Be pro-consumer

>be pro-consumer
>make it so people who already own a game doesn't have to buy it again
>companies drop out because you're pro consumer

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That's a shame.

>why are people always pissed at us and buying our games less and less
These company's are so out of touch its funny


On one hand, this is very clearly some next level jewing on the part of the publishers. On the other hand, it's regarding a retarded streaming service I don't care about.

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I agree with you about streaming being shit but it's hilarious that nVidia tried to do something legitimately ethical with the concept and the overwhelming response was HATE ETHICS

Is the Bioshock remaster still shit? I haven't bought a 2K game in a long time.

I just finished BioShock 1 remastered and didn't have any issues with it performance wise.

All Bioshocks are shit, they have bugs out the ass and crash all the time except for infinite, which is just shit not through any technical fault but by having terrible story and gameplay

Is it so ethical for them to get 100% of the profit from another developer's and publisher's labour?

>100% of the profit from another developer's and publisher's labour?
The developer and publisher profited when the consumer bought the fucking games from them in the first place that they're now playing on nVidia streaming

And a multibillion dollar corporation could easily pay royalties to these companies but instead they just put indie and thropple a games on their service without asking anyone.

what would happen if nvidia says: no im not gonna remove the games.
is not like they are giving them fro free, is basically just a pc rental service

The funny part is it seems more likely to me that nvidias take on the idea could have resulted in more game sales than Google's. Stadia is dead and its always going to be a very hard sell to get anyone to invest in such an inherently flawed ecosystem. At least with GeForce now I could invision trickling in a few sales from people between builds or whatever, cause hey, at least steam isn't going to disappear next year.

>companies want to nickle and dime consumers
Fucked that they don't respect people who already purchased their product, but unsurprising. Also can you still buy the original two BioShocks anywhere? Not the remasters

imagine saying nvidia is pro consumer after the shit they pull with AMD and their patents

Sad thing is the streaming is pretty decent for the few games I tried that were specifically geforce now enabled, so my Shield was a pretty decent alternative for games.
They've literally been doing this shit for years and now its out of beta publishers are losing their shit? Too little too late

A company can be anti-consumer in general and you can still acknowledge them being pro-consumer once.

Especially since so many publishers are lining up to make it clear that they fucking hate the people who buy games from them.

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I doubt these publishers would even accept royalty payments.

When the gaming streaming services show up, you're going to have to subscribe to Bethesda Now, Activision On Demand, Origin Streaming, Epic Remote Play, etc.

The same thing happened to television in the last few years as Netflix has totally imploded in favor of 65 different television services

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what does it mean for nvidia to "have a game on their platform"?
i thought they offered the ability to stream your own games to another device.

You stream your own games from an nVidia server. Essentially you give nVidia the right to log in to your Steam account on your behalf, run your games on their big beefy instance, and then transmit the video and accept the input from your computer.

This is just a preview of how the free upgrades are going to go next gen. Don't expect anyone to give out free upgrades other than Cyberpunk and the odd indie games.

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Its gonna be like fucking video streaming, they'll all have their own piss weak streaming service and saturate the market. God i fucking hate modern video game publishers. They made BILLIONS of fucking money from MTX lootbox shit over the last 10 years and have the audacity to this.
Remember kids, dont forget to CONSOOOOOOOM for the old jews! Also remember the 6 gorillion? you owe it to as antisemites!

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they don't care about being in touch or not
all they know is money spent by company < money being made by company

You're probably right, but the difference of course is there aren't nearly the same technological hurdles with video as there are with games. Streaming games are not going to take off the way Netflix and its ilk have. How many regular subscribers do you need to maintain to keep a game streaming service profitable? I imagine it's more than the number of people willing to pay to stream a single publisher's games.

My only counterargument to this is that the publishers don't care and will waste years and millions pursuing it anyway.


Based & Red Pill, reminder that hittler did nothing bad.

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>be pro-consumer
yeah because gsync and 4 figure gpus are really pro consumer. just fuck right off.

>Pro consumer
The originals come with the remasters on GOG, no idea about Steam.

Whatever other shit nVidia does, GeForce Now had an inherently pro-consumer approach, which is why publishes are fucking seething because consumers must be destroyed

>Also can you still buy the original two BioShocks anywhere?
on pc when you get the remasters it includes both original and remaster

Apparently even indie devs are pulling their games since they weren't asked if they'd allow it. It really doesn't make sense. The game is bought, it's only played by the owner, and the only difference is that it's on Nvidia's servers instead of the owner's computer. And this could lead to more sales too. People who don't buy games that can't run on their systems would actually buy the games knowing they can now play it. But Nvidia fucked up in not making sure everyone was okay with it first.

