Sour Grapes: The Game

Sour Grapes: The Game

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Seeing everyone cope with not being able to play it by seething about it is pretty funny desu
"If we make the game seem bad we won't have to play it!"

It becomes obvious when they say things like
>"V-Valve will definitely make a non VR version of the game i'm certain"
Which only shows that they DO want the game and are pretending they don't

teleport-to-move: the game

Thanks for proving how butthurt you are that you have to lie and pretend that continuous movment doesn't exist

Are these people seriously so retarded that they completely miss the fact that continuous movement is an option, or do they just ignore it to make the game seem worse, which in return makes them feel better about not having vr

they purposefully ignore it, but they are retarded and bitter.

>VR is only like $250 now
>Still too much for Yas Forums

>"you're upset!!!"
>literally making threads in anger to no one caring about this game

Holy shit I haven't even been on Yas Forums in weeks but you are pathetic friend

No, it's not another paradigm shift. Yes, VR games still suck. Both of you faggots can fuck off

>buying cheap, shitty VR
Great way to convince people VR is a waste of money.

Making this in response to the dozens of sour grapes threads we have a day about this
>N-No I and Yas Forums doesn't care about half-life!
>VR games still suck
Except the ones that don't. You are just applying your sour grapes to hundreds of games now

>hundreds of games
user I like VR but cmon lol

There are hundreds of vr games. I didn't say they were all good, but factually they exist.

sourgrapes aka what the fuck people can have different opinions than me?


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>It's bad!
>*Buzzwords, lies, no real argument

Is it still? Prices keep going up and I imagine they'll spike the week before release.

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Why are you guys so rude towards each other
>cope umad lol seething kys mad cope butthurt
don't you ever get tired of it?

They guy said they sucked and you said it was sour grapes lmao. He has a point VR still needs some good dedicated games. Theres a lot of games that work well in VR like elite and euro truck but they're not made for VR. Stuff like beat saber is nice but I'd hesitate to call it a full fledged game. We're just beginning to see some real titles with HL:A and boneworks, this will be the decade it takes off though

Ultimate cope

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>It's good!
>You're just poor!

One one hand you have people salty and butthurt about something they can't afford, and on the other you have people desperately justifying the purchase of a thousand dollar toy

i want to play the game but i find it financially irresponsible to buy a vr headset just for this and a handful of other games

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I'm not even saying it's good. Seeing the sour grapes say it's bad because it's VR are sour graped kids though

It's not hard to justify outside of "Because it's my money and I wanted to"

"Sour grapes" implies the thing in question is worth having.

it looks like ass

This is what a reasonable person sounds like. He doesn't blindly hate the game and gives reasons for why he won't play it. Take note, dumbasses.

woww a reasonable take get the fuck out of here
seriously though I'd give it 3 or 4 years before the cost ratio becomes good and there exists a dozen or so nice games for it. I'll be buying a headset for HL:A just because I'm an emotional sperg about anything half life related

Not ncessarily. It's something they say they don't want because they don't have it. The game isn't out so I can't say it's good or not but I can say a lot of people are butthurt about it because they can't afford it.

Speak for yourself but there are plenty of people who get emotional defending decisions they make. Doesn't change the fact the games are not there yet

Consolefags have no problems doing it though.

Yes. The sour grapes want hla, but can't or won't get vr, and instead of being reasonable, they blindly hate on the game.


what's with this incredibly aggressive policing on what's a valid or not reason for disliking the game?

Basically this. It looks like a cool game but it's the only VR game that seems even remotely worthwhile other than fetish material. Considering cheap VR headsets are a waste of money and the actually good ones are too expensive to be worth it at the moment I'll be waiting for a while.

Consoles are cheaper than good VR setups and you tend to get more than a single worthwhile game.

Valid reason - "I don't enjoy the gameplay"
Invalid reason - "Sucks because I don't have vr"

looks like every other generic VR shooter, but with HL paint

Good VR is $400. Idiots on Yas Forums buy PS4s and xbones despite them having less games than what VR currently has.

other people doing something dumb will not persuade me to do something dumb

Except this gen when they dont.
Ps4 only has 2 good games. Bloodborne and Gravity Rush. Also VR is only $400, same as a ps4 was or Ps4 pro

>"Sucks because I don't have vr"
who's saying this?

cope more, u literally just proved it's sour grapes

I haven't played Half Life 1 or 2 either
Just not into fps game

>Gravity Rush

The only vr shooter that comes close is boneworks, and its not even on on the same level as hla.

>game is designed with teleport to move in mind
>b-but it's just an option

Completely valid reason, it's the sour grapes we're talking about

A PS4 right this second is $264 brand new on Amazon with three games. I'm not a fan of the included games but I would rather play them than almost any VR title.

I bought boneworks and regret it like crazy, fucking awful game. I think HLA looks better, but still bad. I just don't think VR is good enough yet
keep playing with those strawmen

>>game is designed with teleport to move in mind
what the fuck does this even mean?

>I can say a lot of people are butthurt about it because they can't afford it.
No, you can assume that.

Smooth locomotion was added late in development. The game was made from the ground up with the idea that the player would be teleporting around behind pieces of cover.

