Got this as a gift, just opened it after it sat on my shelf for a week and a half...

Got this as a gift, just opened it after it sat on my shelf for a week and a half. I haven’t played a Pokémon game since Platinum, is it good? Or at least fun and interesting?

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Its the worst pokemon game to date.

It is not good.

You might as well sell it to gamestop before they go out of business.

haha i haven't played since gold/silver too, hm... the fire bunny is super fucking cute, the game is cute as af. I liked it but it's just the same game, i don't feel like i need to keep playing it for some reason, as if the first 2 hours were enough.
Also pokemons are just animals nowadays, yeah... a bunny is fine too

I liked it, it's a pokemon game, nothing fancy, nothing amazing.

Trust me, it fucking blows. I beat the game and stopped playing after that.

Why do you care? It's free! Just play it to find out faget

Pokemon must have an inherent level of fun, because a game this bad by any other name would be a 4/10, but somehow I still begrudgingly enjoyed it


What makes you say that? What makes it the worst ever in your opinion?

While this post is fake, if you are in fact 22, you are an adult. Stopping complaining about your dad, move out. Don’t have a job? Go work minimum wage in a low rent area.

Excellent point lad, installing now.

Okay as a game you got as a gift/free but not something worth buying.

Virginity literally doesn't matter. I'm 27 and I haven't had sex since high school. Just focus on yourself and what you enjoy.

Downloading update as we speak, do you guys prefer handheld or docked? I primarily play docked but I’m wondering what you guys prefer personally.

>small region
>corny and shitty story
>removed mons
>looks like a 3DS game despite coming out in 2019 for the Switch

Damn, real shit? I had no idea it was that bad, I expected at least some sort of quality because it’s a home console Pokémon game, maybe I should have stuck with my beloved memories of Platinum instead of seeing what it’s become.

Platinum is 100 times the game this trash was.

>things that never happened
stop posting lies

eh you might like it, it's not a good pokemon game though, it's hand holdy in that really awkward overly-attached girlfriend way
zero challenge, and a couple of ways to ruin what difficulty it could have by complete accident
end game is pretty non-existent, you'll complete it and the dex in about ~30 hours of gameplay at worst, took me 20 to beat it twice and add the new mons to my living dex
unless you have enough brain damage to enjoy the shitty writing I'd go to options and enable movie auto skip, there's still a bunch of dialogue you'll have to click through and some scenes you can't skip

It’s done bros, time to see if it kills my love for a long cherished franchise.

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You know playing Shield doesn't erase every entry that came before it right?

>is it good?
>is it fun and interesting?

Have you played Pokemon from Pokemon Red+ at any point? Then the gameplay loop is exactly the same.
Do you like spectacle? Then the game does have some of that in the form of dynamax and gigantamax.
Do you dislike games that pause your gameplay for words and pointless shit? Then don't even bother, this game has a shit ton of pointless cutscenes and characters stopping you to spout words at you that don't advance the story.

True enough, didn’t think of it that way lad, I just sincerely hope that it’s at worse decent.

Started with leaf green when I was about 8 years old, played every one until whatever came after Platinum, I’m familiar with the mechanics but I’m hoping they switched it up a lil bit after a decade or longer of not playing.

They haven't, I'm a turbo autistic former Pokefag who was hyped for the game until the culling, I watched Werster play it and feel like I played it myself.

Other than the phys/spec split of Gen 4, and the Fairy type + Steel nerf in Gen 6, they haven't shaken up anything.
It's less grindy at least so that's a bonus, don't know how you'll feel about having the EXP Share right from the start, always turned on, and always sharing EXP to all of your members though.

The first DLC also promises a DLC booster and that you can access the area right away so maybe it will get even easier.


Pokemon hasn't been good since gen 5.
In fact, Pokemon was never good outside of some of the designs and the easy to grasp battle system. I've never been challenged by a pokemon game that wasn't a romhack.

It's worth a shot if you have it for free

>shortest game
>most slowdown in any game
>less pokemon than diamond & pearl
>Removes moves from previous games like Return & Pursuit for no reason
It's really really lazy & really really short. There aren't even any puzzles inside buildings or caves.

