>playing online game
>user get on voice chat!
Playing online game
This has never happened to me. Who is begging you to get on voice chat?
whats your deal bro we need u to call out shit
sissy white boy thread
"I don't have a mic, sorry."
Was that so hard OP?
I always get too embarrassed and say "no"
I wonder what they would tell me if they heard my voice tho...
It's Yas Forums culture ok?
Nigga, literally everyone. The problem is OP is an autist so he freaks out when people make a simple request. I usually just ignore party chat invites or other such requests
What's the problem? You call me a nigger faggot tranny on Yas Forums all the time. Get on the mic bitch.
Used to happen to me all the time in overwatch in ranked. Was usually alright when I did.
>go onto tf2 hightower server at midnight
>group of like 5 people roleplaying as a family with this one spy who doesn't talk being "dad"
>they go on for like an hour begging this muted guy to talk
>he keeps going on about how we has autism and social anxiety over and over again when they ask
And these are the people that make these threads.
>you okay you sound tired
>are you able to keep playing
Jost post the vocaroo so I jack jerk to your girly voice.
>this thread again
just say you want to suck the dick of a fat and sweaty user, everyone wants that as well
My voice is really damn boring and it feels like stuff I say goes right through people's heads.
go erp somewhere else
You are me. Except my voice sounds like a mix of underage and adult, and not in a good way.
sorry about that haha, Is it ok if I use a voice changer?
>dude get on mic
>c'mon i'm on my mic
>i'm shy
>awwww widdle baby doesn't want to use his mic
>"Are you a girl?"
>join voice chat
>"jesus fuck of course user's voice is hot"
>"dude you sound like you should be running a youtube channel"
>promise myself to get better at socializing
>agree to voice chat at any point I'm asked to
>The conversation is as boring and cringey as I imagined that it'd be and I have to fake laugh constantly to prevent silence
Should I just give up on trying to voice chat online?
Also me. My voice seems to fluctuate between like two different personalities, one being deep and another being higher.
And everybody cheered.
>don't play team games
>the only time people communicate with me is to be pissed after I destroy them
vocaroo yourself calling me a dirty slut RIGHT NOW
Nobody does. just get on the mic you'll get used to it.
I never use voice chat because I don't live alone and the fact that other people hear what I'm doing drives me up the wall.
it likely depends on who you are speaking to or if you're actually trying. everyone does this, look up 'code switching'
>Never get in voice chat bc voice is kiddy and girly like pic related
Literally me
>get on voice chat
>no one bullies me
>no one teases me
>no one calls my voice hot or girly
>no guy with deep voice calls me a sissy
>I just have a normal voice
god damn it, I just wanted to be horny
Join the 41%
post your normal voice user
Fucking faggot.
post it
Does anyone else sound like they're trying to voice act a character when they talk? That's what I do, and I don't know why. I stutter a lot so maybe talking like I'm acting makes it feel more chill and less serious so I'm not so anxious. I suspect it's also some kind of attention seeking behavior.
Gonna need a vocaroo buddy
I'm insecure about my english pronunciation and I wish I could speak better or just my own language
all i find is what i tend to call language mixing which is the gayest thing you can do vocally even gayer than loudly exclaiming your love of getting dicked up the ass
what is your first language?
post both user. I love foreign accent!
post the source you teasing cunt
You will never have a vagina.
What's the problem with voice chat?
Is there a romance anime that even comes close to Toradora?
user toradora has the worst main girl.
Why is this always posted alongside a loli
His mangina is good enough.
Fappable voice, thanks
I'm just gay, not a tranny
No way, It's still embarrassing because of my accent
This is even better!
I'm spanish
are you okay if I just read your post in english and mine in spanish? I can't think of anything to say
pour crange
Great. I'm dancing now.
Taiga is so sexy and cute.
for what purpose
>that crack
lmao homie get ready for hs tomorrow
>It's still embarrassing because of my accent
foreign anons have the cutest voices
>I thought you were a girl, user
>Did you just start using a voice changer?
>I'm just gay
I can throw you off a roof as a consolation prize
Should I keep going