Are you an NPC?

>Doesn't start conversations
>only talks when someone else talks to him first
This is being an NPC, are you an NPC, Yas Forums?

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Yeah pretty much, I've tried to improve and start more conversations on my own at work and at family gatherings and stuff. I think the biggest problem might be that I just don't really care about others that much.

Have you heard news from the other provinces?


Not videogame related.

your cat?

Reminder that most protagonists start off as NPCs until something amazing happens to them. It's not too late anons. You can become something more than what you are.

Have you ever been to the cloud district?

Nothing I'd like to talk about

>>Doesn't start conversations
NPCs start conversations

I don't have anything worth saying most of the time. It isn't lack of thought, just lack of personality.

that's me user

I am that cat.


Be seeing you

I'm in a bugged game state. Whenever I start talking, everyone interrupts me and skips my dialogue.

>went to a house party this weekend
>read manga on my phone the whole time

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I am a enemy, a mob, people run away from me.
One day i was riding a bus home and 6 fucking people changed seats after sitting by my side. When i got to the bus terminal i was literally screaming and crying, you can't even begin to imagine how much of an impact that had on me
thanks for coming to my blog therapy, Yas Forums

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As funny as that was I also feel really bad for you

>when all your friend speedruns their moments with you

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Take a shower, stinky.

damn, really makes you think. I have no problem just walking up and starting a conversation in a video game but I would never do it in real life. Is this why I dont have a gf?

>your friend slams a barrel into you to skip your dialogue

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i often write "quests" in my notebook about things i want to do in my college campus, like visiting the gardens to ask the keeper about the weather or petting the cats in the library.
when i complete them i hum a melody and write COMPLETE on the notebook

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fucking lmao

t. was on the bus
i wasn't smelly, i had showered just before leaving home

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user stop...


Uh, based department?

Holy shit I hope you're not just making that up because that's fucking hilarious

I'm a scripted NPC that runs up to you and enters dialogue every time you enter the area but then you never have to talk to me again until you leave and reenter

nobody ever talks to me unless i initiate the conversation first so i guess im the mc

based, have a cute girl

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>i often write "quests" in my notebook about things i want to do in my college campus, like visiting the gardens to ask the keeper about the weather or petting the cats in the library.
>when i complete them i hum a melody and write COMPLETE on the notebook

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The cave to the north is blocked by thick ice. You'll need a FIRE ROD.


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>>Doesn't start conversations
>>only talks when someone else talks to him first

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pls don't let your catto get fatto, it increases the likely hood they'll end up getting diabetes and other horrible shit

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This is me. I genuinely don’t care or want to talk to others at my job. I just want to do my job so I can go home.

so why people run away from you?


How can I prevent this?

I take my cat out for walks.

>friend walks out of the map to skip interaction

i recorded myself just being idle and distracted, and i've noticed that i look mentally damaged, i have a constant rapeface when i'm distracted

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Holy shit
How many quests have you completed

i like greeting people as they enter and want others to do the same for me

What level are you right now user?

this is unironically based

I don't even talk when someone talks to me.

ask your vet, my vet gave me special diet food with lower carbs and higher protein. I had to stop the open feeding stuff, also playing with them more and having stuff for them to climb on helps.

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hi user
having a nice day?

>when you're an environment piece

Take a shower and wash your clothes PLEASE

How can I be an NPC if I'm the only playable character in the game?

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Why are there cats in the library?

>talk to childhood friend via skype
>he doesn't remember who I am


My hearing is fucked due to perforated eardrums so I think I'm talking loudly and properly enunciating only to be asked to repeat myself or ignored entirely. At least I have video games.

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Nah, other way around
>Doing my own stuff
>random person sees me
>Much like every other day "Oh hi XXXXX how are you doing"
>Doesn't matter what I say, they'll do it again next day with no follow up question
As far as I see it, I'm the protag and everyone who says hi to me and nothing more is a NPC. I've just started to ignore them like I would in a video game.


>when i complete them i hum a melody
It better not be some mainstream shit

i started 3 years ago, about 1 per day but often i take big quests like collecting all kinds of leaves available in the area, rewarding myself with some expensive candy bar
people often drop kittens in the campus and the library is where they take care of them, i often bring them treats and toys as trade quests
hopefully enough to be allowed to use a weapon, as of now i just use my umbrella for defense, people often look at me when i do swoosh sounds with it

fake and gay unless you post quest log with timestamp

>hopefully enough to be allowed to use a weapon

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>swoosh sounds
how based can you get

show us your quest log user

>start a quest log
>update my journal as much as i could do quests
>it's filled with failed quests

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>hopefully enough to be allowed to use a weapon, as of now i just use my umbrella for defense, people often look at me when i do swoosh sounds with it
I'd say this is just the creative writing exercise of someone pretending to be autistic but I honestly can't tell given that this on Yas Forums

been alright. walked the dog, tried to find some game boxes. room is dusty as fuck so i need to clean that up

Same here, he has a bright vest and his own leash. I'd recommend getting a real collar and having it pretty tight because if you attach the leash to the harness they can and will slip out. It sort of chokes him when he gets scared and tries to make a break for it buuutttt.... idc lol it's for his own good

maybe it's the fact that you were masturbating

>friend discovers exploit where they get all the benefits of your friendship but whenever they're meant to pay any kind of cost they noclip out of the area and leave you by yourself

Fake and gay. It is impossible for a single man to be this based.

>doesn't ask me back
post dog pics as an apology

I hope this is a tracing of a photo.

people do things either out of interest or out of necessity, and I have no need nor interest in starting conversation with most people

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>been avoiding main quest
>been avoiding side quests
>spend all my time downing all my consumables

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yeah but i do cool shit when you're not around.

I don't want to talk to anyone user, I only respond if I have to.

listen to we need to see the completed section and the quest rewards

>try to pick up some low level quests
>keep getting rejected by the quest giver anyway
how the fuck am i supposed to play this game if all the starting quests require me to be at level 3 when you start out at level 1? it's not fair bros

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How do you know they're not actually a cute anime girl?

>after you fail the main quest all other quests are suddenly not important.

most based man on the planet

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>Quest: Get a girlfriend
Haha ... I'll complete it one day ... r-r-right bros?

I'm not voiced protagonist so I just don't talk.


Maybe I'll start doing this too

I work at a hotel, my nightly quests are
Patrol the outside for unlocked doors
Patrol the inside for trash/plates/troublemakers
Count the chemicals in different departments
Check the status of emergency lights
Some self imposed quests could be check the arch for flying shitrats, checking the kitchen for mistakes, and talking to the front desk agent

I do this almost all the time because I really don't care how others are.