached: 1582392230948.jpg (540x720, 61.56K)

Holy shit is that a mother fucking Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late [CL dash R] reference!?!?!?!

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Ans just like Im gonna be an entire hour later to lobbies

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what do you guys think about my tier list
mmcafe.com/tiermaker/uniclr/index_customize.html?tc=ya0-trfcdlim2u5kd5nt9dbr6ie9gco2iv5q2u6g8dlfiufuixbqfa918c5pgcm83kbs8fkh5lny2t5oix70fgcjci-bkf-tiTier Chart for Undernight Inbirth Exe:Late[cl r]-ct999999-c1FFFFFF-c2EEEEEE-tvFF7101-thDD3C3C-d1Cute-x110-d2Sexy-x210-d3Serious-x310-d4Funny-x410

Is it true what they say? About love blooming in the battlefield?

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there's nothing on here that I vibe with. bad tier list

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Want me to send an Eversor just to make sure?


This fireball war is decidedly in my favor

that's been the case since [st]

I always remember eating shit because I never 236'd back

236C'd back*

no, that's absolutely silly. mainly because lorewise vat would probably side with linne anyways

>hasn't read his route

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Are you saying she's a bottom?

Doing optimal 5A combos in 6 frames is rough

>Playing the story mode in a fighting gaem

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pc when

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Who are the hardest characters to play in the game?

shini is supposed to be making some sort announcement later today, probably about the port.

Seth, Hilda, Carmine, Vat, Yuzu


What's hard about carmine

my dick

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I'd think if he he was any easier I'd run into them more.

Not many people can do his 3-2

Getting used to the timing to link these Enkidu ICs together is something I should practice in Survival I think. It's a pretty fun combo route.

Got my 3k off of 5A
Now if I could only get this short hop side-switch in the corner with 22C

Is the move where Lond does the ice pillar then the ball drops on you gapless? No idea which button it is, don't own him

Guessing you mean 4CC. I think there's an opening if you're close enough to counterhit it or if you got a character with a parry/counter special/FF to beat it.

He's got high execution plus he kills himself on top of it all.

I think people are still not used to him to try something but 4CC isn't safe nor is if special cancelable on block
The only thing about it is is that I can space it decently enough where I won't get someone trying to risk throwing out a big button to try and reach me

you can back dash it, but if he does 4C 214A or 4C 236A he can catch you out of the backdash.

Ah, alright. I keep trying to instinctively hit him during animation, before the overhead hits. Makes more sense to bock it then.

Also, Seth can't j623A/B if he used up an assault
But j623C is fair game

are you working on a j623x starter combo or something?

Actually didn't know that. I need loads more Seth MU experience, I feel like shit just happens and I happen to block it sometimes.

Practicing how to TK it and generally get used to it in its entirety but I'm bad at it

Hmm, for some reason my 22B was getting eaten by 623B there. Fun match though.

Have to remind myself that I can combo off of parry without resources

I'm surprised no one has linked Trill's tier list yet

What does it look like? Is my character at the tip-top?

One thing I learned over the weekend was how great an AA s236x is. The rest of his new stuff is still a bit iffy to me but I've been getting more consistent at catching jumpers with it now
Are you still planning on picking Chaos up hippie?

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Doesn't look like anythings changed
And not like it matters

That looks pretty scary for people like me who like to jump alot.

his and redblades I don't agree with at all so I didn't see any pointing in bringin it up.

>Are you still planning on picking Chaos up hippie?
As soon as I get some more consistency with Seth, he'll be my next project.
But who knows when that'll be, I can't seem to do j623x > fast-fall in P2 corner right now.

I don't follow twitter outside of art

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Did somebody say jumping backwards?!

Use more of that FF, bird

>Try to wakeup IW twice
>doesn't come out either time
It's probably better this way

Don't know about the stuff in between, but I do agree with Trill's evaluation of Yuzu and Lond, particularly of Yuzu since I actually play her. Even I can't defend her clr version

Aww, I thought that sword was close enough haha. Also, This 2[C] is tough to land after 22[B]. Looking forward to burning it into my brain.

I really should, considering the risk/reward isn't even that awful

The one that reels people back in is a better fishing pole than 4B ever was

I started getting interested in fighting games back around January, picked up UNICLR earlier this week and trying to seriously improve. Right now I'm working on completing all of the missions for each character, working my through the 3-X ones at the moment.

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Do 4-X missions since that'll be what showcases how each character will play more or less

> woke up with something every time
I'm offended, my meaties aren't that bad

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You guys are nuts, I barely got through everybody's 2's...

If you're having fun I won't stop you, but that's really not necessary if your goal is just to improve. Just pick 1 character and stick with them

3-x ones are pretty basic stuff, all things considered.
4-x is where things start becoming decisively character specific and the stuff you should
expect to be using
Good luck

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I've gotta get used to having it honestly. Same with 5a being a legitimately good AA now, trying it vs Merk there actually worked a couple times.

I hope pic related is one of the ones your considering. We can always use more Linne.

- Totally not a Linne player

No one is worse at meaties than me

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Dang aight, I think that's a good measure of how this is gonna go. Good singular game, I'm out.

> 6[C] 22[B] 2[C} combo
is that optimal or just really fun?

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Good to know, thank you

I know at some point I will need to pick 1-2 characters to focus on, but as I am using a fight stick for the first time I've found the extra practice to be helpful.

Thank you

She seemed interesting but I don't think I know enough at this time to know if her game plan fits my style