Why the FUCK did the forerunners build the halos to have so many identical rooms and nondescript corridors?

Why the FUCK did the forerunners build the halos to have so many identical rooms and nondescript corridors?

Attached: halo library.jpg (300x225, 17.34K)

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Functional architecture.

>build Halo array to wipe out all life to stop the flood
>keep specimens of flood on Halo for 'study' which all end up escaping

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The endless content recycling of the 2nd half of CE killed it for me

The Maw makes up for it imo

The Halos are containment facilities. Prisons, basically.

that level and the end segment where you have to escape in the inertiamobile weren't very fun

I've never played halo 1, save for the first 2 or so levels.
Should I play on original graphics of remastered?

Original graphics for your first playthrough.

I agree with Keyes, that mission sucked, but two betrayals is fun as fuck and I give literally two shits that it reused assault on the control room's map. Fuck it, assault on the control room's probably the best mission anyway.

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Both are terrible since they deleted most of the lighting in the original graphics

the pc port's original graphics are fucked up, and the new graphics look bad

Aotcr and two betrayals are my favorite levels of ce

Try Cursed. It's genuinely fun.

The PC port is really fucking shit so if you can't play it on an original Xbox play it on classic settings. The new graphics are just all stolen assets from Halo Reach and Halo 3 and they look fucking awful just mashed together into Halo 1

No, remastered graphics. Don't listen to "worse = better XD" retards. Yes, it's not perfect but still clearly an upgrade.

>Mark V

Yup, that's my armor

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i did remastered graphics and i really enjoyed it. some repetitive levels, but still fun

God the remaster graphics are so shit

Why does Halo 1 have the most SOUL?

For real, something about how it presents itself makes me warm and tingly inside.

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it doesnt have soul, you just have nostalgia.

The remastered version allows you to quickly switch between the two while you play, so you never really have the make that choice (except for cutscenes which are always remastered).

cutscenes can be in Classic too

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where's a nigga go to pirate CE on pc these days?

Imagine being the person who greenlit gearbox to make the PC port, not realizing you've doomed Halo to two decades of pain


Really? how do you do that?

toggle graphics to classic wtf.


look at how fucking big the halo rings are

keyes looks so fucking young in anniversary graphics

you have to be in Classic as you walk into the cutscene. can't change at will while in cutscene

it's a mass produced super structure and they're explicitly tools. The lights aren't on because the machines don't need them and have to be green minded simulating those biomes for millennia.


google a cd key

nah, Halo 1 had soul.

Some random dips stumbling into a fluke can give it their all for something wonderful, but god forbid if a legit corporate proxy with infinite cash backing them can competently revamp a series without outsourcing all the important shit to people that can't give a damn.

Look at his concept art, left looks too much like Keyes

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I took my post down but I seriously wonder what the hell is up with his concept. He looked exactly like how I expected them updating Keyes, and then they pull real Keyes out and he's got that younger look.

I think it could have been an old take on him at one point but they decided to change it and recycled it. There's no character model apparently; only character art

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how old was keyes?

Keyes is secretly Holland. Confirmed

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I'm guessing they wanted to have Keyes as your co but that wouldn't make sense
so they made a new character

because you touch yourself at night

I unironically think that the library is one of the best levels in CE because the atmosphere is so incredibly lonely and oppressive.

the aesthetics uniquely combined tribal/tropical and industrial styles. in the later games, they went for more of a conventional alien sci-fi style a la mass effect.


objectively incorrect, just look at halo 5 or destiny 2, they're heavily commercialized and even use the same big name voice actor and put him front and center when those games were releasing

To make any would-be breachers get bored and give up before they found the Flood

57, but since he'd spent his career as a Naval officer a good portion of it would have been in cryosleep, which inhibits aging

The warthog run is kino, you brute

It was the only Halo game that was made out of genuine passion. Bungie didn't want to make a sequel right away, but MS made them go straight into Halo 2. Halo 2's development was a disaster, and then MS made them do Halo 3. After that they got independence, but they were still contractually on the hook for 2 more Halo games. ODST and Reach were obligatory.

And then 343 took over, and they've only ever just been a corporate Halo farm.

The atmosphere is great but fighting the flood gets repetitive

AotCR be perfect if it was like 25% shorter than it is. It goes on just a little too long.

being able to go back through AotCR backwards in banshees is amazing. Scumming the elite out of his banshee on AotCR and flying it through the rest of the level is fun af

and since its around the 26th century I imagine people live longer and age better

the only good part about the library is that in the novel Chief comes across a sergeant midway thru who's dead. When he asks 343 about him, he says he was one of the previous Reclaimers before MC. Chief thought to himself he must have been one tough MF to have gotten as far as he did and had a ton of respect for him

Go away

>implying the flood novel wasn't good
plasma grenade yourself

>reinstall Custom Edition after literally 5 years of not playing

>everyone is just playing the default maps, no Hugeass, Coldsnap, Yoyorast Island, etc maps at all

Yas Forums server when

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They were perfectly contained until the retarded interlopers showed up and ripped open all the fail safes.

It wasn't William C. Dietz is a shit writer, so shit that Bioware (when they weren't shit) canonized his Mass Effect Novel. Bungie and 343 even barely consider that shitty novel canon, Halo novels aren't really good but William C. Dietz is on the level of Karen Traviss bad.

Fucking Grammarly

so that anyone invading their halos would get bored and leave before they find anything

Does Halo 1's campaign increase the amount of enemies if you're playing co-op? I can't imagine how unbelievably bullshit some sections of the game are if you're by yourself. I played through with a buddy and some parts of the campaign on Legendary are fucking ridiculous.

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>tfw you realise how mediocre Halo actually is and that it only became popular because of clever marketing

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I fucking hated this level back when this game came out but playing it again recently made me appreciate it a lot more

It's a fun level even if a bit too repetitive and samey

The flood book is a massive sack of shit. Huge step down from Nylund.

Further proof that Bauhaus is an evil judeo-reptilian design.

You are one of our most treasured studios. Long have you developed our first party franchise with low budget and mass appeal.

But your inability to safeguard the Halo games... was a colossal failure.

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no, git gud