Honestly, looking back, was this game even good?

Honestly, looking back, was this game even good?

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Yeah, it just has slow, deliberate pacing. Not the game for everyone

the only good one of the trilogy.

It was a good game, just not a good Metroid game
Probably the best Halo I've ever played though

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oh my god yes


I remember for some reason thinking thinking Halo 4 was going to be like a Metroid prime game. Would have been fun as shit to romp around as master chief killing aliens collecting shit.

Yes, it's outclassed by 2 and 3 though

Not just a good game but a good experience.
Game is comfy as fuck

Good game, good experience, EXCEPTIONALLY well handled conversion of a previously 2D franchise to 3D.
Watch yourselves, I just had a run-in with ACfag a couple hours ago. OP might be him.


Can't get the thing to work. Fuck my life. I love prime 1 and 2 and would love to experience it with more responsive controls.

I'm actually playing it now. Did you lads play with hints enabled? I turned them off before I started, but they're enabled by default, and I had basically zero idea where to go right before I got the water suit, so I enabled them and the game hasn't felt the same since. Also, the artifact hunt is a fucking slog, it reminds me of the triforce piece hunt of wind waker

Well, you might get lucky with the next game. Retro hired some designers from the halo series.

Yes, it's one of the best.

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As a Metroid fan who prefers the 2D games, Prime was still a great game. Just not the "perfect 3D remake of Super" idiots claim it is. There's tons of things Prime lacked.

Prime 2 and 3 were so boring I never finished them.

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I turned them off as well until it was time for the end game hunt. By then I had already explored everything so I felt it was ok. Prime 2 was not as well designed in this regard. Fucking who knew that you had to go back to torvus bog after getting halfway through sanctuary fortress?

you really missed out, screw attack comes back and all dark samus fights happen in 2 and 3

Thanks, will try again later.

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Yes, you zoomer piece of shit.

hints only show up if you take way too long going the wrong way, so I only feel like I have to turn them off when I'm deliberately going the wrong way for items or something.

5 reasons why I won't every make it through a full playthrough of this fucking trash

1) Claustrophobic and nauseating in a bad way. On a surface level this is the "appeal" I guess, but it just either makes me want to sleep or makes me want to vomit, and yes I know you can turn off the HUD
2) Boring grating musical pacing and unappealing osunds
3) By far the most unsatisfying combat in any FPS I have ever played without a fucking shred of doubt in my mind. People praise FEAR for not having bullet sponge enemies? Well you faggots should have a field day with this fucking tripe. No enemy gives a fuck about your tennis ball pea shotter garbage shots. Spamming them like a faggot feels fucking boring and the missles feel fucking gay
4) FPS platforming. Imagine nintendo actually approving turok-tier gameplay for a main IP lmao, what a fucking joke
5) Scanning is objectively content the game provides. Therefore to enjoy the game fully you are to scan everything a room has to offer to enjoy the full breadth of the game. If you play this way, the scanning-shooting back-and-forth is some of the most grating bits of gameplay you will ever have to endure in any game of any genre as it simpyl does not flow and it's annoying as fuck
well then dont bring it up as to why the game is good. If lore/worldbuilding is not a factor then this game has fucking nothing
shut the fuck up retard, how about they don't offer a ton of annoying things to scan in a crammed space. OH GEE HOLDING A BUTTON FROM THING TO THING AND READING NOTHING FILLER TEXT HOW EXCITING

this game is fucking ass and has nothing on super metroid, another annoying overrated game that would be 10/10 if it's jump physics and contorls weren't floaty fucking garbage

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Anything like metroid prime for PC? or emulatable?

>the missiles feel fucking gay
you're not supposed to shove them up your ass

an equivalent? Only thing i can think of is Journey to the savage planet or Fallen order, they have a similar structure.

System Shock 2 and Alien: Isolation.

why do zoomers have no taste, Yas Forums?


I've been here longer than you have. You fucking liberal dipshit redditors don't even know what turok is, so go back to giving money to your female streamers who made you feel cuddly because they spoke your username

t. redditor pretending to be a Yas Forums user.

Meant for

almost a decade and this meme still lives

no you haven't. Just admit that you're a zoomer faggot that wants all games to be the same because you suck and have undeveloped taste.

>being mad at liberals
This brand of faggotry is fairly recent, thanks for playing though.

You're not getting anyone mad, you're only making yourself look like an idiot. But hey here's another (You) for your collection.

