Why haven’t you tried streaming, Yas Forums?

Why haven’t you tried streaming, Yas Forums?

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I honestly believe I'm happier having a job completely unrelated to video games so I can actually enjoy video games.

i could be popular like ninja too

Streaming is basically a game of who can not say the N-word the longest, and Yas Forums would fail spectacularly.

Zero desire to make a living screaming or interacting with kids.


In all honesty I rather not talk for like 8 hours a day to a chat room

Because seeing that starting to stream is like seeing Taylor Swift make millons and think if you pick up a guitar will make millons too.

>service is dead anyways

I don't have a personality.

>make millions
>basically be set for life
>can quit whenever you feel like and just NEET it up


I can't imagine doing a job that pays under $100,000 a year

I like to have a private life. Video games are my entertainment and I don't like talking.

According to your location, your home is low income and based on that I can assume you make less than 12.50 an hour. Nice shit post.

I dont want to act like a retard while shilling for cancerous games and products.

What about 8k an hour?

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You have to be an annoying retard who loves to hear themselves talk in order to be a streamer. That's the only way that the bigger ones were able to do it for so long before becoming popular.

Reasons like this just sound like cope to me. The big streamers can retire at any moment as long as they save even a fraction of what they're earning.

I can't talk and play games at the same time, and I don't have any stories to share.

>two and a half hours of "work"
>16 thousand dollars
I won't even beat around the bush, I'm insanely fucking jealous

>computer science major
>work in a field where any form of social media can be the death of your career
I'm basically by the fact that tech is filled with the type of people who will hunt down some shit I said years ago and accuse me of being a nazi for it and getting me fired. As much as I'd love to do twitch, I don't want to risk it.

And yes, I do live in California so the problem is exacerbated.

I did
I used to stream just before twitch became a thing back on mogulus

Killed his career, but isn't one set for life with that amount of money?

If I were to start streaming, what would be a good game to play?

It seems to ruin people.
>Ninja is a husk of what he used to be
>Asmongold is marginally more retarded than he used to be

I doubt it's that simple

something trendy obviously, you can't just play lesser known games unless you already made a name for yourself

Because less than 0.01% of streamers earn over 1000 euros per month.

Once something becomes a job, it's hard to go back. Even if they retire, there will be that nagging thought that "why am I JUST playing this game when I could also be getting paid for it."

What the fuck, Twitch has bounties?

I had no clue this was a thing.

Need to be part of the 1k club to even see them

Unless they're under some kind of a contract, it is. Ninja most likely is under some kind of contract with Mixer though, probably something like he has to stream fora couple years at least
There would also be nothing stopping you from going back if they ever wanted to. Personally if it was me I'd ride the gravy train until the money stopped coming in, or I hated doing it.
Even then you could tell your viewers you need to take a small break and you'll still stream two days a week for them

I tried and failed. Ironically I had a pretty good start with 40 something viewers but as soon as I started playing games instead of just talking to people in chat it went downhill. The craziest thing to me is hearing that most streamers cant get more than 5 viewers ever no matter how long they stream

Everything in life is a cope

Because no one's going to watch some literal who play niche weebshit

What did you do to get those 40? Hang out in Just Chatting all the time?

Stream orbiters and parasocial relationships are real. I follow a Crossdresser on twitch and when they're actually playing games very little people care, but cooking streams and chatting keep people interacting and asking questions.

I'm going to make some videos of stuff I enjoy doing, teach people about video game audio design and sound recording. I don't particularly care if I'm popular. I'd like to meet people though. Trying to find some sources on algorithms so I can up my chances of being seen, I'm sure there is a method to it.

It's not going back to streaming that's the problem. It's going back to gaming being just about gaming.

so on top of money from subs, ads, and sponsors these fucks get paid THOUSANDS from twitch just to play certain games??? Why would twitch even give them that much? does Twitch really profit from a big streamer playing a popular game for only an hour???????

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I'd rather go back to the peak days of lets plays
I can't stand watching streams. Probably because I hate people and a stream is completely focused on one person and not a game
Am I autism?

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I post in a general on another board and someone asked me to stream so I just said fuck it and did it.

This is so true, the games/gameplay is secondary to the streamer most of the time and these days a lot people like just chatting more than game streams

It isn't, it's actually a very well-documented phenomenon. Once you introduce external motivators to an activity (e.g. money), the intrinsic enjoyment of that activity goes down. And the longer you do something for pay, the less you enjoy it on its own merits.

