Divinity series - Belgium

Divinity series - Belgium
Underrail - Serbia
Witcher - Poland
Dishonored - France
Disco Elysium - Estonia
Kingdom Come - Czech
Germany - Crysis series
Poland -The Witcher series
Ukraine -S.T.A.L.K.E.R and Metro
France - Rayman
Mexico - Kerbal Space Program

How come this country hasn't created a well known iconic IP?

No, no one knows commandos except for a few

Attached: spain.jpg (600x400, 55.12K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>La Abadia del Crimen
>not iconic

que pasa chavales
que coño haceis posteando a las casi putas 4 de la mañana
a dormir que hay que currar y es lunes

Attached: 70244279_2379675638970823_3141774418179522560_n.jpg (591x960, 68.53K)

Las pajas

eso es

They are billions is probably as well known as underrail so there's that

ahi me has pillado
las putas pajas que te dejan hasta las 5 con los calzoncillos por los tobillos

Gris got a lot of attention last year.

What is that?

reminder that israel created a successful ip before spain did

Attached: raid.jpg (1280x720, 110.2K)

Holy fuck, that cancerous game is Israeli? That is shocking and somehow not by Israeli standards.

>No, no one knows commandos except for a few

Locomalito lives there, that's something.

Attached: For God and Castilla.jpg (512x368, 67.79K)

An art game that sucks.

Didn't Spain made Blasphemous?

Oh yeah that

Is it good?

it's a 6/10 game


a las putas 5!

Que no es lo mismo que a las 5 putas.

Gonna try it

Literally who?

>he doesn't know

Even Venezuela created a successful IP before every country who didn't.

The game play is nothing special but the setting is really breathtaking, the setting and the art alone make it worth it

Attached: 220px-Commandos_Behind_Enemy_Lines.jpg (220x284, 22.6K)

Reminder that Spain made Dark souls before it was a thing. Blade the edge of darkness. Absolute kino

Mah nigga.

Ah shit here we go again...
>joder jolines joder tio macho madre mia cani que mola que te ha quedado topeguay hostias cani que estoy flipando en colores tio joder jolines joder onda vital songoanda bejeta tranks gÓku lobezno a todo gas tu a londres y yo a california la jungla de cristal don pepe y los globos el tio golpetazo carlos el topo que gira
Goddamn hearing sp*niards talk is like autism in the form of sound. And these fuckers still expect to be thanked for "purifying our genes” and bringing religion to our sacred land. Fuck you. Mexico is and always was superior. Give back the gold, beg for forgiveness and maybe, only maybe will your lives be spared from the wrath of the great Aztec Empire. And it WILL happen; the time will come when these beasts... These putrid devils will be punished for the atrocities they committed. Their women will be ravaged in front of their husbands and their children will be burned alive as if it was Hell itself. Let foul creatures from the sky and sea devour them, and let the earth open up and consume them! Death to sp*in! TENOCHTITLÁN WILL BE AVENGED!

May Huitzilopochtli have mercy on your souls, because I won't.

Attached: MyAncestor.jpg (706x900, 125.82K)

t.his ancestors where white iberian settlers

>ITT: National pride from trash nations.

What a sad spectacle.

Spaniard here.
Videogames are for fat nerds lol

>No, no one knows commandos except for a few
Can we please massacre all zoomers??

>No, no one knows commandos except for a few

Attached: 1560192285841.png (642x700, 142.69K)

>Omitting Mount & Blade

>Omitting Muv Luv

>Give back the gold
Some of it is under the Atlantic, go search for it lol, it's not like you have more important things to so

Isn't it funny the only known German game is from Turks? Do Germans hate vidya?

ok maybe not

Attached: image.png (493x730, 48.16K)

>aguja dinámica
>mi pobre angelito
>homero simpson
>tiempos violentos
>alberto el hambriento
>clancy górgory
>el guasón
>la noche de las narices frias

Attached: 1582258343513.jpg (352x264, 14.27K)

>>la noche de las narices frias
oy vey, ere un weon antisemita wey no mames wey

Attached: 1582889490117.jpg (640x640, 206.72K)

>Ay caramba he olvidado a mi hijo
>Pulpa de Ficción
>Los Teleñecos
>La Rana José
>El Bromas
>Una esponja de mar llamada Roberto

Attached: 1539692298267.jpg (1125x2097, 185.17K)

>the creator said woman don’t play vidya besides cooking mama and animal croosing
basado y rojopastillado

>>Una esponja de mar llamada Roberto
Eso es mentira, nosotros siempre lo hemos llamado Fernando Esponjapantalón

>>El Bromas
t.el guasón

Attached: 1582891240930.gif (500x260, 1016.11K)

>El jajas

Attached: 1569563831745.png (340x523, 343.56K)

It's an 8 in my book.

sounds like a dude that OD with MDMA

Opps forgot to take that off.

lo patetico de todo esto, es que el que hace estos hilos es o un catalufo lamentable, o un argentino, y es todo mentira
>hurr durr spain did no games hurr durr
>hurr durr spain translates titles in wacky ways hurr durr
>hurr durr forocoches shurmano hurr durr we are legion
>hurr durr abascal presidente hurr durr

vayanse a la mierda mexicanos hijos de la gran putas.

Les suda la poiea el resto del mundo. Los shitposters son mejicanos.

Viva Tenochtitlán

Attached: it-appears-my-superiority-has-led-to-sme-coptroversey-white-29569506.png (500x592, 247K)

>el risas

Attached: 43544D6C-A8CF-491E-B632-EDBBDA2605A0.png (205x205, 61.23K)

>>the creator said woman don’t play vidya besides cooking mama and animal croosing
Voy a comprar el juego ahora mismo

>es que el que hace estos hilos es o un catalufo lamentable, o un argentino,
o el tipico vendepatrias, o el que odia su propio pais porque es guai, o ...

>stealing memes from americans

ey respeto a los latinos que son nuestros hermanos, pero si te puedes cagar en los muertos de los catalanes, que son gilipollas

>Hermanos de los esp*ñoles de mierda
En tus sueños, pendejo. Chinga tu madre.

i’m not joking, here a link google.es/amp/s/www.hobbyconsolas.com/noticias/commandos-su-creador-hace-unas-polemicas-declaraciones-mujeres-videojuegos-63632?amp

Callate perra sensible vendepatria

Jefe, nadie sabrá que es Disco Elysium dentro de un ratito. O Underrail. Habrá gente por ahi que sabe que es La Abadia del Crimen, pero no creo que muchos sepan ya sobre Runaway, fuera de España digo.

>t. Panchito sudaca narcotraficante de cocaina en Galicia

si lo digo porque un dia un argentino me reconocio que era el que hacia los threads aquellos de paco y los globos
este huele mas a catalufo, though

>What is commandos
I get the idea behind that drawing, but that guy looks like a massive homo

t. Pancho resentido

Nuke Cacalonia