Meme or legit contender for the best RPG of the 10s?

Meme or legit contender for the best RPG of the 10s?

Attached: 323896-underrail-windows-front-cover.jpg (800x370, 54.55K)


I fucking hated all 230 hours I played it.

Its aight
I always get bored by the time I finish that quest with the ghosts(?) on that Island with the psy beatle things.

It's good but it really really should have some way of resetting skillpoints

stop being a faggot and give it a try so you can find out for yourself

It'd be a lot better if saving/loading was nearly instant. However even on an SSD it takes a few seconds.

I owned Underrail but for some reason it dissapeared from my Steam list. Anyway looks too slow and hard. I hate hard games

It's a good game, but not the best. I even feel that its primary contender (Age of Decadence) is better. They're different though, there's not too many good games out there that're similar to Underrail. I like it a lot.

There are some fucking dumb issues like this. Why does the game take several minutes just to open, seriously.

To add to this, all of these games require an investment before you start seeing returns. Some players are familiar with this and see the potential as soon as they start playing, but a lot of players these days that just try to 'dip their toes' don't figure it out and react negatively. Like a bunch of fucking retards. That's the biggest problem these games face, honestly.

the story is pretty boring and the core gameplay stops evolving as soon as you get all the psy abilities.

It's legit but that doesn't mean it will be fun for everyone.

I personally had a blast playing. Wasted 100+ hours while NEET and no regrets doing so. I occasionally wish I could relive the experience.

yes I love Sans

How similar is this to Fallout 1/2?

Attached: Fallout Death Animations.webm (340x258, 2.07M)

Fairly similar

A meme. There's a lot of glaring obvious things they should fix, but they focus on "muh builds/difficulty" over them.

Map system being fucking horrible is a key one. UI sucking shit in regards to not being able to drill-down for feats is another.

explain further

nowhere near as good
balance is a joke
graphics are straight up lazy
story is somewhat interesting

>Graphics are laz-

Attached: ss_56f68d9a5885e19689fdc6d5cf812719ed745692.1920x1080.jpg (1920x1080, 539.53K)

please don't tell me you think this looks good
this game has some good stuff, but presentation definitely isn't one of them.

It's good but whether it's a game for you depends on whether you don't mind turn-based non-party-based combat and whether you don't mind the game being mostly about combat, with lots of filler-encounters. Also, for some builds you might only realise hours into the game that they don't actually work, leaving you no choice but to start over.

Fuck guns
Fuck crossbows
Fuck knifes and swords
Fuck TC and TM

Play as a hammer wizard
Play as a nimble can hammerer
Play as a berserker hammerer
Play as a MT hoplite
Play as a psi monk
Play as a psiless barefisted monk

Attached: Hoplite holds the gate.jpg (1024x768, 214.07K)

Looks better than 99% of modern RPGs with their shitty uncanny valley people

Biocorp did nothing wrong
Ezra did nothing wrong
NFT deserved what happened to them

>Biocorp did nothing wrong
[citation needed]

at least until something actually happens in-game and the god-awful animations start playing.
Show me something like in Underrail ( reminder fallout 1 is 23 years old today )

What's wrong with the map system? Only thing I would ask for is showing the exits that haven't been explored yet.

Biocorp, as an entity, did nothing wrong. They were working towards immortality and understanding psi morphs. All it took was ONE bad apple to fuck it all up. That dumb bitch let her mutant assistant into sensitive areas with her, and lo and behold, shit hits the fan. Sure if you look at what Biocorp employees did at the micro level there is some fucked up stuff. Say, for instance, like leaving the crew of a destroyer to die alone in a strange place.

One of them for sure.
Dont get it if you want lots of conversation and party for yourself.
If you want tons exploration and like to unravel the story/lore yourself and sometimes puzzle-like combat encounters then go for it.

>indie game doesn't have budget like fallout
big shocker

Fallout 1 had a budget of ~$1,000,000. Adjusted for inflation, that's about $1,600,000 in today's money. That's not a lot of money.

Robobros does it again

Attached: 20200309023155_1.jpg (1024x768, 181.39K)

>That's not a lot of money.
Must be nice in that ivory tower of yours

It is.

Underrail had way less than that.
One Serbian behind it, started in 2008 and did everything from scratch, even the engine is custom-made. It was not until like 2013 when the alpha build went to early access (iirc) and he started to get some money from crowdfunding that he could hire some freelancers to polish the thing and smooth out the edges.
For what is maybe like 80% done dy one guy (not counting expansion) without much funding it is a solid game.

It was a blast till i finished core city. Then i felt kinda overleveled. Played on normal on classic exp so its probably my fault. I loved it when i was barely scraping by tho

the original question from user was
>How similar is this to Fallout 1/2?
>Did the author apply himself

Classic tends to overlevel you pretty hard

On higher difficulties an extra level or two won't help you

I beg to disagree, a single feat, spec point or enough skill points to craft an important item can be almost life or death, at least in Dominating

Fucking sseth lied to me said to play classic. However i love dumpster diving so the idea of oddity is growing on me. Doing another playthrough on hard odditity seems appealing but then that would be another 200 hours of time in one game instead of my backlog.

A story to give you guys a giggle. I originally saw underrail back when it was on steam greenlight and it looked dope. I found out you could buy it on desura and i did. Biggest mistake of my life. After the site died for good, i still thad the exe to the main game but a harddrive failure destroyed all hope. Eventually got another copy when gog did the disco promotion. In 30 years when steam dies to epic we are all losing our shit.

>doesn't post a screenshot of Lemuria
>while disagreeing about the graphics being lazy
come on, man. literally where the game looks the best graphically.

>Implying most of us will not have achieved time wizard levels and time travel and plane walking by these moments

>All the monks are casting fireballs and blowing people up with there brains, im stuck here in my heavy suit of melted down pennies shooting people with my shitty ak.

Gunbros rise up

If you take the worst part about the original Fallouts( the combat ), and then base an entire game around it. You get Underrail

so no

Imagine not being le comfy claustro-hobo. Your missing out user

>Your missing out user
I actually wish I could get the time I wasted on this game back

Attached: Undertale.png (517x96, 36.86K)

Abandon the ways of the gun
Embrace the hammer

Attached: Boom goes the ratto.jpg (1024x768, 202.22K)

I wish there was more and varied story content.

New dlc will probably add cool shit like the expansion.

I like how it looks, don't see what the problem is to be honest. It's an indie game. The credits screen doesn't scroll.

How many restarted playthroughs constitute those 350 hours?

Let me guess.
You have a severe case of 'Restartitis'

Isn't the next DLC a whole new campaign not connected to the current map?

It will be Standalone campaign yes, appart from the main game, in Hexagon if I recall Styg's words.

Gameplay? Very yes
Story? It doesn't suck donkey nuts but is nothing special.

>Story? It doesn't suck donkey nuts but is nothing special.
>he didn't get the lore

fuck yes I love the slav asthetic
it better be depressing, covered in snow and soot Styg.

I was comparing it to the greats, ut I suppose if you want to compare it to modern gaming then the story is the most amazing thing I have ever read!!!!!1111onetyoneone!

>t. lorelet