It's Krystal from Star Fox

It's Krystal from Star Fox

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Fuck this bitch for making me a furry.

die furfag

>babbies first anthro hottie
hard pass

I'm gonna COOM

Jerk it to whatever you want unless you have a fursona you aren't a furry

Disgusting. I just think anthro girls are pretty cute.

>Never the girl
>Never drew a dime
>Never cut a memorable promo
>Never put anyone over
>Never had the ovaries to step out of her love interest comfort even when Nintendo threw millions at her
>Never had a good game
>Main evented the lowest drawing Nintendo system of the 00’s
>Main evented the lowest drawing DS exclusive of the 00’s
>Tanked the buyrate of Command so hard her sequel was cancelled
>Was barely ever in the AAA picture outside of furries because she was never a big enough deal
>Only the 6th best member of Star Fox Assault
>Only the 15th best member of Star Fox Command
>Her “characterization” was cringeworthy
>Her tribal outfit/skintight jump suit was cringeworthy
>Unironically calls herself """"""""FOX’S FORGOTTEN LOVE""""""""
>Shit taste in video games
>Shit gimmicks
>Failed at getting over with the Nintendo crowd so badly she was reduced to an assist trophy in Smash Bros. which actually drew dimes
>Only significant achievement was being in one of 12 GCN games that actually sold more than a million copies
>Drew so poorly in her 2006 game that Miyu and Fay of all people had to take the spotlight off her
>spent the latter part of her career buried by superior young talent
>The biggest impact she had was being a furrybait porn character for sad neckbearded furry manchildren who can't grow up and get actual lives

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She's cute. Rare makes cute girls now and again.

I wish I was small enough to fit into the palm of her hand. Or paw, rather.

I could comfort her

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Why does he always get the face wrong?

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hnnnnggg is that an ingame model?


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You're surprised that furries can't draw?

>tfw I take the Capitan Kirk approach when it comes to attractive females of other species
I ain't a furry if I'm just trying to leave interplanetary halflings.

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I don't know. I like that face. Her fanart is really inconsistent in general.

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Aren't jaguar men one of the best Adventure Mode races, though?

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There's a very fine line between xeno and furry.


Theres multiple versions of Krystal that exist

based I want to impregnate anthro xenos one day if they ever contact us

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They made the sexiest version of Fox McCloud

Krystal has a white face not blue

Disney planted that seed in your head long before Krystal.

I don't give a fuck

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She was drawn by japs and americans alike in the games some of which are based on typical kemono designs,the other a western look.


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>that gif where she gets full nelson'd

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I'd love her and marry her

Anyone else think that cat girls and vixens are overrated? Especially the former who I've grown to loathe. I feel rodent girls and bunny girls are underrated.

Where are all the bear girls?

crocodile girls are the most underrated

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No. I'd do em all ron jeremy style.

Post it fag

wonder how many people had their furry fetish activated by this bitch

i kinda wonder what dinosaur planet, featuring just her, would have been like.

would it have been a good rare game if we cut out the starfox shit and had more time to work on it?

If you jerk it to anthro animals, you're a furry.
Trying to change definitions to make yourself seem less degenerate isn't going to work.

Could have been fun, but "could have" doesn't really amount to much.

i-is that roly's martha character?

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I’m going to say “probably not” with a little bit of leeway into “decent, but not as good as people hoped” territory. Rare was already kind of on a decline in quality, with some of their later games like Jet Force Gemini ultimately being titles that many remember (keyword “remember”) fondly, but still paled in comparison to their earlier, legendary work. The dataminers of both Star Fox Adventures and the test builds of Dinosaur Planet have also revealed that the game wasn’t as completely overhauled as many believed; we ended up getting roughly the same story progression with the same bullshit “twist” bad guy, just with one less playable character.

It’s honestly just a matter of people longing for something they can’t have. Look at all the clamoring for Star Fox 2 before it released on the SNES mini. Now that a “final” version is readily available, people don’t give a shit about it anymore.

Nice thread, Starfags.

No. It's a fan model the dude who makes these needs work. I've seen more competent furry modelers elsewhere.

But really the bottom line is I'd love a new Star Fox game to get a new model of the Star Fox ladies like Krystal or Fay. But sadly two problems 1) Nintendo is not itching to make a new Star Fox game 2) It would be a puny weak outdated hardware slightly booster PS3 tier of model like Fox's model in Smash Bros, it wouldn't compare to current gen or better yet the PS5.

For starters they should look like anthropomorphic paws. This is a bad design. This and human feet on anthro animals just looks wrong.

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Story time

(no it's not lewd)

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People dont want to be associated with fursuiters and diaperfags just like you dont want to be associated with Yas Forums and Yas Forums when they hear you browse Yas Forums.

why none of the fan models look even remotely as good as she did in the Assault renders, or even her cutscene model

If anthro girls existed they sadly would behave similar to the ones in Bojack Horseman. You know like typical hypergamous piece of shit cunts with entitlement issues and divorce screw their good husbands and all the same things women already do in real life.

What you like is fantasy. Reality is not happy, for example lionesses in real life murder male lions who grow way too old to lead a pride.

>going after the thot that literally said andross was misunderstood
jesus tapdancing christ, he fucking murdered fox's parents, and that bitch still said that.

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Didn't Andross destroy her planet?

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If we go by the definition of 'if you don't have a fursona you aren't a furry" then I, who am I married to a furry, am surrounded by furry friends and jack it to furry porn pretty much every day, am not a furry.

>Tfw no thick amazonian Sangheili gf.

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No, this is, and you would play literally half of the game with her, instead of just like 5 minutes and then fox takes over and literally steals all her scenes.

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Rodent girls are always ruined in terms of stature. For whatever reason they're depicted as being doll sized. Yet other small animals like oh I don't know bandicoots are much taller.

Was not just her, half of the game was kite, half of the game was krystal, but when they did turned into starfox, they kinda gave all her dialogue etc to fox.

But how is that a problem?

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Is the game any good?
I owned it but only played the first 2h or something and never played it again for some reason.

yeah, there's kind of a reason that command is noted for shitty writing.

>wonder how many people had their furry fetish activated by this bitch

We could probably fill a thread with the female anthros that sparked this interest. Of recent times most likely it's gotta be Judy Hopps and Toriel.


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