Happy Island Designer


This actually is pretty legit.
CTRL+Z & Y actually work as well.

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What is this?

design your ideal animal crossing island

Is it video games?

Yeah I'd say AC is vidya

I call it “Israel”

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waiting for loss

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It looks bland right now but this is just the skeleton of what I want to do. I don't know enough about the late game to properly plan for that but I have a rough idea for how to terraform it.

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>animals concentrated in a grid with user's house overlooking on a hill
Every single time

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hmmm? you say something user?

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Have you thanked Aya Kyogoku for all the comfiness and SOUL that is modern Animal Crossing?

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I wonder if there will be a limit to how much we can terraform the island. Like making it all water or something.

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Does anyone know what the limit of villagers living in your town is in NH?

>commie block faggotry
Modern AC players are fucking gay

>Don't even know the limitations of the island
>Designing your shit this early in

>No braindead coomer OP
please let this be the next thread. don't you die on me.


i'm waiting to see what sort of island layout i get before committing to any hardcore planning. my goal is to work around what i'm given rather than reshaping every single square

I just hope I can dig a big lake and then build the town around it.


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And just like Animal Crossing, the program is too up its own ass to give me better, more complex tools to do what i want

It's all fun and games until someone actually does this.

I'm thinkin based

I don't really care where the other villagers house's are, but I'm sure I'll have pathes connecting them

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Nice one

how are you naming your town Yas Forums?

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>there's a mini map function integrated in real time
Nintendo knows and doesnt give a shit.

whoops meant to reply to

imagine planning your island before even playing the game instead of just kind of letting things develop organically as they happen

the point of AC is that you're just kinda innawoods, or an island in NH's case, with some chill animals. It feels wrong to just not have houses kind of scattered around and shit

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You start with 6. You can have 15

I still don't know what the FUCK do I want.
All I know is I want a big pong in the middle. Sort of like a big park where my town events will be held.

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How do I get the right default set up?
Rather than just draw for shits and giggles I actually want to draw out a map and prepare.

I always plan what I want for my town.
Sorry for playing the game wrong, Elite AC player UwU

You start with 42 actually and over time you cast out those that fail their challenegs

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guess this is as good a thread as any

Im worried NH is going to be more of a HHD expansion than a new AC game. Everything I saw from the little previews from kotaku and NL made the island seem majorly empty, and a lot of the areas had to be visited with ladders or the vault pole. One thing I really hated about new leaf was how barren your town was, and you had to buy PWP's to liven it up, but it became more of a grind then just walking around town, sometimes catching fish, and chatting with your neighbors. Now dont get me wrong, I have NH preordered and Im hyped for it, but everything I see about it makes me more and more worried. Theres a wardrobe curtain in the able sisters now that lets you pick from all the shoes, bags, shirts/etc that you want, and it makes me think that you can just buy whatever you want on a whim, instead of waiting for it to pop up every new day, and I think theyre streamlining the surprise aspect in favor of just letting you get everything you want up front and then settling into your island, instand of letting it grow the longer you play it. Hopefully Im wrong, but they specifically said you arrive on a DESERTED island, and youll get more options the longer you play, but Im worried its just going to be empty and boring

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kek this one has potential, please begin the research for version 1.2 user. you got my blessing

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I believe you are seriourly underestimating how important crafting is going to be in this game.

I'm terrible at this, so I quit halfway through. Basic idea is there though, minus the commie block on the left. Not actually doing that.

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you can build tools with it, great, but until you get more villagers to move in, will it even be worth visiting that far corner of the island?

anything with sudden/really compact or high cliffs is maximum comfy and vertigo kino to me user, please post results when you get the game

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>river splitting toward ocean

i wonder how much of the island you can actually change, like building and rock placements after creation

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it's a meme you dip

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>you can build tools with it
try tools, clothing, furniture and god knows what more, the fact that it may finally make the fruit and fruit trade actually useful tools is a godsend against boredom.

>game with talking animals doesn't make sense
who knew

>nook base on a plateau
i wonder if any of the initial random islands will allow this.

Impossible since you'd need a ladder to go get to it

my guess is that anything that isnt green cant be changed

Is that fucking kikeland?

Except rivers, that can be changed iirc.
Dunno if the beach as well. If it is, then towns like would be neat.

How long do you wager it'll take to unlock terraforming? Cause I can't see it being a day one thing. My caldera island likely won't be right away.

rivers can be changed, but it looks like the mouths are static. If you look at them in the gameplay footage, they arent constructed in the same grid-like form. So if you make a river in your town, it will have to exit at one of the two exits that your town is preset with.

kinda hard to plan an island when the game throws a randomly generated island at you.

i prefer working with what the game gives me first than planning an entire island from scratch like this

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>Many YouTubers and "influencers" got to try a terraforming demo
>No one tried to see if beaches/river mouths can be changed.

Useless, all of them

Fuck them furry bitches they can live on cock island for all I care

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no clue. could be a long time.

kinda weird because we see mouths being created in the direct.
guess we'll have to wait to discover by ourselves or worse when some asshole comes spewing all the details

No fuck that

You can literally reterraform later, having restrictions or presets doesn’t limit creativity, it enables it

based nintendo inviting dumbass youtube aides so we dont get spoiled.


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How can you look at any of the videos/screens that have been released of outdoor decoration and say it might be barren?

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>Even chads will play our game

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