Doom Eternal thread


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I am pretty sure it says

No, it's Kar En Tuk, which is just a fancy corruption of Coming to, so you aren't technically wrong.

Rewatching the Quakecon footage, I wish the game kept runes, upgrades, etc. as static pickups on the maps instead of making a ton of RPG menus. It's what I was hoping Master Levels would be.

>Kar En Tuk
what does that mean? fight like hell?

it's on the whiteboard, it's in a fake language. If i had to guess it would be whatever the Night Sentinels speak

hey guys

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Odds that the games will go back on sale on the eshop?

Hey Grandpa, what's going on? You still mad about all the Lost Souls you have to birth?

It means she took the kids.

Nooooooo not the menussss nooooooo I'm melting meltiiiiiing the horrrrooooor

I want you guys to start respecting me like you do with the cacodemon

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ah shit, these aint done yet

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Just take solace in the fact that the Caco has to deal with a looney toons explosion gag and you don't. Also, you are smart enough to juke the Slayer's shots and the Caco isn't, because he's a mindless eating machine.
Yeah I think that's what they're saying. They're saying "RIP!!! AND!!! TEAR!!!" in some sort of sentinel language.

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>game was supposed to come out 4 months ago
>no demo
Come on shithesda just gimme the first fucking level PLEASE

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Can you beat him in an arm wrestling match?

So they gonna explain the demon redesigns? Or are we just gonna leave plotholes like a Japanese game?

when's the doom 2 mod

delete this right now motherfucker
exactly, put some respect on the name
caco has about has many arms as the PS3 does with games

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Supposedly sub-species

>have to wait even longer for the switch version and they'll probably fuck that up too.

it's a video game lol

Hell changed, user. Pinkies used to not have armor.

I meant any time soon.

Honestly if it doesn't happen, I might just buy them as is, I'm itching for some more Doom.

>So they gonna explain the demon redesigns?
Something like how certain strains were on mars compared to earth. They could just not say anything since you can just waive away anything with it being scifi AND with multiverse shenanigans.

So we shouldn't expect quality? Go back to your jrpgs, user. The men are talking.

Just a little less than 2 weeks, you can do it

Hell is literally infinite in size. Is it really so hard for you to believe there are different breeds of demon species?

>pre-order PC Collector's Edition
>friend tells me that it's going to be a Bethesda code and not Steam
Should I cancel? I'd rather it on steam than Bethesda's launcher

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They make note of it in the codex and the UAC says that it could be different evolutions. The 2016 Mancubi and the Eternal ones are very different.

1 & 2 have plenty of map packs you can download for free. You can probably get your $10 worth out of them.

>probably fuck that up too
Have faith, user. Panic Button's making it, and they did a phenomenal job with the Doom 2016 and Doom 3 ports.

I'd honestly be fine if they didn't have any explanation, and it was sort of retconed that they always looked like that, although i do know that the cyberdemon redesign has an explanation that it's a different species, so maybe they'll use that.

That's the stuff you can download from Bethesda's official site right?

Considering it's pretty much confirmed that most demons are actually just animals exposed to Argent Energy and hyper evolved and only the top demons were native to the dimension, it makes sense that you would get convergent evolution of various things that turn out pretty similar body wise. Pinkies are just pigs and are eaten by many other demons as a natural food source, simply because they breed so fast.

No. I can believe that. What I can't believe is that some demons are everywhere one second and nowhere the next. I'd like at least some explanation. I mean aside from nostalgia pandering there was really no reason to change the designs so I'm hoping they at least came up with an excuse considering they took the time to explain meaningless shit like the life cycle of demons in the last game

>i7 6700k
>rtx 2070 super
>16 gigs ram
Will it do 144 fps or will my CPU bottleneck, I will find out in 2 weeks

For the Switch version you just download it ingame, but you need to link an account for it.

This is the same game where you bop zombies on their nogin and it makes a bonk sound, would demon designs looking different really be a glaring plothole?

If you don't want to deal with the Bethesda Launcher, then yeah. It was part of the deal with getting their stuff back onto steam. They get to control their codes and anything in their merch or off their website goes through the launcher and not steam. Only purchases through steam are steam.

>Pinkies are just pigs
Pinkies are just an unnamed fauna native to hell. They're not mutated pigs. Idk about animals but mostly people got mutated. Hell knights, imps, summoners, and barons are native sentient beings to hell.

