

Attached: crisiscore.jpg (1440x1080, 128.7K)

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good game

said no one ever

This song will definitely be in the remake.
The game ends with Aerith saying she's hates the sky.

Take a break from this site.

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critics also like bethesda games

so do a lot of people
what's your point?

that people with shit taste shouldn't be taken seriously


I've never played FF7 so when I played this I didn't know how it was supposed to end with Zack.

At the end I started feeling bad for him with all the shit that was happening and I legitimately thought me and Cloud were going to make it. Especially towards the end I started getting doubts, things were going so bad. And then that final fight...


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Zack was a better MC than Cloud, and that's the beauty in the tragedy.

Why is he in time out?

>that fucking letter we get from Aerith that says she can't keep waiting for Zack
>that's weird it's only been a week what is she talking about I thought she liked Zack
>we've been in a coma for a fucking year

No he fucking wasn't you idiot..

>generic anime hero
>better than Cloud

I hate secondary zoomers

>crisis core is forever trapped on psp
>can't even download it from the store

cloud literally stole zacks personality do you fags even play the games

anyone who says this is a secondary shitter who's only played this and KH

no he didn't you fucking idiot

Zack was literally made last minute to give cloud a more interesting bsckstory.
Zack is a literal generic tool.

Zack was great, I loved every time he would do squats

secondaries don't even know who Zack is retard.


you're retarded

I don't care what that low contribution Metascore says, the game is garbage and has fucking awful gameplay.

>Take a break from this site.
what a faggot. Anyway, that other faggot is also wrong: it's a great game

>the monkeys are flinging shit at each other again
i love this zoo :D

I don't like that it turned Aerith into a pissy little bitch.

It's actually just one dude.

okay faggot

what makes it great

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yes it's only one person who hates this shitty compilation game

yeah only one person causes shit on Yas Forums

It's a good game.


>having a differing option is causing shit

when did this place turn into a reddit hugbox

Zack was the typical perfect hero that Cloud wanted to be.

Though I wonder if he hadn't died, wonder if he'd have helped out Avalanche since he'd know most of these guys (though I guess Cloud was with him, and his only other friend in the Solider left). Would Aerith have taken him back. Would crossing the dessert have even been an issue given Zach could have murdered the snake too.

His death makes sense thematically, the planet is dying and so are the good things in it. FF7 was about a dying planet getting worse till a climactic low point (Aerith's death) then them getting on track to fix it (which is also why they fix Cloud then)

each time someone mentions CC I think about zack and cloud yaoi dunno why

This place is redd!t 2.0, newfag.

Zack had mad homo moments throughout the game, which is why I think they gave him a second love interest in Cissnei so that even when Aerith could not appear there was a woman to balance out the homo

Zack is a good guy, and intended to more or less be a stereo typical chad shonen protagonist. He's got a pure heart so he probably would've defected as soon as he found out the shady things Shinra was doing, he was already having doubts as early as the war in Wutai. So yeah, probably immediately after he got out of shinra's cross hairs he probably would've been doing the shit he talked about with Cloud eventually transitioning to taking down Shinra.

He's the hero the story needed but not the one it deserved.

Zack is a giga chad canonically, in before crisis and crisis core, he flirts with any beautiful girl he gets in contact with. His soldier buddies talk him up in the beginning of the game saying he's gotta give the ladies the vitamin z.

Zack is not a chad. He couldn't even get with a receptionist.


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When the remake gets to this part this song better be there

it's already got heaps of AC music so I wouldn't be surprised

Remakes combat reminds me of crisis core

how so


Same, it's like a more fleshed out Crisis Core with party members. The way blocking, dodging and your abilities work really remind me of it.

movement, rolling around blocking bullets with buster sword, brings back some memories

Operator Mode is Zack and Punisher Mode is ____________

so like the rest of FF7comp

Acktchually It was mostly me posting FF:CC threads over the past few weeks, this one is new. OP has good taste.

Imagine liking Zack's retarded melodramatic Crisis Core death over the subdued and kino FF7 version.

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I liked it but it was mediocre. Not even terrible, with a few changes and tweaks it could pontentially be good.

fuck crisis core

I want all the tony hawk games

Okay but tell me why Zack gets all the best one-liners in the FF series?

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Crisis Core is shit and is one of the two factors directly contributing to the misconceptions of the plot of FF7, the other being Advent Children

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I sincerely hope that Cloud's flashback is just the entirety of Crisis Core remade as one of the episodes

Which misconceptions are those

A lot of people think that Cloud thinks he's literally Zack in FF7, rather than thinking he's a generic SOLDIER with certain Zack-isms.

Does that really matter? And what's the Advent Children misconception?

Cloud was always a broody emo, rather that a cocky bastard. I'm glad the remake is setting things straight.