Holy shit the absolute state of the genre.
Where did everything go so wrong?

>forced to play 1234h of boring ass story for some reason
>maybe endgame is okay but you'll never know if you aren't autistic enough to quest for several hours having no fucking fun
I just can't bear it.

>nice graphics and cinematics, tight gameplay
>yet filled with time gating, grind or rng shit that makes it no fun among other shit
They do some things rly good and then ruin everything with other shit it's not funny anymore.

P2W and grind

Maybe nice for Elder Scroll fans, feels more like Skyrim with multiplayer than a MMO.

Western release after 8 FUCKING YEARS.
The game already felt dated when it was first released compared to other games Jesus.

And where the fuck are the new MMOs?
Asian MMOs don't even fucking come to the west anymore.
Look at fucking Lost Ark, it got released in fucking Russia, nowhere to be seen in US or EU why?
There are also other Asian MMOs that look fucking beautiful but they won't fucking come out here.
Why? Are there not enough whales in the west or whats the issue?
I don't fucking get it really.

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>Western release after 8 FUCKING YEARS.
I will never forgive sega for this.

Could be they're testing the waters to see if there might be interest overseas for PSO3. 2's reaching the end of its content cycle in Japan, if I'm not mistaken.

>mentioned Diaper Fantasy XIV
get ready to be spammed by diaperfags OP. Never mention XIV because XIVfags are like the WoWfags of old with the utter obnoxious nature of pushing their game.

Oh interesting, so we get that 2040 then?

I hope they stay in the other thread dedicated to shitting on it.

it's really a pointless genre now that so many games have chat rooms, lobbies, co-op, etc

People who shit on questing are missing the point of MMOs.

>People who shit on questing are missing the point of MMOs.
Give an MMO whose quest design isnt just going to talk to an NPC, reading some text and the occasional "Collect 3 Bear Asses" then or some kind of "Chosen One" storyline that does nothing to make the world feel alive while still being Talk to NPC A and then NPC B.

No they aren't, go fuck yourself you moron.

the pvp/pve rift unironically killed the genre, not to mention following the fortnite formula you can make games with 1/10th the server cost and upkeep with a bigger profit margin

Oh the point is being forced to mindlessy quest?

I thought people played MMOs to play with other people and did quests when they wanted to instead of being forced.

It's bad. I ended up playing ESO for 4 years not really even liking it.

"Maybe something will come along next year." was my slogan for ESO


Fuck quests. The best part about MMO's is the content you have to accomplish with others because it's challenging. An MMO is banding together and taking lands from other players and fighting. An MMO is getting together with people and killing a fucking dragon,

An MMO isn't "Go harvest 27 goat scrotes from that forest because farmer fucknuts wants it."

Eso feels nothing like fucking skyrim wtf.
Is literally a vanilla mmo with a tes wrapper

>1/10th the server cost
Just how much does it cost to run fucking servers.
I keep hearing people defending subscriptions, p2w and stuff like that "cut they have to make money to pay for the servers somehow" like it costs several thousands to run them.
Not every game needs 50servers.

>XIV has sub cost
>XIV Devs constantly cutting content and claiming their expansion has run out of budget while having a cash shop
>WoW devs and cash shop
There is no justifying Subs in this day and age. It's just a way to keep money flowing to those who can not let go of the MMO genre in the modern day.

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>Looks like Ass
>Runs like Ass
>Only 100-350 players on at any given time

And yet Project Gorgon has been the best MMO I've played in years. Already sunk 1k+ hours since 2015 and still get back into it now and again. Who's ready for Fairy race tomorrow?

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Only post-WoW zoomers would think quests are the point of MMOs

Nothing really went wrong, themepark mmorpgs have played out their role and will die off in time. Sandbox ones might have a future although survival type games might have snatched that out of them. It's a genre that doesn't do anything well anymore.

Play Warhammer Online. Pvp action from level 1 by the designers of dark age of Camelot. Unconventional classes, best setting.

Problem with MMOs is the first M

>An MMO is getting together with people and killing a fucking dragon,
Well said user, would like to slay a dragon together with you and share a beer afterwards.

One server for around 5000 people at the same time (like WoW Vanilla) is between $500 and $1500/month.

You forgot to mention classic wow OP

mmos were pretty great from 99 til around 07. you missed the train



is what ruined MMO's

But it's dead right? only pservers left right?
Had a video on my youtube start page recently, will try it.