Go seeps baby

>2) Boring grating musical pacing and unappealing osunds
damn it fuck you this is when it becomes obvious bait, Prime has expert sound design and an extremely memorable soundtrack that perfectly compliments it's design

ass seething retard who has no only accusations and no arguements

triggered bernieboi

i think i'll play a good game like the one i mentioned

literally mad

well produced does = good for exploration

> you're not allowed to point out that my points are bullshit and objectively wrong or you're a retard zoomer liberal
> while I use reddit spacing
it's like watching half of Yas Forums's rhetoric for the last four years, incarnated into a single form

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ok niggerfaggot
>1) Claustrophobic and nauseating in a bad way.
bad genes or you're not playing on a CRT. you most likely don't even own one since you're a zoomer
2) Boring grating musical pacing and unappealing osunds
shit taste
3) By far the most unsatisfying combat in any FPS I have ever played without a fucking shred of doubt in my mind.
it's not supposed to be an FPS, it's just a first person game. the emphasis is not at all on shooting shit. I can probably count on my fingers how many times you actually need to aim rather than locking onto something and picking the right weapon to use
>4) FPS platforming.
yes, and?
boy reading sure is hard. it's optional story telling that your fried attention span cannot handle
>Super would be 10/10 if it's jump physics and contorls weren't floaty fucking garbage
again, shit taste. it has great controls that are unique to the game to this day, you just suck and want all games to feel the same

cool so you're not going to defend your already dated gameplay, bye. Every year from now you'll see my points stand strong while you crumble away resisting to remove this game from your garbage 3x3

>zoom zoom lol
>just ignore the shooting bro its not even a shooter
>yes, and?
>wow what if i just ignore your points addressing what im about to say lol
>wow if it feels unique that must mean its good!
what a fucking retard. You speak like a tryhard channer so it's no surprise all you do is talk about zoomers. Not to mention that if you played retro games at all you'd know floaty gameplay is not unique in anyway, whereas zero misison and fusion actually aren't all that comparable to many other games and manage feel satisfying

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Zoomer or boomer, if you prefer Turok to Metroid Prime you don't have good taste.

> the game is claustrophobic (but it literally isn't)
> the music is bad and poorly paced (but it literally isn't)
> the combat is unsatisfying (but this is highly subjective and the general opinion is that it isn't)
> the platforming is bad (this one's half right, but the platforming is pretty good for an FPS so)
> scanning is tedious
then don't fucking scan you retard
the lore is a bonus for people who DON'T find it tedious

you don't actually have arguments, saying something is shit does not an argument make. Don't be surprised when you get called a perspective-less zoomer in return.

>>just ignore the shooting bro its not even a shooter
Yes. the fact that you don't get this confirms your retardation, and lack of perspective
>whereas zero misison and fusion actually aren't all that comparable to many other games and manage feel satisfying
both worse games than Super. you only hate super's unique controls because you suck

it's literally content, its part of the game. Don't include things that DESTROY the pace of the game. That or don't praise it for its inclusion, you can't have it both ways. Any first time player is going to have a miserable time juggling what to do. Making the player feel bad for ignoring content that ruins the pacing is not good game design

nice reading comprehension, retard

>it's good because it's unique!

final (You)

The first game that i played on the GC and the best game ever for nintendo.

Have sex ACfag.

> don't include things that DESTROY the pace of the game
kindergarten grade reading speed confirmed

kindergarten reading comprehension confirmed

Scanning is good because for anyone who isn't a retard, it takes only a few moments to read every blurb.

Yes you faggot

the act of scanning is not fun, and most of it is of zero value

the lore is interesting to read and adds depth to the game
and as we've established, anyone who isn't a retard that has to sound out words letter by letter can get through it without disrupting the pace of the game.

I enjoyed it a lot, but I only played through it once

Yas Forums has been incredibly racist, homophobic, and edgy as a whole for at least 10 years from personal experience.

you didn't establish shit. It breaks up the pace of the game and its poorly placed, repetitive, and retarded ambientfags like you soak it up because muh metroidlore, when it's not even remotely interesting. You sure are proud for someone who thinks games have good writing, so I'm not surprised you're taken aback when faced with the truth. Your game fucking sucks and your scanning mechanic is not impressive. You're emphasis on speeding through it says a lot.

Hey, ACfag! How's Canada?

No. It was great.

This although even then, it's still possible to beat the game in a couple of hours if you know what you're doing.

I think the game's biggest issue is that from a movement perspective, the game doesn't feel as fast or as agile as classic, 2D Metroid. But they still otherwise did a damn fine job translating the the formula, atmosphere, or overall 'feeling' to 3D. It even improves on a lot of aspects, like beam switching as opposed to stacking, which did add a lot of depth, much more complex morphball sections and mechanics, lore and worldbuilding, and music. Still one of the GOAT. I just want a proper MP4 with movement like 2D Metroid.

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>MP3 even remotely being the best MP game
>MP3 even remotely being 'good' aside from a few odd, scattered things here and there

Halo 4 had the same art director, which is probably why it had some stellar fucking environments that did look like an HD Metroid Prime game. I don't care what anyone says, the art style in that game was way better than Bungie's.

>I just want a proper MP4 with movement like 2D Metroid.
But you got Metroid Other M.

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