Lol kinda, yeah. See this post There was literally no reason to change the designs just like there was no reason to start calling doomguy the doomslayer. If they did these things, it was hopefully for a reason and not just so things look new. And if there's a reason, hopefully theres an explanation

They do for some of them, I'll even list them out.
>Cyberdemon vs. Tyrant
The Cyberdemon in 2016 is it's own species, an ancient Baalgar demon that's been UAC-ified. The Tyrant is the OG Cyberdemon under a different name to curb confusion.
>2016 Mancubus vs. Eternal Mancubus
The 2016 Mancubus is heavily implied to be a different evolutionary line of the Cacodemon that uses that psionic shit to shoot out stomach acid or whatever. This new one is either a different breed or, most likely, a line of mutated humans.
The original Arachnotrons are just spider monsters with metal legs. The new Arachnotrons are explicitly bio-engineered inside Cultist UAC labs from the genetic material of the 2016 Mastermind - thus they are basically descendants of Olivia and the Aranea Imperatix.
>The Icon of Sin
It's the same monster you fought in Doom 2, but stupid. Doom 2 Icon was a mastermind that plotted the invasion. Doomguy killed it, but when Hell kidnapped the Betrayer's son, they merged his soul with the Icon's body to revive it, albeit without its intelligence. This is the same way Olivia become the power source of the Mastermind in 2016, with the Imperatix as the body.
Basically, assume that the OG Arachnotrons, Spiderdemons, and Mancubi are fucking extinct because Doomguy murderfucked them all, opening the door for them to be replaced by other breeds / genuses.

>most demons are just animals exposed to Argent Energy
IIRC, this is only true for the Titans, which are indeed mutated versions of lifeforms native to Argenta. I feel like the Icon of Sin isn't actually a Titan though, but this is just speculation.

shit nigger what are you doing

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I think it's more trying to come up with a 'lore reason' that can override the blatant pandering and admittance of their previous designs. Spikes on imps, cacos with pupils, OG mancubus template, I just hope they move on, "fuck it we know they sucked, sorry".

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Gargoyle as well, an original native or Argent that was a pest, but not particularly deadly.

>it's pretty much confirmed that most demons are actually just animals exposed to Argent Energy and hyper evolved and only the top demons were native to the dimension

that isn't true at all, that's just your retarded headcanon with no basis whatsoever

How shitty is the Bethesda launcher?

>I feel like the Icon of Sin isn't actually a Titan though, but this is just speculation.
It's just all stuff created post-original team so it could be literally anything, I'm honestly more interested in how he'll look graphically at this point.

Yeah that's what I meant.

Can you download mods that way too or no?

Uplay-tier shitty.

Confirmed in the case of Gargoyles. They were native to the homeworld of the Night Sentinels before being mutated by Argent Energy

The Eternal Mancubus looks more or less identical to the original one.

Assuming not too much has changed in terms of graphics fidelity and the engine from 2016, you'll be fine. Even if it has, the 6700k is still a pretty good processor. I get about 170 fps on a 1060 with a 7400 right now on DOOM 2016, so I'm expecting a 30 or so fps drop. But that's just my take on it, not sure if my numbers match up to anything else.

I doubt you held the same standard for Doom 64 or Doom 3

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I'm pretty sure the cultists or whatever call him Doomguy, also has he been officially called Doomguy in any of the games before Eternal? Anyways I'm pretty sure there will be a short story worth of descriptions for everything in the game liked 2016 so I'm sure your autism will be sated.

Imagine if Icon of Sin had some small figurine of Hugo Martin embedded in its hollow skull.

>officially called Doomguy
Not in any doom game. Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 called him that, along with Quake Champions. Quake 3 called him Doom.

spoilers: they're all bethesda codes. buying it on steam is just going to launch bethesda net

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It would actually be really cool if they touched on specific species of demons that doomguy just straight up genocided


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So is it really KAR EN TUK?
I could barely see the whole words in the trailer unless I missed a shot of the white board completely

Even if Doom 64 had some sort of backstory told through the manual, those are at least more 'reboots' while this is a sequel in the same continuity.
Just devil's advocating because I'd prefer they don't say anything about it.

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Oh, really? How interesting. So the Pinky and Gargoyle are barely even demons, just in the demon world.
What I want to know is, what exactly is the Aranea Imperatix? It uses Olivia to gain a physical form and confront Doomguy in 2016, and is implied to be communing with 2016's Cyberdemon, but other than that we don't get much info. Is it some kind of demon spectre, or something? Like some kind of wraith, or mystical being, by their standards?
I ask this because 2016 builds the Imperatix up to be an incredibly important demon, but the art book and Eternal's lore is building a "hierarchy", so to speak, with the Nameless One at the very top, followed by Hell Royalty / Archdemons, and then superheavies like the Tyrant and Archvile. But they have yet to tell us what the Imperatix is.