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Haven’t heard this one in a while. “Virgy” always gets me

I bought it a couple weeks ago and I’ve been enjoying it. I said I would never play it because Yas Forums said it was shit and I believed them, but sometimes the people here have no idea what they are talking about.

I mean hell just play it for a little while OP and if you don’t like it, sell it.

Aside from the 4th worst meta (including LGPE (and also excluding the timer stalling)), it’s pretty much just every other Pokemon game, but less for a higher price.
It’s like if were buying the small fry at McDonald’s and it cost $2 more than the medium fry.
It’s the same tasting fries, but you get less of them for a higher cost.

Based 12 year old brown girl

>Aside from the 4th worst meta
What was the best meta? Gen 3?

Hopefully emulation is better when the DLC hits. The formula is inherently amusing enough to me that I'd play it for free but I'm sick of Gamefreak's bullshit even cost aside.

Have you tried at least? I’m 21 and haven’t had sex since high school. Is this permanent?

4th gen post Chomp ban.

Post webms of this game's animations so OP can get a better idea of what he's in for

The “double kick” animation really gets me.

It's fine. Couple complaints. It's short, not much postgame, and it's very easy. Good things. Dynamax is fun, the wild area is fun, and the quality of life improvements really matter. I'm not autistic so I don't care about DeX stuff. Overall a 7/10, pretty hard to screw up a pokemon game

4 > 7 > 6 > 3 > 5 > 8 > 2 > 1 > Let’s Go Pee

>Empoleon was OU
>Infernape was OU
>Tortera was UU
I miss Gen 4 OU. It was the only game where all 4 final starter evolution forms were viable.

i miss it too user. i wish more people played it on showdown

I liked it but ill be honest about the parts this game was lacking. Its short, the story is lackluster, the villains are awful and the gameplay is as slow as colosseum. Thatbeing said its fun to see pokemon on the big screen, the music is fun and enjoyable and its a comfy game to ease a night away

>le epic boomer meme
The rest of the world doesn't move out until they're married because they're not suckers. The last North American generation only moved out because it was dirt cheap to do so.

You posted this in an earlier thread.

I also got this in the same present box, they are both late birthday presents from my older brother who’s a huge Nintendo fan, is this one good at least? I’ve never played a Dragon Quest game but I hear good things, like how this one is the best version available currently and that the graphics are really good for a switch game. To put it in perspective I’ve never owned a Nintendo console before the switch, except for a DS when I was wayyyyy young, all these games are new to me.

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Soiboys like this are why the white race is dying. What a bunch of betamales.

His taste is questionable at best, he loves my fav game of all time MGS3, but he also enjoys shit like Street Fighter V and Ubishit, so I can’t really trust his opinion.

>but I’m hoping they switched it up a lil bit after a decade or longer of not playing.
They have, but you won't see most of it by simply playing until you beat the champion and then shelf it like most people do.
You have to play the PvP to actually see many of the changes Game Freak added to the game that they refuse to feature through the storyline.

>is it good? Or at least fun and interesting?
Depends, do you have standards? What do you usually like to play?

But regardless I’m thankful for the gifts, I’ve only had my switch about three weeks and I’ve been undecided on what games to get besides BOTW, he really came in Kobe clutch for me.

stop being a passive aggressive faggot

My favorite games series of all time are

1. MGS
2.Silent Hill
3.VTMB even if there’s only two games in the whole series and I never played the first one

I love anything Konami made before Pachinko, if it’s made by old Konami it’s one of my favorite genres, Especially MGS 2 & 3 and Silent Hill 2 & 4, I’m a sucker for stealth and a good horror game.

>How do I get over this?
Wait until you're at least 25. The human brain doesn't fully develop until around that age, at which point you stop giving as much of a fuck about what people think of you and you start to become more like those people who embarrasses their kids.

I trust you guys opinion more than everyone else’s essentially, Yas Forums may be a shitty place at times, but we all share a common interest in excellent vidya.