So the design that WoW and XIV follow. It's so sad seeing them as the top MMO since all they do is attract degenerates and people who treat them as "premium" Second Lifes.

I hope New World is ok because the combat looks good


Age of reckoning or whatever it's called has extremely populated servers up. They maintain the game, rebalanced some of the classes (og had trash balance) and are also producing new content for the game.

The genre does post-2003. Everything released after that has been garbage

Protip: if 'endgame' is a major talking point about why an MMO is good then it's a shit MMO. If the progression is primarily solo oriented then it's a shit MMO. If it has a strict and rigid 'roll system' then it's a shit MMO. If you have near no character customization beyond aesthetics then it's a shit MMO.

Honestly MMO's were a product of their time and honestly just wont work anymore in this modern internet era

I mean, looking at WoW everything that is not "endgame" is in fact irrelevant.
Old contents? trash old items? trash.

I'm playing SWG Legends right now, if you love scifi or star wars, look into that

the logical path that MMOs led to was Warframe and Destiny where its all about Drop In/Drop Out sadly. If you want the community aspect with sandbox sprinkled in you're looking at things like Modded Minecraft, Rust or the like as most of the game's economy and such is ran completely by the server community while offering "fights" that are PvE from time to time.

>Age of reckoning
Do you mean Return of Reckoning?

Literally all I want is XI-2. XI is everything I wanted in an MMO and now it's dead.

Have you heard of classic wow?

Yeah that's it

Ironically, reaching endgame is when most modern MMO's hit their actual MMO elements the most in theory. There's a reason people just want MORE ENDGAME.

Just look at WoW Classic.
In theory, instead of treadmilling your level to hit higher levels in level appropriate content to get level appropriate gear, you're working with others in your guild to hit goals you couldn't before, farming items and making plans to assist eachother, teaming up for PVP, and using your class & craft abilities to assist your guild and socialize with other players who have the same level of investment as you.

But there's not nearly enough width of content, everybody ends up competing for the same endgame gear to go into endgame content.

Endgame isn't the problem, it's how endgame is designed as a pyramid and not an opening up of content. For all the new stuff you do in WoW Classic's endgame it can be boiled down to a more vague treadmill.

We need Lineage 2 chronicles, but new.

What have been your biggest MMO disappointments?

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why did i think osrs wouldnt turn to shit
why did i trust this company after rs3
why did i think there was any chance they wouldnt fuck it up

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I'm still miffed about EQN getting cancelled. Most of the ones I'm interested in are in the early stages of development, and may or may not ever leave - Camelot Unchained, Ashes of Creation, Pantheon. I hear tell that the TERA guys are working on a new one (Ascent something-or-other), but the one I've been hearing most about lately is something called Blue Protocol.

I remember being head over heels for FFXIV when ARR came out. Played hours every single day for the first month that they give you for free. But then by the end of the month, I had already done everything I wanted and didn't feel like spending money for another month. An expansion came and went, then another. A friend got me back into the game and I happily re-played for another month, but again got bored before it came time to renew.

That game will always have a special place in my heart, but idk if I wanna go back. Hope people that are still playin are having fun tho!

MMOs peaked during a time where today's most popular genres didn't even exist (moba, br, etc). Players have since realized how much fucking time they waste in every aspect these things from grinding mobs to waiting for a group to form. No other genre requires so much mundane, inactive filler gameplay to actually get to the exciting parts. The genre was an autism simulator from day 1, and it somewhat succeeded because native players would be hooked on chasing the carrot or be 'immersed' in the non-existent possibilities they imagined up. Everyone but the turboautists with impossible standards have since left the sinking ship, and any studio that isn't already neck-deep in being reliant on this particular subset of autists for their profit would be insane to pour money into developing another title.

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There several new games, I won't list them though cuz most of them are "ye we totally release it soon" tier, but it won't actually happen.

I thought the point of MMOs were the Massively Multiplayer part. I hate how most people just go through the turbo-shit quests in multiplayer vidya without taking in the surroundings anymore, and I miss just having dumb conversations with randos at the town square where everyone would gather just to fuck around.

Have you heard of classic wow?

