What are your final thoughts on Red Dead Redemption 2?
Do you like it more than the 1st one?
Is the 1st one better?
What are your final thoughts on Red Dead Redemption 2?
Do you like it more than the 1st one?
Is the 1st one better?
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Anyone who says the 1st game is better is just a delusional nostalgiatard or contrarian. 2 is objectively better in every way
Probably my 2018 GOTY, more of a fan of the first, and the second's not perfect by any means, but I do love the game.
Didn't even pirate
i tried playing 1 right after beating 2, and my god did it feel janky and laggy. also it was full of aliasing. i had to shut it off right there.
it's still not cracked yet retard
you don't have to lie to get attention
I loved this game but mostly for the story and characters
The gameplay is mostly horse riding and shooting. Horse riding can take too long sometimes but it usually goes with good dialogue so it's not that bad, but still a bit too much and the shooting is alright but nothing particulary exciting. My major complain is the weird controls that you HAVE to get used to and how linear the game is, you have very little room for creativity.
Music is good too
Why the fuck am I not able to sleep in John's bed at Beecher's Hope?
How is this not fixed yet?
for a game in which you ride the horse so much, they made the horses so boring and tedious to ride
Favorite game of the decade but there are some things 1 did better
My horse ran into a carriage head on while it was autopiloting to the next location and died so I shut the game off right there and never played again.
I dont get why people get so butthurt over the horses crashing. That shit makes me laugh everytime it happened to me
Probably the best written/acted story ever put in a video game. Gorgeous visuals. Tons of little quirks put in place for immersion purposes that I happen to love, but I understand why some people are put off by them. My personal favorite game of the last decade and the game that single-handedly reignited my love for video games. The epilogue is a boring slog though.
Only thing I liked better in RDR 1 is the online mode.
Arthur is a much more interesting character overall than John and his death hit so much harder for me.
Tedious micromanagement, horrendous character control, constant cutscenes. That's all I remember. Pretty much killed my interest in buying any new release ever again it was so shit.
Post yfw D'Angelo
The first game didn't hold my attention long enough for me to play past the first few missions. RDR2 I thoroughly enjoyed.
>2 is objectively better in every way
I prefer 2 but you must have never played the first game if you believe this
>more difficult
>infinite bounty hunts
>better overworld music
>VASTLY better online mode
>going for 100% is less grindy
>liars dice
>can cheat at poker
>deadeye looks cooler
Then he's not lying.
You playing on PC? Works on my Xbox.
I thought it was extremely boring.
Too much travel, the world was not that interesting, good visuals but meh gameplay. Now i can see why murikans like their guns but honestly it's just fucking boring.
He's lying by acting like he had a choice to consider.
Which was better, MAY I or That's the way it is?
one of the best open world games ever, miles better than RDR 1. Some annoying flaws but full of soul and passion. Maybe rockstars last great game, since development began before gta online and Dan Houser is no longer working there
I fucking love the game I just don't get why R* likes locking you down so much.
>second playthrough
>last mission
>Go in dressed in a combo of Arthur and John's outfits
>Fuck around during the Micah shootout, die as a result
>forced into John's winter outfit
>can't go back in my custom outfit because horses are taken away
Surely it was more effort to force an outfit than to just let me wear whatever?
>a bunch of irrelevant shit that doesnt even matter
>"2 is objectively better in every way"
Literally a walking simulator. I'm worried about GTA 6 after playing that trash
Why worry, GTA5 is sitll making tons of money after 7 years so it must be good.
GTA 5 is fun but starting to get very old.
The writing and the characters seem to mirror V rather than RDR.
"Immersive" mechanics are forced on you rather than make it optional for those who enjoy something like that.
Many missions have you just doing something that slows you donwn with the gameplay turning into you just pressing a couple of buttons occasionally.
They also removed the weapon wheel and the ability hold just about everything you hunt and gather because realism is obviously good when it only serves to make the game more cumbersome.
Theres nothing in the multilpayer that would make me want to play besides the infinite bounties they removed from the single player since those are all unique and cinematic with their personalize dialogue.
I havent touched it in months and I regret supporting it with my money.
>Bill around campfire talking to Uncle
>"I ain't dumb. I may not be as smart as you, or Hosea or Dutch, but I'm just as smart as Arthur, or Marston"
everybody in the gang thinks Arthur is a retard
the survival mechanics are developed enough to be annoying but not developed enough to be engaging. most things in the game are in this weird middle ground where they don't add much but they get in the way. the only feature i find to be is a nice addition is switching outfits for weather
Fun game but I don't think I could play it a second time since I feel like the pacing and mechanics would wear on me
Arthur is the smartest retard in the camp at any point
I feel bad for Bill. Dude was an ass, sure, but he's not really given much to work off of. I get Hosea being pissed with him, hell even Arthur being a little cunty with him to a point, but most everyone else just seems to shit on him just because he's the family's designated punching bag.
>The writing and the characters seem to mirror V rather than RDR.
Not really. Rdr1 is full of gta like satire characters
wait who was speaking here
I'm enjoying a replay. I feel less pressured to "do everything" now that I know certain things will still be there later to do as John.
