Have to become thane of a city just to buy a house

>have to become thane of a city just to buy a house
Anyone else hate this fucking concept? Obviously it's easy for Whiterun but its annoying how in every other city they made you do a bunch of favors for townsfolk just to buy fucking property. Why doesnt that apply to other NPCs and why wouldnt they just take your money?

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player homes are stupid

I just throw away useless shit and only keep the essentials on my person. I only take the most valuable shit from ruins to sell and buy equally valuable stuff like high level potions or better gear.
Player homes are just glorified storage lockers anyway. What function does a skyrim player home even serve?

I don't know man, given that there are there are only like 8 houses per city, real estate is probably incredibly expensive in skyrim.

bullshit, they're one of the comfiest things in RPGs in general

>bullshit, they're one of the comfiest things in RPGs in general

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role playing, guys. try it some time.

>only like 8 houses per city
biggest problem with these games


>no fun allowed

I just install mods that make it illegal for women to own property in Skyrim.

roleplaying is for pathetic virgins who need escapism to cope with their pathetic lives.

yes and?

nothing more

It's far more pathetic to play fucking skyrim for the gameplay you fucking sperg. You think you're better than a lonely virgin because you don't sleep in a bed you own ingame? You play a mechanically terrible game because you're fucking braindead.

so mad

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You're not a citizen of the hold, or even Skyrim. You are an illegal alien. You're lucky you can buy property at all.

>role playing
What did he mean by this?

Whiterun is the only city where this happens. All the other holds require you to own land to become thane.
Everything just happens so quickly for whiterun that you get everything pretty much at once

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asia for asians
africa for africans
skyrim for everybody??

fite me

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play as a nord bimbo with lots of rape mods and a dildo in your ass


There is nothing about Skyrim that is conducive to role playing

>it's far more pathetic
is this cope part of the roleplay?

Asia for Asians
Africa for Africans
Europe for everybody?

Happy now, you disingenuous faggot.

damn... skyrim looks like... that


Fallout 3 did the Megaton home correctly. It was very useful when using as a hub. Come back to Moira and sell loot. Go to home and heal up, put nuka colas away and craft. Then repeat most of the map outside of DC. A player home in a game should actually be useful early-mid game.

>euros spread across the world leaving disease in their wake and destroying cultures the world over
>d-don't do it to us though
Turn about is fair play

Skyrim is in Tamriel though.

Why is autism used as an insult?

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>orange man bad
Why can't you fucks stop talking about Trump all the time

>Be me in 2011
>Buy a house in skyrim
>Spend an hour decorating everything: setting a table of nice food, displaying cool looking gear, placing valuable gems in a bowl
>Go out adventuring for a while
>Come back to my cozy home
>Open the door
>Everything fucking explodes
>All my shits on the floor or wedged into furniture
What did i do to deserve this

Wow you're so fucking cool bro

Any mods that fix it?

working on it, now that NPC limit is fixed

I've never modded Skyrim itself before, just New Vegas. Where should I keep an eye out for this stuff? Nexus?

you'll have 17 houses instead

Bethesda-made homes are shit.
Modded homes are fine.
The amount of mods that even just slightly tweak Breezehome and make it 10/10 is too many for one of them to not just be added to the game.

I much prefer Morrowind's system where you can just put shit on the ground wherever you want or store items in any chest you want and it won't despawn.

Yes, Nexus is the hub currently.

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>euros spread across the world leaving disease in their wake
Only the new world was disease free. Asia and africa have a long history of disease. In fact some think the black plague traveled from Asia to africa. Malaria was also a constant threat for europeans dealing with Africa.
That being said, Europeans weren't spreading disease on purpose. Like everyone else on the planet, they had no clue how illness worked.
>destroying cultures the world over
The question becomes why and how did those cultures get destroyed. Was it a concentrated genocide or just a wish to emulate Europeans for their comfy lifesytles?

I'm sure there are mods that allow alternate ways of doing things, getting homes included

Based. (And might I add, redpilled)

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Which player home is that?

>go off the beaten path
>see some shit
Modding was a mistake

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Iirc there were holds that required you to buy home or land to get thaneship too

>Modding was a mistake
games can't be designed piecemeal

what the fuck thats terrifying

what was the point of having a le home? There's literally no benefit to having one in skyrim.

Why are you playing Skyrim if you hold that opinion? Or posting on Yas Forums for that matter. Shouldn't you be doing normie things?

they didnt have Jew bankers back then to keep the negros from owning property. this was the best they could come up with at the time.

"Why yes, I would like to own a house in the Cloud District."

"Sure. But first you will have to swim across Lake Ilinalta and sit through an entire Skald performance without talking even once."

"Hmm. In that case then, I guess I will just loiter around the district and snottily accuse others of not belonging there."


I wouldn't be playing it otherwise

Because Bethesda doesnt use common sense in how they order quests and how people interact or deal with shit in the world. You can still be Dragonborn and get treated like an errand boy by shitheads all over the province. You cant kill assholes like Delphine in the base game despite her no longer being useful. It goes on and on.

Why roleplay when I can stash all of my weapons, books and crafting materials in a mummified corpse in Balmora?

What is that mod? that is awesome!

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Beasts of Tamriel iirc, those things can be found somewhere north of Falkreath