I think Yas Forums lied to me again. This game is kino

I think Yas Forums lied to me again. This game is kino.

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I think you have shit taste. Kill yourself.

No, it's fucking shit

Hell yeah OP. Game is soul as fuck. Loved riding around with your Bros in the car and thought the modern fantasy stuff worked great.

hive mind

It's not hive mind. It's just that we don't have brain damage like diptard over here

None of you have actually played the game though.

I tried playing the game twice and quit both times because it's so garbage

Sure you have.

And i forgot to mention that i've played through and beat FF13 and FF15 was too shit to handle

Yeah dude, I believe it. Not really.

It's pretty fun and looks nice

>plat'd the game
>stuck at 64% because they took down the multiplayer but didn't remove the trophies
t-t-thanks square...

>took down the multiplayer
that's crazy, they're still selling the multiplayer dlc in the store

Stunning and brave argument retard. The magic system sucks, the combat boils down to holding down the attack button, story is shit even with the fucking anime prequel, and every character that isn't part of your party is shit. Also the open world is empty and shit as well.

Yeah they removed it from ffxv and decided to make it a seperate game while fucking over everyone why the fuck people still support square I have no idea

Its one of the fewer games that made me feel like having friends, i hope you like it as much as i did OP

You're obviously braindead.

It looks like i stopped at the end of Chapter 3 last time i tried playing 15

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Peaks at about 3 minutes in game where you can perv on Cindy.

FFXV is unironically a pleb filter.

So you admit you are too stupid to hold O?

And here's my FF13 end game trophy

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Wtf is the multiplayer even supposed to be? Never tried it and know nothing about it

>phone posting
>actually played and beat ff13
>admitting you can't beat the easiest ff game aka 15
holy fuck how embarrasing

I never made a proper argument because none of you retards presented one other than "hurr me thinks geam bad" to begin with. In fact, even now everything you just listed is a series of conclusions you've made without proper substance to reinforce them. Also I'm 100% certain now that you haven't actually played the game, so good job I guess. Retard.

This game made me depressed. Wish I had friends.

it's basically monster hunter but shittier

>chapter 3
that's like one hour into the game

Your IQ must be in the single digits.
Just because a game is simple to play doesn't mean it's enjoyable, let alone good

Ok then, pay me no mind. I just want to expose the idiot connoisseurs on here who don't play video games, and yet insist they do (and are very opinionated about them).

>Literally every. single. game. vee has said is shit over the years turns out to be awesome
at least I can easily find games I'll enjoy

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Nah, i remember exploring every possible inch of the map and doing sidequests along the way

Don't ever reply to me again you fucking retard.

Sounds like you joined the hive mind. Brain damage zombies shuffling around buying a shit game...just consuming not thinking for yourself just get excited for the next product square-enix makes.

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>every game Yas Forums hates is really good
>just do the opposite of whatever Yas Forums says
>life is fucking great so many amazing games to play
Thanks Yas Forums.

the hivemind believes this game to be awful though. look at the thread

How about you leave my thread, mouthbreather

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You haven't played the game.


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How about you go back to gaia online, faggot loser.

Oh I forgot you have to spam heal items constantly with no punishment/downside sorry. I plat'd the game btw

But everyone beside Yas Forums said this game is trash too.


>he platinums games he doesn't even enjoy
Fugging autists, i tell you huwhat

>every person that likes ffxv is barry

The combat in this is horrendous. Like it's non existent basically. Hold button and win. Uh oh this enemy is a higher level dat sux :^]

Where did I say I didn't like ffxv you fucking retard?

I charge rent for living inside my head sir and i can tell you I'm rich beyond a normal man.

Let's just be honest. PCfags hat this game because it exposed their toasters for the pile of shit they are.

I swear everyone on this website has a sub 70 IQ.

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quit interrupting my summoning spell


>decide to start it up again now that it has some content
>the only game I have that is a 6+ hour patch
Whos fault is this? Sony or Squenix? because its sure as hell not my internet connection, which is fucking fine for everything else.


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Sounds like an americunt problem

The thing about levels isn't accurate at all. I beat the game with the level 1 item on, and it wasn't nearly as annoying as expected.

if you never played a ff game youll probably enjoy it but if you are a long time ff fan it was a disappointed.

also fuck tabata

Sounds like a non americunt problem

It's unironically my favorite final fantasy and I've played most of them.

That's small time, user. If you really want to summon Barry you say something like:




I wonder if Yas Forums will stop seething about ffxv when ffvii remake comes out. It's like the zelda cycle. Can't wait for all the hold square to win ffvii shitposts.

As a long time FF fan, I had no I'll will for Tabata. But FUCK Nomura.

ESL-kun go fuck yourself.

I have an autistic need to finish any and all sidequests and got burned out really fast and never finished it

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Yas Forums would spend zero time thinking about this wholly forgettable game if not for one mentally deranged shitposter who brings it up in virtually every thread.

It's clearly autocorrect because I'm a filthy phoneposter and don't want to get up. Why would anyone defend Nomura when he's clearly the main man responsible for the game's long string of fuckups though?

Get ass cancer and die phone posting faggot.

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Your sentence doesn't make sense without a comma in there, ESL-dono!

now replace that with the ffvii demo lel

Attached: Hold O to win.webm (960x540, 2.92M)

I keep seeing this, and every time all it reminds me of is that this is a Final Fantasy game.

If anything, not being beatable by pressing one button repeatedly and only occasionally changing tactics when the game requires would be a break from form.

to be fair that looks like an easier enemy. you wouldn't get away with holding circle on a tougher enemy or boss.

Woops wrong one

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But I have
Literally the game is just hold o to win with the occasional R2 to heal and never die

>not even touching the controller
fucking kek the level of ff shitposting is going to peak with the remake

altough there is a little more then simply holding cirlce tabata did remove all strategy from this game simply because he is a boomer faggot and not intouch with gamers.

Pretty much

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