Bill, he's talking to Uncle about how he hates everybody in camp always making fun of him
>"Oh, it's just big 'ol dumb Bill. Well I have feelings y'know? Real feelings!"
perhaps the big revelation here is that he considers Uncle smarter than Arthur
Yeah, that was the source of my confusion. What the fuck?
Latter, after playing through almost the whole of chapter 6 in one sitting that moment hit me so fucking hard. I can why some might find it a bit cheesy but it really got me, the whole culmination of Arthur's journey and redemption.
Story is absolutely superb until the prologue, which proceeds overstay its welcome and rob a lot of the pathos by filling in blanks that we didn't need filled.
Gameplay for the most part is easily the best in the series, but the big things you'll be doing often (shooting, riding, following story quests) are largely the same and haven't aged very well. R* needs to radically change the way they design quests because after a half dozen games, "ride-alone exposition dump"+"shooting gallery" is getting admittedly tired. And fuck me do these missions have ridiculous auto-fail states from completely arbitrary things even remotely outside of "follow man to place and talk".
All in all, undoubtedly better than the first, but also some of R*'s mechanics that were tried and true 10 years ago are starting to show some wear and tear.
Yeah when it happened I had to check who he was actually talking to, and he's clearly talking to Uncle. Charles, Hosea, and Javier were around the fire too but he singles out Uncle as an example of one of the smartest people in the gang.
i find the shooting galleries in this game more boring than the first. in the first game it felt more like you were going through an area. here it feels like you mostly just wait for the enemies to come to you
I forced myself to play through RDR just to get it off my backlog, and it didn't help that I already knew the ending. With RDR2 I was completely invested the whole way through and even went out of my way to do most of the side stuff
>kills a bunch of people in cold blood, whatever
>5 min later someone says nigger.
>howdy pardner we dont do that over here!
>all of that femminist glorification of Sadie
>she is a literal man with tits
keep your shitty story. they are slipping in their semitic bullshit under muh based signals for gamer bros. only low iq idiots give this shit a pass
the fuck
Uncle is pretty smart, he's just drunk all the time and doesn't take things too seriously
>min later someone says nigger.
>howdy pardner we dont do that over here!
>all of that femminist glorification of Sadie
user the only person who says nigger is a black guy who's telling a story of his past and Sadie's portrayed as a liability who's really just trying to kill herself.
>objectively better
never trust a person who uses so many buzzwords in a single post
>playing through last level
>thinking about protecting John, he's the only one I care about at this point, there's nobody else I can lose that--
>horse gets shot
>Marston, a man with no connection to Mexicans whatsoever, treats a man who complains about Mexicans invading like a moron
>Schizoids: "..."
>Arthur, one of a gang of misfits that includes black people, doesn't like racists
take your meds, nigger
Of all people in the gang, Uncle is the first one who calls out Dutch's bullshit
1st game was a lot more fun to 100%
Best game rockstar has made, overall. Unironically. And I've been playing rockstar games since 1969 gta London.
My top 3 game of generation
>reading all of Dutch's favorite books in Shady Belle and realizing they're just retarded bullshit
Great game, made a lot of improvements over the first. The map is more diverse and interesting with lots of cool areas and weird little things to find. Better weapon and enemy variety. Better hunting. Horse bonding can help care about it more than just using whatever has the highest stats. Better npc interaction. Great presentation all around.
But it also over complicated things. Slow animations make things like poker less fun. Control issues and other inconveniences like the automatic weapon stuff when getting off your horse are annoying. Missions usually feel more restrictive, and how much freedom you're allowed is inconsistent. You've got to worry about things like your weight and weapon cleanliness.
Also some things I could go either way on. Random events and bounty hunts are much more detailed and varied in 2 but that also means they're finite.
Both games are great, definitely two of my favorites.
thats a cool narrative you have going there nigger but i didnt play red dead 1
All 2 had over 1 was graphics, 1 was arcadey and fun and 2 went balls deep into realism and just made everything a tedious chore
This shit took me two months.
he is literally playing nigger-white knight for that barber guy. it is totally out of character.
>online trophies
Slavery has been abolished for over 30 years and Arthur is a strong believer in individual liberty
It's not at all unrealistic that he would find racism distasteful
they're basically the same game, 2 just has improvements.
They were quicker than the single player by a huge margin. It took me nearly five days to find the Rio Grande Wild Turkey to finish Skin Deep. Gold Rush took the longest of any trophy. Online shit is mostly just spamming the collection map daily.
That last level's such a fucking wallop of emotions. In like 20 minutes you get
>last goodbye to Jack/Tilly/Sadie
>telling Dutch how much of a fuck-up he is to his face
>John's return
>Javier/Bill choosing Dutch over you
>Micah shooting Grimshaw and nobody but you giving a shit
>last shootout with John
>horse getting fucking killed
>final fight with Micah
I wish more games got me to give a shit about their endings like this one did.
>i didnt play red dead 1
t. zoomer schizoid
take your Ritalin, nigger