It's a combination of being able to appeal to the literal children who fund most streamers and pure luck. I've never bothered with it but my friend streams all the time, whether he's playing the FOTM or some obscure shit he never breaks 9 viewers because it's only his friends who ever watch him. He's legitimately good too, he carries every FPS I've seen him play and is godly at supreme commander, I think the only problem is that he doesn't scream enough for kids to be entertained.

My guess is that game devs/publishers pay twitch to have these bounties. For them this is super cheap marketing and for streamers it's a ton of money.

It's not Twitch who pays, it's the game companies for playing their games.

>several streamers say nigger accidentally and on purpose
>they continue on completely unscathed

I don't see that being an issue realistically. If you enjoy something you'll do it whether or not you're getting paid. I've been paid for erp before, and I still do it for free

>tfw job pays $30k/year but constantly looking for ways to cheapen my expenses without sacrificing quality of life
>tfw banking $1500/month right now while living a 10 minute walk from work (2 minute drive but I sold my car so I don't have to pay insurance any more and just borrow a friend's car when I need to drive any where)
>tfw boss is willing to promote me to a $60k/year position at a moment's notice should I ever need more dosh
remember bros, don't fall for the education and good career meme, just adjust the rest of your life to work for you.

the key to streaming games and making some cash from it is making sure to only play games you enjoy and that you were going to play anyway. When you go down the path of playing games you would normally never even look at is when you start hating your job.

t. guy who works a normal 9 to 5, but streams games to thousands of people at a time and make an additional $500-$1500 a month from streaming/donations

I haven't paid for my games or my computer upgrades in years.

how do you see the location?

All that supposed success yet you are posting on a anime forum for video games
Really makes you think

ALL rich people deserve to die

If you stream to thousands of people at a time, how the fuck are you only making $500-1500 a month off of it? People make careers off of that amount, considering how few people even get that many watching.

It's because once you start doing something for personal gain rather than pure enjoyment you're corrupting your energy. You're no longer doing it out of pure enjoyment for the activity, you're now doing it for compensation, aka money, aka greed. The more you do it the more you're hurting your bodies energy, which is why the activity becomes repulsive after awhile

do you really think people who finally find success just leave Yas Forums? You're here forever
seething poorfag

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I must be playing the twitch game wrong then because 90% of the money I make is off donations. I average 1200 people watching at a time. My highest ever was 6k for Dark Souls.

What success lmao, I'm working minimum wage I just made the rest of my life dirt cheap by building connections with people. I've been here for 14 years, I ain't leaving just because I have money that allows me to comfortably buy the best PC I can so I can play vidya with my free 7 hours every day.

>posting on Yas Forums makes you an automatic failure

His viewers went from like 100k to 10k.

Yeah, there are people who get 1000-1500 viewers with 5k subs, or more. Unsure what you're doing wrong.

>boss is willing to promote you to double your salary "at a moments notice"
>not asking for the promotion and instead selling your car
If he was actually willing to promote you he'd do it, not tell you that if you ever need more cash he'll do it

One merely has the opportunity to set themselves up for life. If dude has received good advice from someone who genuinely cares or isn't retarded int that aspect he'll take it. Otherwise he'll wake up one day and it's all gone.

He's simply lying, even streamers with 1000+ subs rarely average over 1000 viewers.

Lads lads lads, no need to all cope at once
Lower the defences


It'd be a promotion to a salary position, from my friends in the salary positions I know salary means working 10-12 hours a day.
Right now I'm comfy working just 8, but it's always there waiting for me because I have perfect attendance and perfect job performance.

that 20-30 million is worth more than those viewers, majority don't sub or donate.

Ninja seems like the type of zoomer that really cares about the people watching him more so than cash.

I don't stream everyday or even every week. I'll usually stream 2-3 times in the same week (on the weekends usually) and then take a break. I think because I stream so infrequently is a major reason I'm not raking in the dough. But honestly who WANTS to stream 24/7? There are times where I want to play a single player game and really get lost in the world it's creating for me. I don't want to have to perform for the camera.

How do you know what you enjoy? Very little makes me smile anymore but I really want to change.

>tfw growing up every teacher and test claimed that you were a genius who could succeed at anything
>got a free ride to almost any university in the US, joined MENSA when I was 16
>actually too retarded to make enough money to live on, let alone enough to compete with an even mildly successful streamer who yells at kids for a living
I'm not even mad at the stupid money streamers make, I just feel like the biggest retard in the universe in comparison to them. Stacking int is a meme, go full charisma kids.

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If that was true he wouldn't have taken the money

There's some 'chill' streamers out there that do fairly well but you're right it's hard to appeal to people if you don't have a lot of moments that can go viral like slamming your desk and screaming some gibberish

Fair enough. You should be getting more, though. I couldn't tell you how, just that it seems really out of whack.