I'm sorry, it just doesn't look good

I'm sorry, it just doesn't look good.

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go back to /vrg/ these forced controversy threads are really wearing out their welcome

What will be fun is when conference calling his to VR. You can be completely naked and nobody will know

What about it doesn't look good?

>teleports to cover

The amount of people on Yas Forums seething because they can't play it is actually becoming quite laughable

why would they be seething? even if they had an index they wouldnt bother with this garbage

cope some more, you're only proving me right

agreed, why the fuck didnt they show smooth locomotion combat? are they retarded?

Would be better if you could telefrag enemies

>fucking car door as cover
>it works
into the trash, etc. etc.

Yeah i agree

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It supports all 3 types of locomotion.

Teleport, Warp and Smooth. You can choose the best one for you.

>why didnt they SHOW


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>VR game doesn't look good
Wow stop the press.

The AI is obviously made to fight in small areas and play along with you taking the marked cover zones. You snap to the right spot not where you mark the teleport. I have numerous vr sets and countless games and I love Half Life but this looks to be a disappointment and will be holding your hand way too fucking much since they are going for mass appeal not a hardcore VR experience like Boneworks. I can already imagine being annoyed by shit like the corridor design, scripted set pieces, glowing items, the hands snapping to picked up items and the annoying chatter that will probably be constant throughout along with the limited weapons due their one hand design choice for them. Instead of them going all out they are making babies first VR game in the form of a practically on rails experience. Watch their interviews where they mention people in modern games having a hard time in things like FPS games due to all the mechanics that they have to learn and how they watched people in VR struggle to do things like reload.

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They did

They didnt show combine combat. Thats what i meant. They only showed teleport-to-cover bullshit even though they knew it would make everyone angry

Imagine that same combat sequence, but with smooth locomotion. I don't see your point. What difference does it make if they upload a teleport video when you already know you can play smooth in the final release?

Seriously though, WHY vr? Nobody wants it
nobody fucking wants vr

Fortunately its on PC so its not hard-cucked as it would be on consoles. I expect autists to have it playable without VR within days of release.


Why do people keep doing that bullshit teleportation thing, fuck my life.

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you can already do that with regular phone calls

the only smooth loco they showed was waddling incredibly slowly through a hallway. it would be nice to know how fast you can move or if you can sprint.

That was the player himself moving with his actual existing legs, not ingame controls.

That was continuous movement retard, its in the description. Not many people have a full living room for vr, they wouldn't show a video with only irl movement

No it isnt, yes they would. They literally played it in a warehouse.

They're fucking up by not showing smooth exclusively. Teleport is just going to cause people to write this game off.

You do this in Doom VFR as part of the typical gameplay and it works pretty well

of course it doesn't. VR was a mistake

>Why do people keep doing that bullshit teleportation thing
Because real movement in VR gives people motion sickness.

>your character is literally a slug, crawling around

you're either making shit up to make the game seem worse, or are actually retarded

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When 360 track setups become as commercially affordable as a treadmill.

I dont think you can make it any worse than it already is unless you tried really hard.
Maybe a pvp deathmatch mode or a battle royale

What the fuck happened to valve?
I mean from what you are saying they are trying to casulize half life.
What the fuck are those niggers doing over there?

>casulize half life
Oh brother, HL has always been the most casual FPS out there. Stop pretending to be an oldfag.

>HL has always been the most casual FPS out there.
That's call of duty faggot.

He's not wrong, half life is just a chill, well paced, single player game. It isn't really even that hard or challenging. It's good because of the atmosphere, gameplay, design, technology, etc. The franchise was always about just that essential game experience.

the only people it makes angry are non vr users, and sorry, but this game isn't for you.

Why the fuck can't they render a body with arms

Because it's awkward as fuck. Have you played Boneworks? It's so janky and annoying to just pull yourself up a ledge because you can't control your body other than crouching.

Pretty bad when your audience is mostly non vr users.

They should have done arms only like walking dead, it's a lot more immersive without the jank of full body. In an interview they said the arms are still modeled despite being invisible because they need to do IK to check you aren't doing something stupid like trapping one of your hands in a door, so maybe it will be a simple mod.

Old ass car door blocks bullets

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Unironically yes, modern car would just be thin aluminum shit

I played CoD a bit and no its way more hardcore than HL and that's fine. Little hardcore turds should go fucking kill themselves, every series worth playing has a distinct and unique identity.

So are they going full cover shooter with Alyx?

Their """"audience"""" are retards who play CS:GO and DOTA making them millions from trash cosmetic purchases. 15 people in the world could buy Alyx and Valve would probably recoup the losses in about a week.

what about HLfags who dont own vr?

modern cars have next to no aluminum in them. they are all shitty rust-bait borderline-iron 'steel' and above all as much plastic as they can manage.

unironically no, it doesn't matter if it's made of literal steel a slate of metal with that thickness is not going to be blocking many bullets

Combine chatter is based though.


>videogame has videogame tropes
Whoa! Next you're gonna tell me that Alyx can survive multiple gunshot wounds!

vr looks so much better in a webm than irl
maybe in 10 years it'll be worth it.
wish I didn't fall for it.

glad you admit defeat

not full but yeah way more than any past half-life game. it grew out of a pure cover shooter minigame cut from The Lab (for being too good, to be developed into a full game, which became HL:A). but you gotta remember it that even though it's a shooter where you are encouraged to use cover, it's being a VR game makes it a whole different animal to any flat cover shooter.

>nobody fucking wants vr
the exact opposite of reality. it is ONLY Yas Forums - NintendoGAF and actual hardcore self-avowed-communist type SJWs who don't want VR.

>Alyx can survive multiple gunshot wounds!

Agreed. Meanwhile... in an actual video game unhindered by gimmicks