The truth is information at the time was very scarce, even with simple ass bosses like ragnaros you struggled a lot because few people knew the fight, everyone had potato computers and half the raid would go afk mid fight

You can't have boss fights that are challengig without making them dance dance revolution bosses like in FFXIV, because:

A. Most of the people that still play MMOs are nerds and good at videogames in general

B. Too much info avaiable

C. Everyone knows the formula by now

So unless you make it skill based by BDO without being fucking korean P2W trash MMOs will keep being mediocre

>burn out in a month
>I thought the point of MMOs were the Massively Multiplayer part
Welcome to the WoW design anons. It's shallow and lacks longevity with the only thing extending the lifespan of said content is timegating. Thats why you have things like XIV trying to stand out by having a magnificent story by MMO standards which is subpar by other non-MMO standards . The design is built to cast a huge net and retain as many people as possible but the fall of WoW has essentially made it more that certain those games will slowly die in the coming years.

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It's tough to create that kind of environment in the new internet.

I'm playing return of reckoning and enjoying it a lot, some famous youtuber made a video and it's full of people

Wildstar was literally the last good mmo to launch in the past decade. If only the launch hadn't been such a clusterfuck, there's no doubt in my mind it would've stuck around.

yeh i also loved having my data leaked, fucking retarded devs

I don't think Blue Protocol will save the MMO genre but I'll certainly try it when its comes to the West.

I had some fun with it. Loved the Ratchet-and-Clank-sorta aesthetic.

i like anime mmos

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played it during the MoP drought, it was alright but the entire combat system and ui needed a rework

Is it more of the same "solo grind generic quest hubs until cap and then queue for instanced content over and over and over" that every MMO has been for the last decade and a half?

I've felt for many years now that MOBAS, especially league of legends, had a terrible effect on MMOs. Not DoTA though, oddly enough. Companies started trying to appease these hyperactive tweens who want everything to be some epic play with a sick skillshot. It just doesn't translate. All of these games feel boil down to repeating some mindless optimal rotation while weaving around the screen trying to avoid giant glowing ground markers. It's not fun or engaging and makes me feel like I'm playing Dancing With The Stars Online.

Look at GW2 compared to GW. They traded style for substance at every turn and the game is completely lifeless despite looking beautiful. I would gladly take a game where combat is mostly talking to your party in chat and using the occasional ability like FFXI or Everquest over modern MMOs any day.

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UI sure, but combat was fine. The only tweaks needed were class based, and they got them.

Which reminds me.
Why the fuck do these jap niggers make 2-3 MMORPG anime every season but barely make any games themselves?

I don't think challenging bossfights is the way to go, yeah.

WoW throughout it's past keeps trying to diversify with extra content like new minigames for people to invest into, but it all seems like (or at least the perception) is that all feeds into ENDGAME CONTENT RAIDS eventually, and those kind of extraneous features are hard sells to "hardcore" players.

It's hard to sell social features, but social features is what an MMO needs to stop being a content funnel.
For example, do any of these games ever give you a reason or way to return to low level areas and assist lowbies somehow? Usually it seems like you just trivialize the content for them.

It's easier to make an anime than a game. Take overlord for example. If that were a real mmo, it would be a balancing nightmare with p2w out the ass.

The systems in most of these animes are leagues above what you can actually feasibly do without some extremely detailed server/client work, or just plain don't work as real game mechanics.

i'm no expert but my impression was the spell system was pretty shallow, lots of spells but they were all just a builder or spender with a different telegraph and you always picked the highest dps one, though i played a medic which i believe was not a particularly fun class

>this thread again

This is now a FFXI/v/ thread.
Would you train her Yas Forums? Have you taken the BLMpill? Don't tell me you're a dirty SMN.

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Well that went out the window when WoW introduced dungeon finder

Hm dunno, of course something like SAO doesnt exist yet and probs never will, but other shows weren't that unrealistic imo.

Can't really name them now though as I forgot the names, they weren't that memorable to be honest.

Mabinogi was max comfy.

Probably? I don't know too much about it but it looks beautiful and the starting town had a nice coziness to it.

Are sandbox MMOs truly dead?

>tfw want to play as a traveling merchant

I enjoyed the golden age of Tibia.
It was exactly that

>lots of spells
Not really. There were enough skills to have some variety in rotations, but there weren't so many skills that it was bloated.

How is Star Trek Online? I am a Trek fan and want to cruise around in a space ship

I thought ArcheAge Unchained would be the sandbox game of the decade, but nooo they had to shit it up with so many dailes you need 5h everyday just to keep up with the poopsocks.

Why can't we have nice things.