

Attached: amazon.png (698x653, 211.17K)

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>People waste their time by getting mad at lines on a paper instead of fixing actual issues

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Nothing wrong with that.

If she's under 18, drawing or not. It's wrong to sexualize or be attracted to them. It's why I mention their ages when some pedophile posts a very sexualized image of a teenager. It's creepy.

>think of the poor fictional cartoon characters
absolute state of americans

>Yas Forumstards and weebs crying
Seems based to me

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>hating miku
mail bomb incoming

... Miku is an ageless voice program, she isn't a child she isn't even human.

>Nothing wrong with that
How does taking down the sale of anime figures prevent child abuse?

why are burgers like this

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Banning cunny has historically been overwhelmingly a European preoccupation, actually

Every single faggot that talks shit about drawings in this key has very real CP with very real child rape stashed somewhere in his belongings. If you see one, make sure to tip the feds.

Noooooo! I just preordered her Yas Forumsros! Is she safe?

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meanwhile amazon paid for slave labor in china and sea

Hatsune Miku is a computer program, she's not human, neither she ages

nothing illegal about that


no way fag

just looked and their still seems to be heaps of lewd figures of underage characters. I hope it's not true since I'm a closet weeb and I get all my merch from them because I don't want my packages to arrive at the door with JAPAN WEEB KAWAII CO on it.

I don't understand. What is the thought process here?

>buying plastic of fictional characters promotes you to go rape children


Amazon is saving you ungrateful weeaboo coomers from getting coronavirus shipped right to your doorstep.

this is why i order from amazon.jp

>Banning cunny has historically been overwhelmingly a European preoccupation, actually
Absolutely seething mutt

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>"but other thing"
we're talking about Amazon here

Is an international brand and likely reacting to EU pressure

America is a new continent if you're speaking in regards to all of history, but I'm sure you knew that right, burger-san?

it's easier and no risk to go after drawings compared to going after the real problem and the real predators and pornography makers.


Because sexualizing underaged girls promotes oh I don't know... The perversion of teenage girls in their youth?

Just look at any thread. Guarantee you it's always some girl under 18.

It needs to stop. Date women your own age.

Stop posting Noa

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Why would you order figures from Amazon when AmiAmi exists?

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The only good Chi-Chi.

>posting sankakucomplex
As if you needed those retards to spoonfeed you this shit.

It's angloid puritanism actually, which mutts inherited and still proudly own, even though it mutated in weird shapes that no longer even involve any desert gods but still desire to police your genitals and eyes.
For some reason angloids also known for high child abuse rates too, as of mutts, I challenge you to find even one of their politicians or celebrities who isn't pedophile. It's all probably a coincidence.

How much closer are we to living in a world like Minority Report?

When did this "drawings hurt real people" mentality start getting popular?

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The article is fake. See What correlation is there between child abusers and otaku?

you can always tell who's a convicted sex offender and jimmy saville fan in these threads.

Extremely close

Nobody believes that, it's just funny to kick people down who no one likes and can't defend themselves.

Remember when Bitchllary Clinton tried to ban violent games? I do. We get reminded of it every time.

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Hmmm... I wonder what continent makes up the majority of UN delegates minus US and Japan...

>its wrong because the law in my country (changed only in the past century by feminists) says its wrong! what do you mean other countries have different laws?
brainwashed cuck detected

>expunge anime figures
>onaholes are left untouched
what a weird way to fight anime

Why is cunny so forbidden in murica?

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Drawings of little children having sex with adults literally is a promotion for child pedophilia.

Take this girl for example. Imagine how much porn is made of her.


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What's next, some "news" from kotaku / polygon?

those girls sexualise themself, they simply copy any whore from tik-tok, instagram or any threndy singer, and they are supported by the media, those parent groups that support diversity or even the state

>Remember when Bitchllary Clinton tried to ban violent games? I do. We get reminded of it every time.

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this was expunged cause promotes child exploitation

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>moving goalposts

>using Amazon to order your figures
AmiAmi, Mandarake, or even Yahoo Auctions tend to have better deals anyways. This only increases my overall distaste for Amazon.

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Europe is just Belgium's fuckboy at this point. UKucks are eternal hypocrites, considering they tolerate rape gangs and gov't officials.

The absolute queen of lolis.

this doesn't promote

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user, they're fictional characters. Why go after porn artists when real-life abusers are the real threat?

When drawings got popular.

Only benefit Amazon has is the next day shipping.


>drawings and figurines have human rights

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I agree that she is the best Chi-Chi, but her at the end of DB was some primo shit

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what does it mean

>Amazon removes a couple figurines from storefront
>Europe pushes to illegalize loli drawings
Pssh, w-whatever, kid...

I'm going to commit all the thought crimes I can while it's still legal!

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This is why I keep telling people that anonymity is a problem and places like this are a perfect example of that. When that is culled and the sickos promoting drawn CP are exposed, the internet will become a much better ( and more wholesome!) place.

She's. Eleven. Years. Old. Stop. Fucking. Sexializing. Lolis.

>give drawings human rights
>which in turn takes away actual human rights
clown world you cant prove me wrong

Raven, I assume Gwen, and Korra?

is this an arbitrary ban or does it target the figurines that are anatomically cute and funny with removable clothing? cuz honestly if it's the latter those only survived this long for being under the radar. sucks that you can't get them with 2 day shipping but on the other hand the need to import them serves as a filter

When roasties and fuglies started to matter less and less because all the guys are into anime girls instead.

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Why in the fuck would you order figures from Amazon US unless you're a normalfag who doesn't know how to buyfag properly? It's always cheaper to buy figures from a Japanese site, directly from the source instead of overpriced priced-hiked shit from Amazon or eBay (or worse, a bootleg).

It's absurd considering the same groups of people who vilify doujin artists and the like tend to have rampant predators amongst them. Not to mention the other dirty shit they do behind the scenes to people.

it's actually CEET MAORPKA, there's an o

Raven, Gwen?, ???

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You men have issues.
They need to literally illegalize all porn of women under 18.

This shit needs to stop.

It's all Momoko's fault

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I'm going to commit thought crimes and the government can't sto

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That's already illegal, drawings aren't real user.

So loli drawings from 2002 and before are fine right


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this was removed
you tell me

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While I'm not promoting jerking off to lolis you express an attitude that just feels incompatible with the last 15-16 years of Yas Forums. Why are you even here?

>You men have issues
Only because women are generally undesirable this generation.

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This is like catching a kid torturing animals with a hacksaw and saying, "I don't see the problem. We keep animals in unpleasant conditions and kill them and eat them all the time. He's not hurting any people." It's not about the harm he's doing, it's what he's revealing about his character, what he's experimenting with and working himself up to. It's similar to how many furries claim to not be into real animals, yet their ranks are filled with actual zoophiles hiding out amongst them.

This post is bait, but I'll respond anyway.
Drawings don't need nor should be protected from dangerous pedos when there are real children that need help.

Loli posting is freedom posting!

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>Drawings of little children having sex with adults literally is a promotion for child pedophilia.
There's no proof of this, and you know it. Moreover there could be proof of opposite - Britain where drawings are banned is basically world capital of child rape, while Japan has absolutely no issues with this.

Amazon sells loli fleshlight though.

What the FUCK is going on? I realize that there are tons of posters like this lately.

>Oh she's 16
>Oh she's 12

>Oh she's 17 you are a pedo

Are we being raided bros?

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