Greatest soundtrack ever

Are they right Yas Forums?

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Wintory gets jacked off a lot by industry friends but his music is great. I think there's no one else with his snooty pedigree doing game music so he's the one that gets attention.

Of fucking course not.




That’s not Sonic Unleashed.

Basically anything by Yuzo Koshiro is gold. I especially enjoy the Etrian Odyssey OSTs.

There are so many good OSTs and the dynamic between a game's story and its soundtrack really depends upon the genre.
Trails and Witcher have some great OSTs as well, but neither of them are lolishit or smash so Yas Forums gets derriere devastated about them pretty frequently.
God, you NEETs are pathetic. Almost as pathetic as the somethingawful troons that for some reason come here when the purity spiral on SA gets too intense for their fragile grasp on sanity.

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No, he's clueless.
There's a shitzillion wrpg, jrpg, games like Silent Hill, Resident Evil, they all shit on that garbage.

They didn't say it was the greatest soundtrack ever. They just made a list of breathtaking soundtracks.
Stop acting like everyone on the internet has opinions as extreme as Yas Forums.

I wish this wasn't an Epic Store exclusive on PC.

Nothing is the greatest ever because everyone has different tastes in music/games/ any media

close bug no cigar. pic related is the undisputed best video game ost of all time

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Any list without Super Mystery Dungeon is a list you can safely disregard for being wrong.

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Everyone other then me is wrong
RoR1 bros are alright too

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I like the Silent Hill OSTs. Mainly the first two.


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Off the top of my head
>Symphony of the Night
>Xenoblade 2
>Shadow of the Colossus
>Jet Set Radio
>The World Ends with You
>Chrono Cross
>Kingdom Hearts 2
Are all better

Never played Deadbolt but RoR is pretty nice

Also based

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I'd say *this* Journey has a much better soundtrack.

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Faster Than Light has the best OST ever

>Basically anything by Yuzo Koshiro is gold.
Except Streets of Rage 3, of course. That was a total mess of a soundtrack.

Wtf this song slaps

I was really interested in Journey when the game was released, but I only recently played on PS4.
The gameplay and puzzles are pretty stupid, so the only thing that stands out about the game is the art. However the art is not that good and rare parts are really beautiful.
It is a game that has not aged well and I think that anyone who is impressed with the art and ambience of this game today is not very demanding.

he's not the first
before Michael Giacchino won an oscar he was doing video game music for Medal of Honor


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Mega Man X1 in terms of catchiness of the songs, and the context they're used in. The progression of the music in the intro from central highway to Vile's theme to Zero's theme to X's theme is absolutely perfect in setting the mood.

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this is such a meme game, it's really nice and everything, but people really overrate it.


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>a perfect soundtrack is more than just a "best of..." album playing on the side
Thank you, master, for gracing us lowly ones with your wisdom.


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No. That'd be the Serious Sam games.

I don't get people that think atmospheric soundtracks that are explicitly designed so you don't notice them are "best of all time" material.


I love that shit. Does more for the game, and I prefer having some background noise over listening to someone blaring k-pop lyrics in my face most of the time.

Ocarina of Time and Banjo-Kazooie top it for me

They're stupid and wrong and you're a faggot

So then you consider Skyrim to have a GOAT OST?

Reminder Christopher Tin actually WON a grammy for his Civilization music forget the fact he only won after including it in an album not related to the videogame

Easily the correct choice so far. I think of this album daily and how the fuck a niche free multiplayer mod has one of the best video game soundtracks ever made, most of it live recorded. If the composer doesn't have a job in the industry he should.

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It was pretty nice, yeah. Hard to rate when it lifts so heavily from 3&4, though, and I'm kind of sated with those tracks already. But yes. Novelty aside, it's very well put together.

That's not Sonic Adventure 2 or Unleashed

>good OST
I'll never understand you people. It's dogshit, anybody could compose it and any other atmospheric trash.

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It's just an opinion piece, user. You know that by definition, opinions can't be wrong, don't you?

Which title holds the best is up to debate, but Ace Combat OST is consistently top shelf, master class tier.

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It was god tier.

I'm not a composer. Nor am I some puffed up cunt swirling them around in a little glass and sniffing at them. If something doesn't help make me look like the big Mr. music theory Man, so what. I don't particularly care. It's still pleasant to listen to, and still does a good job of setting the tone in game. I don't listen to music to brag about it.

Singling out Skyrim for it is just bizarre, too. Most of it isn't even original. If you don't like Soule, rag on Oblivion or, better yet, Morrowind. At least you'll find someone willing to defend that game.

Skyrim, yeah, of course it sounds good. It's mostly just oblivion is mostly just morrowind. It hasn't actually gotten any worse just because I've grown kind of tired of it.

In no particular order:

Pic related
The Last of Us
Tekken 2
Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura

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>hey man those standards you have about music are, like, just your opinion, man

>Singling out Skyrim for it is just bizarre
I said "it and any other atmospheric trash", I don't listen to this shit so I've no idea what else it is. probably any western game that's praised as the second coming of chirst like bioshock infinite, the last of us, or horizon zero dawn.

Yes, that's what you posted: Your opinion.
You don't like atmospheric music? Ok? Well, I do. Your "standards", that you consider them bad - again, so what? I don't. Wow, I'm glad we had that conversation, eh.

I was trying to say that you sound like an illiterate hippy, like the Dude.


Also, I'm not that guy.

"thing I don't like BAD" really isn't indicative of any standards, or the groundwork for further conversation
That's - literally - like, just your opinion, man.

If you need it explained to you why the music of Skyrim is subpar, the explanation would probably fall on deaf ears, anyway.

probably not THE BEST
but how has no one mentioned to the moon


not 7

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Why hasn’t someone made a allourideas poll about this? So we can vote on our favourite soundtracks like Yas Forums & 2ch did

I know it's kind of cliche but the answer is unironically DKC2

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That isn't crypt of the necrodancer

Ys Origin