He's called Doomguy in Eternal over an internal intercom, funnily enough. Likely as a inside joke. Same as 'Rip and Tear'

The name 'doomguy' is a fan-created moniker. In 2016 the player character is refered to as either the "doom marine" in codex entries or "the doomslayer" in the tablet readings.

The intercom calls him "doom slayer" in the Phobos quakecon game-play.

>confirmed that most demons are actually just animals exposed to Argent Energy

No, it isn't. Bethesda Account is not the same as launcher. Why do we keep having to explain this shit? Quake Champions has the same little thing. The account tie in is the same thing that the recent doom games had and it was just to link up the rewards and wasn't even suppose to be required. I've heard conflicting reports on the account only being used for the Multiplayer component. But either way, it's for you to get your Slayer's Club rewards in game, not the Launcher.

It's kind of a mystic hive-mind connecting all daemons, meant to lead them.

>"The first Project Lazarus Tethering Operation retrieved a small compendium from the Umbral Plains in the crypt of a destroyed tower of unknown construction. This "vade mechum" was mostly illegible, but it did contain one of the rare references to the Aranea Imperatix - a mystical demon that is still largely unknown."

>"When the gate is opened, in the fourth age, when we have risen and the masters have shown us the path, she will be come. A great blessing will be given to the key holder, for they will become one with the master, and in that holy union the power of the dark priest will be unleashed upon the heretics of the Penumbral Plain. The Aranea Imperatix. Carried in the mind of all who follow, fed from the blood of those who fell, made with bone of rock, iron, steel and sinew. A mighty god to rule over all other gods. One become two become legion."

>Quake 3 called him Doom.
That's unironically way fucking cooler than 'Doom Slayer' what the fuck

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Doom 64 isn't a reboot, and there is an explanation for the demons looking different. They've been mutated by the radiation the UAC's been nuking the Phobos and Deimos bases with. The Mother Demon brought them all to Earth and made more since it's like a super Archvile or something.

The game runs on Steam, but requires you to sign in with a Bethesda account. This is nothing new.

So from the Codex, it seems the Imperatix is, yeah, basically a mystical demon that doesn't have a physical form unless merged with "the key holder", who ended up being Olivia. I suppose it basically was the one spearheading the 2016 invasion, as both a way to fulfill it's little prophecy and to serve the Hell Royalty and Nameless One, since the 2016 invasion was required to get the Earth invasion going.

I don't have any source for his claim that demons are mutated animals, but we do have verification that the pinkies are used for food.
>Gnawed carcasses of Pinkies have been extracted from portals, suggesting they are considered a delicacy in Hell.

It would actually be pretty fitting that the daemon word for him, in their language, is just Doom. As in he is their entire cultural concept of Doom.
>yfw you kill people so hard you fucking become their symbol of death

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I really hope that sword isn't regulated to "Only on boss enemies" and we get to actually have fun with it

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>lived long enough to see Doom come back
>turns into an FPS version of Devil May Cry
Not even mad

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Never used Uplay, but it sounds like shit

Where do you get them being eaten as food into them being mutated pigs? You are just spouting headcannon now

It's basically a chainsaw clone for heavies, but it doesn't give ammo.

>their cultural concept of Doom
I am all for learning more about Hell culture and shit. This sates my autism perfectly, all this shit about the Nameless One and certain demons being food and Hell Royalty (the one in the artbook's name is Erebus, who rules over the city of Dis, fuck that's cool), archdemons, Tyrants being slavers and shit. I love this dumb lore shit that means nothing to the game but is just so fun to read about. And I love the discussion it brings to us.

Yes. Though even when not manifested, it can lead or at least influence daemons.

>During the Cyberdemon Reanimation Project, the beast was kept alive by controlling the amount of plasmatic Argent Energy it received. This kept the beast in an effectively "brain-dead" state while additional components were cybernetically implanted. A neural pathway was created between the creature's brain and the Argent Accumulator, allowing the creature to administer Argent power to any part of its body as needed. In hindsight, this neural pathway was a mistake as once the pathway was activated the dormant beast immediately administered an Argent surge to the medulla oblongata, which allowed it to restore motor function. Once active, the circulatory system quickly restored and the beast achieved full motor function within a few minutes. It is only through bravery of Follower Jacobson that the beast was contained. Follower Jacobson willingly gave his own life as bait when he lured the giant Cyberdemon into holding pen 6, where it could be contained. Unfortunately, there was no way to retrieve Jacobson once the doors had been bolted, and he was sacrificed.

>A report following the incident suggested that this act was not instinct by the Cyberdemon, but rather a suggestion of a greater intelligence governing the will of any creature demon borne - a "mastermind" of sorts. Research on this theory continues.