Any logical reason why you haven't play Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain yet?

Any logical reason why you haven't play Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain yet?

Just use this wrapper that makes it work perfectly on modern Windows and puts in the higher quality assets from the PS version. It even works on Linux with Wine.

Attached: 3893-8-blood-omen-legacy-of-kain.jpg (640x480, 59.85K)

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is it fun?


Couldn't get the Windows version to work back when I tried, suffered through the loading screens while emulating and eventually realized I just wasn't having fun.

That's because you're clueless fag that didn't look up this wrapper, desu.

The loadings in the Windows version are instant, of course.

I never did care for all the other legacy of kain games, but I did love Blood Omen.

Why isn't it possible to buy the game? Are the copyright holders just degenerate garbage-people? If they can't be fucked to sell it in a form that could be played on modern systems, they should just officially release it as freeware.

Pirate like a normal person.

Great game. Shitty ending.

Been wanting this game to get released on Steam. Own the rest of them. Loved this game when I was a kid.

>Been wanting this game to get released on Steam.
Zoom, zoom.

It's not very good aside from Simon and TJ.
It's slow, it's ugly, Kain can only attack 4 ways, half the relics are broken (like Pentalich and Energy Bank),

I'm willing to bet I'm older than you.

Yet you care about shit like Steam.

>want games on Steam
If he said EGS, you might have a point. But, what the fuck are you talking about?

I played it for the first time in October. Pretty good. Gotta get around to Soul Reaver next.

Normal people don't care about pointless clients when playing a game.

I don't give a shit about Steam directly. But if games are going to get rereleased anywhere post 2005, it's going to be on Steam. We aren't going to get a stand-alone republication. So stop pretending there is any other acceptable path.

Sorry I only play games with homosexual vampires.

>puts in the higher quality assets from the PS version.
damn that's pretty good. Wish I'd known about this when I played it a year and a half ago

Gog is probably more likely though. Regardless you can already play it so it doesn't really matter.

Pirate like a normal person.

Or are you Amerifat? Are you gonna get a letter?

Sorry, but I am not tolerating 19 different Store/launcher packages with 19 different user names and 19 different passwords. That's inconvenience for the sake of inconvenience.

A normal person pirates and doesn't deal with any launchers at all. You're too fat to be normal though.

Why don't i just emulate it and not have to download some sketch file recommend on 4ch
{ }

BO is the best game in the series, and it's still dogshit in terms of gameplay. The story is also retarded and shits itself with plotholes basically immediately.

Because you're a braindead retard that has no idea how to check anything himself. Just get a PS4.

Loading times.

the load times are fucking cancer even in emulation

When is the Blood Omen Netflix adaptation?

>Any logical reason why you haven't play Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain yet?
I have. It's by far the best LoK game and one of my favorite games on the first Playstation.

Is it better than just emulating the ps1 version

>he sacrificed himself to keep the pillars up


I used to like Soul Reaver, Soul Reaver 2, and Defiance because of the story, but when I replayed them all like, five years ago, I came to appreciate Blood Omen the most.

I stopped pirating when Demonoid and BlackCats went under. Never really looked around to trustworthy sources after.

That's not a wrapper, it's dolphin porn


Sucks to be you.

The load times are much faster. I prefer emulating the PSX version simply because a basic scanline filter helps the game's visuals in my opinion, but if you don't feel that way you should absolutely just play the PC version with the wrapper in the OP.

The only thing I don't like about the PC version is that certain voices with an ethereal quality, like the Blood Fountains and Spirit Forges, don't have that ethereal quality. Otherwise it's a great version.

Not really. I don't really care.

I finished soul reaver 2 for the 5th time yesterday.

I'll emulate blood omen next week

This doesn't work with the gog release?

>Added HQ Sound Patch - sound files from PS1 version. Thanks to NobelGas

Then why are you dilating in this thread? Your idiocy is entirely self-caused and your preference for Steam stems from it.

There's no GOG release for the first game.

Oh shit, cool. Thanks. I haven't played this in probably at least 5 years, so it looks like I've missed a few developments.

>Shit enemies.
>Shit bosses.
>Shit combat.
>Game """gets hard""" by simply starving you of blood and turning all enemies into black blood/poison blood by New Eden. Despite this, it's still too easy.
>Plot is pants-on-head retarded.
>Relics are broken and make the game a joke.
>Menus and loading is atrocious in half the versions.
>40% of the screen taken up by garbage HUD.
>Extremely casual babymode game where you have to employ challenges to get anything out of it.

>Plot is pants-on-head retarded.
What's so bad about it?

anyone have a link to download the game?

Soul Reaver 2 is unironically the worst of the series

The wrapper tool always afraid me to be used, I did try it to play that game but it feels like you are doing something weird with your computer.

Is this a joke?

The wrapper tool always afraid me to be used, I did try it to play that game but it feels like you are doing something weird with your computer.
Idk if it can do something bad or not.

It's a rights issue.
Activision owns the publishing rights, but Square Enix owns the IP itself.
Since corporations are kikes they obviously don't want to cooperate to re-release stuff like that as it would mean having to split profits.
Same reason why Wolfenstein 2009 is in limbo, with Activision owning publishing rights while Bethesda owns the IP.

No, probably just a retarded console owner.

I don’t like vampires.

Did play it. It's lame as fuck.
Combat's a joke. The puzzles are for babies. The interface and controls are trash in every way.
The writing is pathetic highschool level edge with a thesaurus on hand.
Kain is a fag.

I played it tho
it's a fun game but goddamn is it janky
the dialog is also comically bad, in a campy way that's pretty endearing


>Work together and split profits
>Don't work together and get no profits

Corporations are weird.

To work together they'd need to spent lawyer money to draw up the contracts, spend more money and time on meetings to negotiate who gets what cut etc etc for an ancient game that wouldn't sell all that much.
From business perspective is worthless to them to bother.

I already played it and I was waiting for Blood Omnicide before replaying.

Is it alive?

No, last year they announced on their facebook page that it's dead