Has gay character who's been gay since the last game

>has gay character who's been gay since the last game
>has female minority character who fights
character design = SJW propaganda I guess

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>Game has many legit problems that hold it back from being good or great
>They'll never get addressed because every turboautist who knows about the game is fundamentally offended because there's a gay or a black woman in it

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>someone criticizes a game for perceived SJW propaganda
Yas Forums: Umm, hello? Based department?
>someone criticizes a game for perceived right-wing propaganda
Yas Forums: Holy shit it's a game what a fucking pussy just enjoy it for what it is you faggot.

>Yas Forums is one person
based retard

>someone criticizes a game for perceived SJW propaganda
>Yas Forums: Holy shit it's a game what a fucking pussy just enjoy it for what it is you faggot.
>someone criticizes a game for perceived right-wing propaganda
>Yas Forums: Umm, hello? Based department?

So when will developers learn, we don't want gay or black characters in our games?

Is it rage 2?

Speak for yourself.

Amara is a Pajeet though.

why are discord tranny threads allowed


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I want black characters in my games, but only if they're cute and funny.
We need more cute and funny black characters.

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based and correct

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Women have been warriors in video games since the NES days
Stop pretending it's something new or grand every time a female protagonists appears. Whenever a female combatant is held front and centre, it's just shitty marketing because the gameplay is bad.
Powerful Female is old hat in vidya. No one cares. 'Wahmen, fuck yea!', however, is hot garbage marketing. Cut that shit out.

it's almost like left wingers are wrong and morally bankrupt

wow I really care about this dusty old rehashed topic....NOT!

I'm fine with gay and black characters, and I demand at least one gay black character in a game.

im 30

ive never given a single fuck and i never will

all these 20 year olds are so easily offended by the most retarded shit

why, they so fugly?

>Very few black lolis or shotas in games
>Since most of them are western, the ones that ARE in games often look like disgusting abominations like that thing in Wolfenstein 2.

>>someone criticizes a game for perceived right-wing propaganda
there's no games in mainstream that do this.

that's why they said perceived retard

>less than 4% of people are LBGT
>less than 15% of western world is non-white

If the developers want to play activists, or they want to please gaming """journalists""", carry on.
If they want to make even more money, they should listen to the majority of their customers
Not Twitter. Not the minority. Like the 3-4 people here in this thread.

The reality is that the "silent majority" aren't silent because they're on your side.
They're silent because they don't care.

imagine getting this offended by character design lmao

Look at user reviews on sjw games. Silent majority lmao.

why you cope-posting?

Witcher 3

because its funny that people are this scare of minorities in their game lmao

>Look at user reviews on sjw games
What are some "sjw games?"

whatever games that have minorities are labeled "SJW"

I'm not 'scare' of minorities.
Just don't like them.

Wolfenstein 2, and Youngbloods comes to mind.

holy shit this is you

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Got progressively more SJW in the standalone expansion.

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Yes, liberating Paris from Nazis is SJW.

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Yes. That's what I said. The PLOT is SJW.
Oh wait... We were talking about CHARACTERS.

>"Wolf 2 has bad reviews"
>user shows that it's not true
>"I-I meant just Youngblood..."

I dont mind the gay shit but at least cut out the cringe humor. It is pathetic.

The characters are SJW because they're women, got it

its estimated a much larger amount than 4% of people are attracted to both genders but societal norms and religion and stigma and all that shit prevents a lot of it

I wonder what veterans of world war 2 would think of these people.

Wait, I forgot WW2 vets are SJWs

>Wolfenstein 2, and Youngbloods comes to mind.
Named them both there.
Also, 6.7 user score isn't really anything to cheer for.


bluepilled and gayCOPEed

WW2 vets are called fascists by lefties.

>Also, 6.7 user score isn't really anything to cheer for.
No one cares about Metacritic reviews because they're not from verified owners.

that's literally what he said

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T. Thinks everything non-sjw is right wing propaganda.

someone doesn't know the definition of perceived

There is more to a character than their gender.

just keep digging your hole bud

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>not sticking to weebshit that doesn't have niggers in it

>WW2 vets are called fascists by lefties.
What a fucking strawman lmao

This is your brain on leftism.

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i guess you don't understand sarcasm you fucking clown

Who knew Indiana Jones was a SJW series

But this just proves the point
>If they bought it and scored it low.
>If they didn't buy it, and scored it low.
A lot of people don't like SJW in games.

It was a joke, but antifa did attack that one WW2 vet in New York.

antifa attack everyone bro

they're just crazy and represent a small part of the left, but they are very vocal and do stupid shit so they seem bigger than they are. like actual nazis in america, there's really not many of them and saying all rightists are nazis is fucking stupid

Imagine being this delusional

>has dlc dedicated to some faggots getting married

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Bro antifa are literal brownshirts


the character has been gay since the game he was introduced, which was 8 years ago

Because jannies ARE the discord trannies

Kill yourself tranny
>we should copy this dumb cliche because morons did that before

No one really cares that a game has a gay character, it's when it's constantly shoved in people's faces that people take issue.

It's not though. The DLC takes place in a wedding. And there's a lot more to it than a wedding according to teaser info


>wedding gets interupted by stuff you have to shoot
>after done shooting get to watch faggots kiss

imagine thinking gays are so scary you have to make sure they aren't in any media whatsoever

Right wingers just have a way of not being obnoxious pricks about video games. Until you guys stop acting like raging lunatics dont ever pretend right and left wing are on an equal playing field ever again.

>implying that the silent majority actually reviews games

Unironically this. Westerns used to be able to create nigger and women characters, but now it's purely politicized archetypes.

Translation: Reeeeeeeeee

>has gay character who's been gay since the last game
considering the writer of the last game was burch that actually is sjw propaganda

>we don't want gay or black characters in our games?
Nah, I'm fine with those. What I don't like is when people can't respect the author's political views.
>SJWs: Oh no, that one percieved gay woman wants to cure herself of her homosexuality! This is literally murder! Worse than Nazis! Let's ruin his life or his game by getting it censored.

>being disgusted by and wanting to kill every gay is being scared
Keep COPING faggot

>devs block on twitter for referring to the robot as "he"

BL3 was the 4th best selling game of last year WITHOUT Steam. I think they will be just fine.

>Right wingers just have a way of not being obnoxious pricks about video games
are you new to this board, or...?

Pelosi heads BAMN, a group funding Antifa.

They do

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jesus christ you are fucking dense

Post proof