Tfw I got into Persona 3 BECAUSE I couldn't control my party and I liked the challenge

>tfw I got into Persona 3 BECAUSE I couldn't control my party and I liked the challenge
>tfw people are avoiding it for this very reason

Do people not like challenges anymore?

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>can't control teammates
>use the least retarded ones to minimize the bad outcomes and give the MC as tanky and heal-botty a set up as you possibly can

>can control teammates
>same as any other JRPG, don't wear light/dark weakness on certain floors/bosses

Persona is a baby mode of SMT which is just a series that filters brainlets who can't figure out "buff, THEN attack"

betting money on rolling a 6 with a die is also challanging but takes no skill and is all luck. i don't like games where the "challenge" is if you get lucky or not, i more enjoy adapting with the game to figure out how to win.

Good thing Persona 3 is nothing like that.

>not controlling party
Not controlling the party is actually easier because they would have the ability to be proactive in battle instead of strictly reactive under the player control
get over yourself

never played p3 but if you have party charracters which you have no control over can't they just fuck up and choose the wrong move or sometimes choose a move that wins the battle for you. it would be all luck at that point.

only if you're a retard who hasn't adjusted th-
now I get it

as an SMTchad Persona 3 is honestly the most overrated garbage game in the series. even Persona 4 and 5 were at the very least more entertaining.

So RNG is challenging now? Lmao okay

>and I liked the challenge
the tactics menu was effectively the same as having full control of your party except requiring 4 times as many button presses.

>RNGfag has entered the chat

Everyone who bitches about teammates fucking up just didn't know how to use the tactics menu. Portable also locked the MC into using 2-handed swords only which was fucking lame

>Bitching about RNG
>Playing a JRPG
This is a true thinking man right here.

I do like how it enhances the general feeling in the game that the party members' lives don't revolve around you and they don't exist to stroke your ego as the MC. Really makes it feel like you're part of a team and not the chessmaster.

Absolute seething retard

you didn't have to set their tactics on every turn retard

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You're retarded and not an actual SMTfag, P4 and P5 are absolute fucking dogshit

If anything what I liked about original 3 was that outside of SEES barely any of your teammates would give you the time of day unless you were a genius or charming as fuck. They were pretty much just work friends for most of the game.

I love Fuuka!

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It just made me think my party was full of unreliable retards. Make the AI react logically and then make the game harder, not harder because the AI makes absurd decisions.

Am i the olny person in this world who thinks P3 and P5 combat is superior than P4 cimbat ?

I really miss reliably getting Player Advantage in the start of a match and having three diferent types of physical damage.

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is good
>Game-overs due to bullshit outside my control within the very people on whom I depend
is not good.

Actually played 4 and 5 this way recently, was pretty fun.

Persona 3 is just that much worse. keep coping nostalgia cuck.

>Let's Play Persona 3
Fuck autobattle, I don't want to sit back and watch a game play itself. Also what challenge? By the 2nd block of Tartarsauce MC-kun is literally Jesus.

Nah, it was horrible and I'm glad they left it behind.

putting immersion/'realism' ahead of pure convenience often turns a lot of people off but i like it too. it's an acquired taste

I tend to play through games that revolve around buffing as the kind of retard who's so afraid of getting debuffed in retaliation that I never even try to buff in the first place.


The only thing worse than taking choice or agency out of the player's hands are blind nostalgiafags who eat it up like their local McDonald's chicken nuggies. Fatluses are second only to KHfags in annoyingness, and I fully expect a defense squad to reply to this.

Maybe I'm not getting what you mean, but "stealth" is so hilariously broken in P5 that I usually had to try to get surrounded outside of very few areas. Random roaming shadows without a "press x to become invisible next to walls" in 3 and 4 were a little harder to predict and get the jump on if only because you had to physically hide behind a wall and pray you didn't catch their line of sight

If we are talking strictly dungeon crawling I might agree with you, but the fact P4 & P5 copied everything that gave the game soul in the first place might make a zoomer think that it wasn't that unique if they played P4 or P5 first. While Social Links in P4 are at their most comfy, P3 beats 4 & 5 in story arcs, characters, setting, & concept. I actually really like 4 while 5 was bland as fuck to me after a few of the dungeons.

They should have continued to roll with it in P4. It would have been even more appropriate given the themes of individuality.

>"scan" enemy
>ALL teammates now know all weaknesses and will exploit them whenever possible automatically
Mitsuru having one garbage single-target ailment didn't make this challenging.

They stopped rolling with it because the general response to that aspect of the game was overwhelmingly negative. It turns out that most people don't like it when games take away control or limit it massively for narrative reasons.


Agreed. And this went over so many people's heads.

Tell us more about how you never played the game.

>I don't want to sit back and watch a game play itself
You're not. But you havent played the game, so you wouldnt know this.

It adds tension. The fight with reaper was hectic because I had to spam infinity and hope my party members do something productive

I beat P3 twice, once Vanilla and once FES. I will say this...Holy fuck not controlling my party members got old. It was interesting at first and not as much of a hindrance, but when the mid game hits and some characters got useless ass spells, it hurts progression A LOT. I felt like I had to supplement my party's idiotic choice of spells more often then building a decent team.

>Do people not like challenges anymore?
People can't get past tutorials nowadays.

>Still no Persona 3 for PS4 or Switch

Why does Atlus hate free money?

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I love Fuuka!

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beat the game and have no wish of replaying it because of this.

JRPGs aren't a challenge.

Retarded AI making bad decisions is not a "challenge". It's bad game design. Thankfully they fixed that trash in other editions, but base Persona 3 was an absolute fucking chore to play because the AI was so horrendous.

I love how you are the only reliable healer because of how healer AI behaved.


Some people don't like to be challenged in certain ways.

All I'm going to say is, Persona 3 isn't difficult in the least, sometimes tedious though, so what does that say about this supposed challenge?

I don't know. I've only played the first Persona.

I'd agree with you 100% if the ai had decent team work programming
>Align Junpei to attack and Yukari support
>get stunned with major damage
>Need Yukari's diarama
>Junpei gives weak ass medicine
>Yukari attacks
>Die next turn

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It's a shame, considering that means they're missing out on the best one.

serves you right for relying on stupei

Funny, I see Persona 3 up there, not Persona 2. You might need glasses!

I remember getting persona 3 portable because it was thanksgiving break and we were going on a long road trip. Recently got the psp at the time for a handful of games and looked up popular games for it. P3P was there. Ordered it on amazon, it was delayed and came a day late but made it just in time before we left.

I was hooked from start to finish and it was more memorable then that road trip. I barely slept so i could keep playing, having never played anything else like it at the time. One of my fondest gaming memories, the best persona game

but both yukari and stupei failed.

this right here

it's because stupei preempted her by using the medicine
it's always stupei's fault

Well, challenge can be good, but tedious is always bad, so if Persona 3 has the bad thing instead of the good thing, I'd say that it's probably a bad game.

I beat the game 6 times just fine with the ai controls and changing tactics setting based on the situation. I got game overs, sure, but I got the same 1-3 fails on P4 with ai control off. Sometimes you just get unlucky.

>I liked the challenge
The AI almost always does the best possible thing in the situation.
