Now that we're allowed to criticize this game again, was the stamina limit a good idea?

Now that we're allowed to criticize this game again, was the stamina limit a good idea?

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No, hated that shit in skyward sword and i hate it here

yeah it's tied to the game balance retard.
without stamina you could climb any mountain without trouble from the beginning of the game.

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Are those hips shopped? Why are they so feminine?

Stamina should have only been drained by climbing.

This, it's a good limitation for exploration but it's a shitty mechanic for movement.

the book is tilted so they get bigger because of perspective

Why aren't yours?

yes for mountain climbing, no for running

I really like the way Death Stranding does stamina. It has multiple layers to it, and how much it gets drained varies depending on the context. BotW's for all intents and purposes only exists to regulate how much you can climb at the start, because the climbing mechanics are so shallow that if there wasn't some kind of hard limitation you could just crawl up everything with zero effort.

movement is a part of exploration. It gives mounts a purpose.

You can waltz right into Hyrule Castle and slay Ganon straight away if you aren't a pussy.

Because hes short af and his legs are really apart

Why was he castrated?

Thanks doc

Link is a Nullo.

>spend all day everyday with the princess
You'd have to be a crazy king not o

Fuck no it wasn't. What a shit ass excuse for a Zelda. Now the sequel is going to be try hard grimdark in attempt to appeal to MM fans but it won't work. You can't replace perfection.

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>Now that we're allowed to criticize this game again

nigga there has been at least one thread complaining about BotW every single day for the past THREE YEARS

there's no reason that swimming should take stamina. there isn't any area in the game that used water as a stamina barrier, and if there was it could be defeated by using cryonis.

It didn't bother me that much, I maxed it as soon as I could then used dash potions.
I hope we get a bit more complex combat next game. Like all previous 3D games had at least three different combination of slashes
>Left swing
>Right swing

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He's very muscular and also very short. Like 4'10" I think in the game world. His hips are going to be wider than a regular sized mans who has no muscle like you,.

I've always wondered if Majora's Mask was so great and full of soul because the hard development time limit made it so they couldn't be told "no change this and this and this" without jeopardizing the whole game itself.

Swimming is horrible in BotW. The one thing that 3D Zelda unquestionably had over 2D Zelda was swimming, and BotW botched it.


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>Yas Forums - Projection

majora's mask is a garbage liked by subhuman hipsters. it's the poor man's version of Oot

Stamina is fine if you let go, walk for a moment and rinse + repeat. The issue is that there needs to be more to the overall game. It has the groundwork to be improved on, which I think BotW2 will do in droves. Expect to see the engine for a long time, the real question is what will they do differentiate each title from here on.

BOTW doesn't have garbage underwater swimming so it's already better than all of the other zeldas just because of that, nigger.

He isn't. His penis is so small that you can't see it without a sheikah slate.

The sequel is also going to be delayed to the next hardware launch because they've realized midway through development that reusing the same overworld restricts the potential of their vision for it.

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It didn’t really bother me. Only chads upgraded pure stamina not health

Good for climbing, awful for running.

he's not human

The art literally looks like they just drew a normal persons legs then widened them in photoshop.
Link’s got a fatass

Upgrade pure stamina until you get to the deku tree, switch it so you have enough hearts, and then switch it all back once you have the master sword.

Images like this make me more self-conscious about my relatively premature hair loss than I ever thought I'd be. I could just shave my head when the time finally comes, but that's a pretty drastic step to take, and being mistaken for a skinhead is only marginally better than looking like the lowest tier of man.

For climbing/gliding? Yes. Running probably could have probably done without it, though.

woop woop

Reminder Zelda is bigger

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That makes both of them hotter.

Zelda games are shit. BotW was fun because it wasn't a Zelda game.

>remove gay dress-up requirement for entering the Gerudo town
>mod in music to replace the generic beepbeepboop horse-riding music with a remix of Ocarina of Time's title theme, the generic Kakariko track with the Bamboo music from Skyward Sword, the awful combat music and more
>edit mod and reduce fog to 70%
>mod in unlimited stamina so traversing the world is fun
>use clear-weather mod so the graphics don't look like ugly, green shit
>edit in the bike before beating the titans for access to fun before having done everything already
>let the bike spawn everywhere
>edit in Guardian armor for the horse to make it spawn everywhere
>edit in all the Amiibo content
>60-70 FPS at 1080p with a cheap AMD

It was too restrictive at the start of the game. It really should drain slower for sprinting.

Not accurate. They're actually thicker in game.

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The Japanese are a bunch of fags.

thanks doc

It was actually a good limiter for climbing and paragliding, and gave food a use. Running in a non-combat situation fucking sucks though and I don't completely buy into the idea of it diminishing the value of mounts as horses are still faster than Link.
You could turn around and say that running also gives food usage, but in a practical situation when you're trying to get somewhere, you not only burn through it pretty quickly,but you also want to save that gold stamina for climbing.

I still don't know how to feel about stamina in combat though. It's probably for the better that it's there.

Why is he a tranny?

You can also struggle to climb any mountain from the beginning

Link has always been a feminine pretty boy. BotW just made it more obvious when they showed he makes a great trap. That and make him dummy thick.

I just wish there were more. I wanted a mountain so tall it takes three day & night cycles to climb, but there's nothing on that level in the game. Could have used better NPCs too, but not every game can be majora's mask.

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thanks doc
Stamina meters are almost always cancer.
The exceptions are in multiplayer games and in horror games.

did anyone ever make an edit of this?

It was basically the only thing along with slots that made you feel like you were striving for a goal. Thankfully my main reason for playing the game was exploring so I didn't feel like I needed goals. But for a lot of people, the game basically becomes pointless after you max stamina. Which you can do in 10% into the game.

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>Now that we're allowed to criticize this game again

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Really we are crying about the stamina now? Hitting the bottom of the barrel real hard tonight Yas Forums.

botw sucked.

not as much as your mum

Initially it caused me a little frustration, but quickly I got so used to how it worked that it more or less became second nature, and a part of the game rather than something taking me out of it. By capping stamina, I also had to rethink the way I was climbing tall structures and mountains, which led me to footholds I could see and places I would not have been to normally. And with stamina food/potions, I still had the option to climb anything if I really, really wanted to.

>My favourite Zelda is Majora's Mask
>Miserable gits like this make us look like edgelords

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Why is that you people think its perfectly fine to spam this image, but when someone replaces Zelda to be another game, you freak the fuck out and start screaming and yelling? Why are consolewar faggots so retarded?