Playing Chrono Trigger and not using beefy as fuck cave woman

>Playing Chrono Trigger and not using beefy as fuck cave woman

What is your excuse?

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Also Robo is pretty tits

Her and Robo were my team
If only Crono used fist weapons the team would be 10/10

Because Lucca was my first crush.


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understandable, nerd puss is pretty tight

I like robots just a bit more.

Because I'm chuuni and I need to have cool guys like Crono, Frog and Magus instead, girls are icky.

I always went Crono, Frog, Ayla.
The Ayla and Frog toung kiss helped me a lot through the game.

ayla will deepthroat that frog, she doesnt give a fuck

Wouldn't know.

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My excuse is that I'm not gay.

I used her and Magus for my final team, actually.

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>Peak feminine performance
>Bloodline so strong it ruled the continent for over 60 million years
>Can make machines cream their pants with her adonis physique
>Can punch with a force equal to an atom bomb
>Literal fucking Kino
No better character exists

>Not soloing magus with frog for his crimes
user cmon

>not wanting a hot as fuck cavewoman that can beat monsters to death with her bare fucking hands
I dunno man, sounds pretty gay to me.

Chrono, Frog, Lucca always made the most sense to me in terms of who is the most important on the adventure

I don't even really like Chrono Trigger and Ayla was a bright shining star from it.

>being a Magus apologist

Enemies teaming up to take on a greater threat is one of my favorite trope and when the option to have him join my team came up, you better believe that I’m getting this magnificent bastard on my side.

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Stealth Vinesauce Thread?
Stealth Vinesauce Thread

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>even the nerdy anime and alt girls were painfully out of your league

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No, this will be vidya only.

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Oh believe me, I’m well aware that Magus did plenty of things wrong. But he’s cool as fuck, so I still wanted him anyway.

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That pain never goes away, by the way.

I liked Frog Knight and Magus

I also spared him. What did he do wrong again?

>get in epoch
>steal pow/spd tabs from future
>finding out i can get them all again by going back in time to the previous era
>mfw Alya bitch slaps lavos with auto attacks

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Started a war and killed Cyrus

I even liked Chrono Cross a lot, the idea of two world was really neat and I thought it was executed well.

If they ever made Chrono Break what would it even focus on? time and dimensions?

Based as fuck. I fucking love that shit.

What's up with high T women and why are they so hot whether they're 2D or 3D

strong women mean strong children

>high T women

Frog is a little bitch because Muh Cyrus. Besides that no reason.

>shitposting with pictures of yourself

Ayla is my waifu and the best and I hate that cave women aren't a more common trope.

Women are weaker and inferior to men.

Marle canonically has the biggest boobs, Toriyama literally had an entire artwork put onto the DS version where she's showing them off to Crono.

This. They even took the Ayla style Sayains away and replaced them with twigs.

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Toriyama is based
Marle sucks though

No, it was shit user

Because the party size is only 3.
Frog > Magus > Robo > Ayla > Crono > Bulma > Lucca

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Fought a war against humanity
Killed Cyrus and transformed Glenn
Sent soldiers to kidnap the Queen of Guardia to have her killed (they got Marle instead.)
Had Yakra infiltrate and influence the royal Government in an attempt to destroy them from within.
Arranged or allowed for his armies to attack Zenan bridge.
Attempted to kill your party when you interrupted his summoning of Lavos.

Besides that and the crimes against humanity he undoubtedly committed before Crono arrives in 600 AD, nothing.

I still spared him cause I wanted him in my party.

Jesus christ I actually called her Bulma without even meaning to.

Isn't he the one who manipulated Queen Zeal and made her obsessed with Lavos? (Ironically fucking up his own future as well) Or did she do that herself?

Mammon Machine did that. He just came back in time to earn her trust as the prophet in order to get close to Lavos to destroy it and possibly save Schala.

He failed at both.

My niggas of supreme taste

My favorite teams in decending order were:
Lucca and Marle got benched because fuck mages.

Lucca and Marle

Reminder: Any party other than Frog and Marle is pleb tier.

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who here
also, just gonna get this out of the way
Ayla > Lucca >>> Marle

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>Shackled up Marle and made her watch


I can't tell if it's a giga chad move or a super retard move to cuck your own bloodline out of existence.

frog and robo is the thinking mans party

Once cheated on my thotty basic bitch redhead with a nerdy gal. Afterwards we watched lord of the rings. Shit was awesome. We kept at it for a month until I started to feel guilty and blocked her. If I could go back I’d dump the redhead in flash for the nerd puss

Crono, Ayla, and Robo was objectively the best team
All teams are viable because the game is piss easy

It's always a treat to watch Chad pump and dump nerd girls, and then give them just enough attention that they become obsessed with him after he leaves!

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I never knew kissing made girls pregnant.

>Literally fucking Kino

my fucking sides

>Implying Ayla wanted to bang Chrono

Ayla only care for Kino and wont do the nasty with the worlds greatest neet. Lucca on the other hand...

>raises someone else's child alone where her crush is slamming the princess in the castle all day
lmao at the femcel.

I used her because she was the only one who could steal.

God I wish Toriyama did more robot designs, I really enjoy his design aesthetic whenever he does make a robot character.

Janus is a good boy who didn't do nothing.

LOL I too am a vinesauce fan
I love Uncle Jobel! I love JRPGs as much as he does :)

>>Bloodline so strong it ruled the continent for over 60 million years
Queen Zeal is part of the Ayla/Marle connection?

REMINDER: All your favorite chrono trigger characters were killed by comedy Dalton and Schala was mind raped for eternity as all everyone including her brother forgot about her.
Thanks chrono cross

>there are people who don't run Crono/Frog/Ayla no matter what
Mother always told me I would need to come to terms with knowing that I breathe the same air as fucking scum.