Nearly everyone complaining about the game. They don't say it, but you can clearly tell they are blindly hating because they can't play it, and they're trying to make it look bad. Stuff like "VR is trash" and "It's an on rails shooter". A valid reason would be "I don't like vr shooters"

>The game was made from the ground up with the idea that the player would be teleporting around behind pieces of cover
what exactly does this spell for the game?

>Tyler mcbiker has a mental breakdown at hl2 textures.

why do *you* get to decide what's valid or not? why can't you say anything negative, why does it have to be something passive like "I don't like it"? it sounds like you get personally insulted on behalf of a corporation

Nothing, you dont actually "teleport".
You're character would take the path you move so you just cant teleport past barnacle tongues.

>Gravity Rush
imagine it in VR

VR is never gonna take off as a common or primary way to play vidya just because strapping a monitor to your face is always going to be cumbersome and uncomfortable for any extended period of play.

There will have to be some major leap in tech like lightweight glasses that project directly onto your retina or some kind of BMI.

The ps4 is now that price after many many years. It came out with no games and much more expensive.
VR has far more good games than the ps4 currently has.
>Walking dead
>Beat saber
>Rescue bot
>Doom1, 2 and 3 (Ports but feel completely different in VR)
>Quake 1 and half-life in VR
>Pavlov VR with TTT
>Creed: Rise to glory
I own both a ps4 and VR and I already have 3 times as many hours in my VR set

How do VR headsets work for people who wear glasses?

>in cover while enemies shoot at you
>instantly teleport to a better positiong

lens inserts or a HMD big enough to accomodate your glasses
The latter can be risky though, obviously rubbing lenses is not good

>always going to be cumbersome and uncomfortable for any extended period of play
like how your ears get slightly uncomfortable after wearing over the ear headphones after a while?

fucking grow a pair you weak faggot. jesus christ, between this and the retards the other night who literally admitted to being such weak virgins that they can't use a wired mouse because the wire weighs too much, or wireless mice because the batteries weight too much, I'm surprised how some of you autists have survived this long without killing yourself from taking too hard of a shit

I thought boneworks was really underwhelming too, people are going insane over it like its the best thing ever made, when it kinda sucks ass.
Thinking hla looks bad is an fine opinion, it's the sour grapes that are retarded. I think hla will be the game that really shows what vr is capable of, so far everything looks great to me.

So is using a controller to play FPS with an yet millions of retards do it

Works fine for me. It depends on how much space your glasses take up and your headset. Vive has lots of space (plenty for me) and Index can be adjusted but I've heard Rifts are tight. You can order lens inserts if yours don't fit, or depending on how nearsighted you are, you might not really need them

>play with smooth locomotion
>you can no longer teleport to better positioning
now what? unless your argument is that the AI will "pause" while you run to simulate the cheapness you would obtain by teleportation, there's literally nothing wrong

Okay, then that's retarded.
Wake me up when the tech doesn't involve a big dumb visor.

It looks like garbage. I'll give it a chance because I loved half-life, but my expectations are low.

Nobody is going to wake you up for anything four eyes, get better genetics

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VR filters the weak. It's the pure aryans gaming system. Soi boys throw up and can't handle an extra pound on their body.

Glasses easily fit inside an index retard, I use mine with it all the time

>come to a point where I can't tell satire from sincerity

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>People who have never played VR complain about VR

>According to the Vision Council of America, approximately 75% of adults use some sort of vision correction.
Sweet product you have there.

Also VR works with glasses.

Nooooooooooo not the old fart demographic and the legally blind

itt? who exactly are you talking about?

"Looks like shit. I'm buying vr for it... o-only because its half-life. My expectaions are low... I swear!"

Then tell that to the user that told me they don't, mongoloid.

Why doesn't she use or mention those gloves in the game? They seem better and more convenient than the gun Gordon used

Controllers might not be the best for shooters, but they are ergonomic and easy to pick up and play with. Not at all comparable to having to strap a monitor to your face and be semi blind just to play some vidya.

There will always be an niche market of enthusiasts for it, but for it to go proper mainstream it's gotta be easy and comfortable for normies. That or it has to have practical non-gaming applications like a PC.

So VR is for zoomers?

>Camp Santo
>Gimmick shit
>In-game purchases and gun skins

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You are terrible at following reply chains.

to be fair, one of the most common sight issues is being near sighted, which isn't an issue with VR

Anyone can play the game though, anyone with a slight amount of computer knowledge is aware that you can rebind any input to whatever you want.

this. i couldn't believe how underwhelming and generic the gameplay preview was. both the visuals and gameplay were very lacklustre. you could tell the person playing was struggling to come up with ways to make things look interesting since they aren't. It's your average neutered VR shooting gallery.

>only zoomers have good eyesight
oh the cope
just get your eyes fixed bro, you're not scared are you?


That would ruin the game. You simply can't play hla on mouse and keyboard and have it be anywhere near the same experience as in vr. The movement of your hands, head, and fingers in vr is impossible to accurately translate onto keyboard and mouse, and it loses the true 3d and fov on a monitor.