And again you're probably right. Which really, was my original point. I couldn't give less of a shit because streaming games is such a bad idea to begin with, just seems like letting someone like Nvidia effectively rent PCs to people results in the best opportunity to at least make a couple bucks for the publishers.

>decide to rent VM machines so poorfags can play the games they buy
>somehow companies sees this as the new netflix and think you are giving games away FOR FREE*
>also they want a cut on the money you get from renting said VM because "Its running my game!"
>you LITERALLY need to own the game to play it in first place

corporation thinking is so backward it baffles me

Why dont people have to people faggots and say "jewing" do you not think that group of people have went through enough?

how does nvidia know if you legitimately purchased the game? do they have their own storefront?

>Is it so ethical for them to get 100% of the profit from another developer's and publisher's labour?
I have a Samsung TV, does Samsung have to pay Atlus every time I play Persona 5?

they check your steam or epic account

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>2K and Bethesda and a bunch of no name indie devs screaming over Nvidia's $5 streaming service
What fucking bribe money do they want? It's a fucking $5 service, even if you split it into 500 1-cent cuts there's still not enough for all the game developers.

They remotely log in to your storefront. You give them your Steam acc and password and they let you play the Steam games you own on their computers.

so should nvidia and amd pay royalties to cdpr when I buy a new gpu to play cyberpunk?

Nothing baffling about it, user. A customer buying your product is good. A customer buying the exact same product multiple times is better.

This is a good thing. Now if only they were shilling this hard against streaming when stadia came out instead of riding the big google co- I mean paycheck.

I think stadia just proved people aren't interested in doing that for a streaming service.

>Yas Forums will complain about this but defend capitalism which inevitably always encourages this exact type of behavior

Nigger do you even know what GeForce Now is? It's not a store, it's a service you can use with your own games. This isn't a streaming platform like Stadia. It's a service you use with your own games. 2K is against it because they can't monetize it. Enjoy paying $100 for your games for the 2K Streaming Service License in a few years.


If that was the case nobody would have any issues with it. It would be like Twitch, but it isn't because you have to pay for it.
Educate yourself before replying to me, or better yet stop posting altogether.

plot twist counterpoint: I already bought skyrim on pc why do I have to buy it again to play it on switch?

argue how thats any difference than this

this, all the companies are probably looking to start their own stream service, which is why. Or Google purchased their non compete for Stadia

>they have bugs out the ass and crash all the time except for infinite
Played the original 1&2 a couple years ago and crashed maybe once. You're full of shit and they are good games.
Except for Infinite.

Does it not require zero effort or money for a developer to allow the game to run through nvidias service. Opposed to having to actually port a game to another platform. Then you'd have Nintendo requiring fees to allow the game on their platform, which obviously Nvidia in not requesting.

Because they're different platforms. nVidia is literally just a PC. There's no porting involved. It's the exact same PC Game. And nVidia isn't a market place like GoG or Steam, it's literally just a service.

Its literally installing a PC game on another PC. How much of a retarded faggot do you have to be to not get this? I could literally do this in my own house with a similar program like Parsec.

>Devs kill off GeForce now so they can build their own streaming service
>Barely anyone subscribes because it’s too expensive to pay for 30 different plans a month
>They shut down their services because it costs more to maintain than it earns

Just another example of greed stopping any sort of advancements

The most apples-to-apples comparison I could make is if you own a game on Steam, you buy a new gaming PC, and the game gets pissy and says "You can't play this anymore faggot, you bought it on your old computer. Pay up."

Very nice! Thanks anons

Only EA is confirmed to be launching its own streaming service, and they didnt pull out yet.

Seems like the real issue here is no one knows how to read, that goes for the devs and the people defending their decision.

Removing games from GeForce now shouldn’t even be an option.


Geforce is a virtual machine. A virtual pc u rent. Why should u have to buy your games again? It makes no sense. In fact every other streaming service lets you play all your games for free.

It literally makes no sense, publishers are just greedy Cunts

>It’s another commie that believes his leaders wouldn’t do the exact same bullshit, but with their equivalent of money and stocks.
>It’s another commie that thinks a problem caused by socialism is a problem with capitalism.
No matter what system you live under, the people above you will always throw you under the bus.

And furthermore, most of the issues in the gaming industry wouldn’t exist if copy right laws did not exist.
These publishers wouldn’t be able to “pull” their games from services or confiscate your games if you can just get a copy from someone else.
But no! The angelos 200 years ago decided that those poor authors couldn’t make a profit if someone made a hint of something similar to what they made.